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AEftP - Making wisdom crystals?

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If you don't mind being really, really bored, then you can walk around the entire map and use the Orb of Thralni to visit almost every spot where you found growing herbs. They appear again after at least every second trip as time slowly passes in game. Still not a lot, but you can make as many wisdom crystals as you have patience to waste the. time. 


Also some places will have randomly generated roaming monsters to fight and loot while you do this.


I did this playing a singleton character to reach really high levels.

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I was planning to do this as I must have missed  at least one of the caches. Of course, herbs will grow back, they did even in the original Exiles. There should be some unknown spots, too, that I can only reach using the Orb of Thralni, which still scares me as I crashed to my death numerous times in EEftP after starting too late or trying to fly too far. I think I must be one of those few EEftP fans who finished the game more than fifteen times, in almost all combinations but an all-fighter-team.

Anyway, I started a duo just an hour ago, so I can start keeping track of the caches, though I haven't got a plan yet how to raise cave lore, tool use and arcane lore to a useful score with only two chars. But I've decided that this team will steal anything they can get away with, not just occasionally, as all my  past teams.

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