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Avernum Escape from the Pits - what about fatigue?

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Why should adrenaline rush start out with 8 rounds fatigue? I'd expect a fighter to collapse after the effort, not at the start of it. Appears useless to me, to turn my fighter into a sitting duck, unless monsters are programed to stand in line to receive their lethal blows. My fighter has 2 lvls priest and smite lvl 3, though, so she can make good use of the otherwise wasted rounds, but still: Most battles are over after 8 rounds. One of my mages has just qualified for adrenaline rush but I dare not try it out, though it's mostly less critical for mages if they can't move about.

I found several hints how to shorten fatigue but I can't seem to fit them into my training plan. Suggestions, please??


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Fatigue is how long before you can use another battle discipline. The more useful ones like adrenaline rush, the longer it takes. 


There are several items that will have a chance of reducing fatigue each round. Each item is checked separately and the chances don't add. So it's possible to have the fatigue go away before the maximum time and go down by 2 or 3 per round.

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