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Dialogue boxes on entering town not showing up? [SOLVED]


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So I have no idea how active this forum is, but since posts have been made this year and there seems to still be a small community of people who still play BoE, I guess I'll put this here. I've started designing a scenario (mainly for fun, but if there are people out there who would play it, then that's a bonus) and I'm having an issue with Stairway encounters which is baffling me.

I've essentially got two towns that are linked by a forced stairway which I've dropped on a portcullis. That works fine. However, I wanted a dialogue box to come up when the party enters the second town for the first time, like you get in Sweetgrove in VoDT. No matter what I try, it won't appear unless the special is on a space the party walks onto (when just having it in the town specials list didn't work, I tried having it so that the stairway deposits the party onto the space containing the special, but it wouldn't activate until I walked off and on again). I could live with having the party walk to it in this case, but there might be a point later on in the scenario when I really need the special to be triggered just by entering the town.

Now, here's the thing - I looked to see how it's done in VoDT and ASR (it's probably done in ZKR too, but I don't remember), and it seems to be this: using VoDT as an example, when the party enters Sweetgrove, the game checks to see whether the party has activated the quickfire machine yet, in which case they'll have been sent to Sweetgrove via a forced stairway. If they have, they get a few dialogue boxes, then a reward, and then the scenario ends. If they haven't activated the quickfire, the game checks to see whether the party has visited Sweetgrove before. If they have, nothing happens, if they haven't, a dialogue box comes up. All this happens just by the special nodes existing in Sweetgrove's list. Zaskiva has much the same thing, only it checks to see if you've inadvertently killed Lord Volpe, and if you have, you die.

I made a tiny scenario containing three towns, representing Fort Talrus, Sweetgrove and wherever it is in the school that the quickfire machine is located (Major Waste Repository?) I copied the above as simply as I could, putting a special in the third town which changed flag 0,0 and then sent the party to the second town via a forced stairway. The second town was supposed to check the value of 0,0 and display a dialogue box accordingly. Did it happen? Nope. I like to think I understand specials fairly well and I can't see anything vital I'm not doing, so unless someone can enlighten me I'm guessing it's a bug. Why it only affects my scenario and not the official BoE ones though (I've played through the beginning of VoDT and the Sweetgrove message comes up), I have no idea.

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1 hour ago, Azalea said:

All this happens just by the special nodes existing in Sweetgrove's list.

This is certainly not true. One of those special nodes is the start of the chain, and it must be referenced from somewhere, most likely in the Town Details or Advanced Town Details screen. Nodes don't run just because they exist. Something has to call them intentionally.

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Well, you have just answered my prayers! There is indeed a section for this in Advanced Town Details. I don't recall ever using that before, yet I'm sure I got this to work in the umpteen scenarios I never finished as a child. Oh well, I remember that menu having seen it just now. Honestly, it would be really handy if specials had a 'Called By' section so you don't have to trawl through all your specials, or even towns, looking for the number, like I was doing with VoDT.

This has made my day, especially as I didn't think I'd get a reply, certainly not so soon.


Edit: I tell a lie, it's coming back to me. I think I did used to know that existed, probably because at some point I read the entire scenario editor instructions from start to finish before I even let myself begin a scenario. However, it's been years since then. Years of thinking my BoE days were over.

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  • Azalea changed the title to Dialogue boxes on entering town not showing up? [SOLVED]
On 9/2/2022 at 8:31 PM, Azalea said:

Honestly, it would be really handy if specials had a 'Called By' section so you don't have to trawl through all your specials, or even towns, looking for the number, like I was doing with VoDT.

That's a good idea. I've opened an enhancement request for it on the GitHub.

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Hi, just for information,
I have a special branch of cboe : https://github.com/fosnola/cboe/tree/special_code ° where I replaced the old methods to define specials by scripts¹. It allows to load an old scenario, then you can save it in "my" new format, unzip the scenario and look for the "sdf(...)" strings. I often use this method when I test an unknown scenario and I'm stuck ( even if there are some sdfs that are stored elsewhere : sdf to set to 1 when a creature dies, ... )  



° I work on Mac, so it must be easily compilable on OsX ; for other platforms, it will be necessary to rework the platform projects :-~
¹ You should not use it to create new scenarios.


For instance, a few lines taken from grep -r "sdf(" valleydy

./out/out0~2.code:if (!once_set_sdf(206,4)) return();
./out/out0~2.code:if(i0==0) sdf(206,4)=0;
./out/out0~2.code:if (!once_set_sdf(206,5)) return();
./out/out0~2.code:if (!once_set_sdf(206,6)) return();
./out/out0~2.code:      sdf(206,6)=0;
./out/out0~2.code:if (!once_set_sdf(206,7)) return();
./out/out0~2.code:      sdf(206,7)=0;
./scenario.code:if(sdf(2,5)==1) jump(1);
./scenario.code:if (!once_set_sdf(100,6)) return();
./personalities/talk4.xml:                <![CDATA[int res=buy_sdf(500,4,2,1);
./personalities/talk2.xml:                <![CDATA[select_talk_msg(sdf(2,3)<=0);
./personalities/talk2.xml:                <![CDATA[select_talk_msg(sdf(2,3)<=0);
./personalities/talk2.xml:                <![CDATA[select_talk_msg(sdf(2,3)<=0);
./personalities/talk2.xml:                <![CDATA[select_talk_msg(sdf(2,3)<=0);
./personalities/talk2.xml:                <![CDATA[select_talk_msg(sdf(2,3)<=0);
./personalities/talk3.xml:                <![CDATA[select_talk_msg(sdf(3,2)<=0);
./personalities/talk3.xml:                <![CDATA[select_talk_msg(sdf(3,2)<=0);
./personalities/talk3.xml:                <![CDATA[select_talk_msg(sdf(3,2)<=0);
./towns/town8.code:if (!once_set_sdf(8,0)) return();
./towns/town8.code:if (!once_set_sdf(8,1)) return();
./towns/town8.code:if (!once_set_sdf(8,2)) return();
./towns/town8.code:if (!once_set_sdf(8,3)) return();
./towns/town8.code:if (!once_set_sdf(8,4)) return();
./towns/town8.code:if(i0==0) sdf(8,4)=0;


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15 hours ago, osnola said:

where I replaced the old methods to define specials by scripts

Doesn't this kinda defeat the point of the special node system…?


I gather that you consider it useful for determining where SDFs are used, which is actually another good enhancement to add, but we were talking about where special nodes are called.

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10 hours ago, Celtic Minstrel said:

Doesn't this kinda defeat the point of the special node system…?

This replaces it with something more powerful, that is, 


  • if I'm not mistaken, you can do at least the same things as with the old and new special node system,
  • you can code complex things in one block (instead of having to write k small specials)
  • I try to add some new functions° and it is relatively easier to add a new one,

a similar change that appears in Blades of Avernum except that Jeff does this for all specials while in my code there are still a few integers for terrain/objects/monsters that remain and mean calling a local/global special.



I gather that you consider it useful for determining where SDFs are used, which is actually another good enhancement to add, but we were talking about where special nodes are called.

Oops, using scripts helps a bit, i.e. I usually open in an editor the town/outdoor .code file, then look for "jump(8)" if I want to know where the special 8 is called. I also use the "<special ..." command in the town/outdoor xml files. But of course, that doesn't solve all cases. 
To summarize, adding a function to do this, is indeed a good idea.


° I try to maintain in bad english (ie. frenglish) a small doc https://github.com/fosnola/cboe/blob/special_code/doc/HowToWriteSpecial.md  .

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But in my mind, the point of the existing node system is the ease of use for people who aren't used to coding. A written scripting language presents a higher barrier to entry. The node system could certainly be improved, but I don't think replacing it with scripting is desirable for the most part.


(Scripting also makes it more difficult to create a tool that will list references to an SDF or special node.)


That said, I don't think it's bad to have scripting as an option; in particular, if you actually compile the scripts down to my existing special node syntax, then scripting could exist as a design-time auxiliary tool.

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But in my mind, the point of the existing node system is the ease of use for people who aren't used to coding. A written scripting language presents a higher barrier to entry. The node system could certainly be improved, but I don't think replacing it with scripting is desirable for the most part.

As for the complexity between the two methods, it's true that it's different; at the beginning, the special nodes mechanism is surely the easiest, but as soon as you want to do non-basic things, I'm not so sure (you have to create 5 or 6 specials to do this, ...). 


The only thing I can really talk about is the readability of the result: when I search for something, and I find° :

if (sdf(2,3)==3)

I quickly understand what it is about, I make a shift click on the mess(3) to see the message 3, then on 'jump(9)' to see the special with number 9.
On the other hand, when I was doing the same thing with the old version of the editor, I was always a bit lost, I had to look at the type of the special, search in the list of parameters, those that are potentially important, ...


° in the mini editor of Scenario Editor that I added and that needs to be improved. For those who have a Mac and want to test, there is a compiled version of the special_code branch in https://github.com/fosnola/cboe-distrib/tree/main/MacOsXExperimental



- I add some mechanisms to make the writing of code easier in the mini-editor : a button to check that the syntax of a code is ok, you can choose the enum, picture, sound as before or using a enum name button:no, pict:terrain, ... The functions can have default parameters. You can also click on the name of a function and see what it does (in broken English :-~ ).

- The main remaining problem is that will have to work on the list of functions we want, their names, their arguments. I tried to do my best, but ...



That said, I don't think it's bad to have scripting as an option; in particular, if you actually compile the scripts down to my existing special node syntax, then scripting could exist as a design-time auxiliary tool.


Even ignoring the fact that I added a lot of functions, converting a script to special nodes doesn't make much sense in my opinion, scripts allow to write code in a too flexible way.


What may be feasible, is to propose to users to automatically write code snippets by calling the old interface, i.e. clicking on a "Generic Starway" button, ... which displays the old dialog, ..., and ends up inserting the corresponding code at the current location .



(Scripting also makes it more difficult to create a tool that will list references to an SDF or special node.)

 To find the sdf, the calls to the special, yes it's true that it's more complicated to write ( even if I've already created a function that checks the existence of the calls of specials that are in the scripts : check_unavailable_codes ).

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1 hour ago, osnola said:

Even ignoring the fact that I added a lot of functions, converting a script to special nodes doesn't make much sense in my opinion, scripts allow to write code in a too flexible way.



The special node syntax I designed was intended to evoke assembly languages. Compiling complex code down to an assembly language (technically, machine language) is a fairly normal thing to do. I think in theory, anything you write in your scripting language should be able to be reduced to a series of nodes (unless of course you've added new features that don't have corresponding node types). There are certainly some complications, such as variables, that might make that trickier, but I believe it should be doable, and it means both systems can sit side-by-side without needing two separate interpretation engines in the actual game.


By the way, does your scripting include the concept of "pointers" that I introduced in the node engine, or is that removed in favour of variables or something?

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The special node syntax I designed was intended to evoke assembly languages. Compiling complex code down to an assembly language (technically, machine language) is a fairly normal thing to do. I think in theory, anything you write in your scripting language should be able to be reduced to a series of nodes (unless of course you've added new features that don't have corresponding node types). There are certainly some complications, such as variables, that might make that trickier, but I believe it should be doable, and it means both systems can sit side-by-side without needing two separate interpretation engines in the actual game.

Yes, this is probably possible, but I'm afraid that without complex mechanisms to simplify the result, it will generate a lot of special nodes and the result will become totally unreadable.



By the way, does your scripting include the concept of "pointers" that I introduced in the node engine, or is that removed in favour of variables or something?

I remove it in favour of variables because it is possible to write directly "jump(sdf(2,3)+4);", ... and define static variables of type int (or string, list of int, list of string) that are persistent. Ie. if necessary, it can be simulated with static scenario variables: s_int0, s_int1, ... that can be accessed anywhere (using scenario.s_int0 if you are not in the scenario context).


I also did not implement the part about global strings as it is now possible to write:

print_string(["The terrain name is "+get_terrain_name(get_special_terrain()),"The ..."]);

and/or use string's variables to store/modify string.


- if necessary, I can reimplement these mechanisms, but I'm not sure how often they are used but I fear that when they are, the code quickly becomes unreadable (ie. using static variables probably makes the code longer, but it can remain readable).

- using a static list of int is probably better [int] s_params; then the code can be s_params=[2,4,5]; jump(8);  and in label8: if (s_params.empty()) do_A(); elif (s_params.size()==1) do_B(s_params[0]); ...

- the right solution is probably to allow to define in the code new functions, it's possible but I didn't have the courage to implement it.

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49 minutes ago, osnola said:

Yes, this is probably possible, but I'm afraid that without complex mechanisms to simplify the result, it will generate a lot of special nodes and the result will become totally unreadable.

It's not meant to be readable. It's meant to be interpreted by the game engine.


50 minutes ago, osnola said:

if necessary, I can reimplement these mechanisms, but I'm not sure how often they are used but I fear that when they are, the code quickly becomes unreadable (ie. using static variables probably makes the code longer, but it can remain readable).

It may be better to keep them around for compatibility reasons, if nothing else. Although, admittedly, pointers are not used in any extant scenario… but global text certainly is.

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It's not meant to be readable. It's meant to be interpreted by the game engine.

It remains that even incredibly difficult to do. For example, if someone writes:

[int] hidden_towns=get_list_towns(town:hidden);
if (hidden_towns.empty())
if (hidden_towns[0]<3) {
    [string] hints=["Hint1","Hint2","Hint3"];
    dialog_message(["You receive an hint about town "+to_string(hidden_towns[0]),hints[hidden_towns[0]]]);

I'm not sure if it's worth the hassle to translate it and/or how to do it.



It may be better to keep them around for compatibility reasons, if nothing else. Although, admittedly, pointers are not used in any extant scenario… but global text certainly is.

I will try to find the time to do that...

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15 hours ago, Celtic Minstrel said:

But in my mind, the point of the existing node system is the ease of use for people who aren't used to coding. A written scripting language presents a higher barrier to entry. The node system could certainly be improved, but I don't think replacing it with scripting is desirable for the most part.

This. I've dabbled in coding enough to have a fair idea what's going on in that snippet of code from VoDT, but I haven't done enough of it to be able to read it without a great deal of effort. Interpreting the language is much harder work than just learning which information I need to put where in an interface that does that for me.

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3 hours ago, osnola said:

It remains that even incredibly difficult to do.

Yeah, sure, it's difficult. It's basically "writing a compiler". It can certainly be done, but would not be easy.


I don't know how your snippet would be compiled down to nodes. Perhaps some new node types are needed to support what you're doing there. But it's certainly possible to do.

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Just for note, if we choose to have scripts and also add basic templates to help build pieces of code, for example, a template for "Stuff Done Flag", we can generate the script:

//----start_template("Stuff Done Flag",7,5,1,4,-1,-1,6)----
if (sdf(7,5)>=1)
//----end_template("Stuff Done Flag",7,5,1,4,-1,-1,6)----

then it will be enough to look if the player clicks in a template zone; in this case, we reopen the dialog which corresponds to "Stuff Done Flag" (verifying first if the intermediate code was modified or not).

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On 9/8/2022 at 4:37 PM, osnola said:

It may be better to keep them around for compatibility reasons, if nothing else. Although, admittedly, pointers are not used in any extant scenario… but global text certainly is.

I will try to find the time to do that...

I just added some functions : see the end of  https://github.com/fosnola/cboe/blob/monsterCode/doc/HowToWriteSpecial.md .



- monsterCode is a temporary branch, I usually create such branch to test something before deciding to keep them or not; here as I play a singleton, at the same time in Queen's Wish 2, the only thing I test is if this branch compiles, ...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have just added the possibility to use templates (which look a bit like the previous system) to edit scenario/outdoor/town specials, I did some tests (but there must be still some problems, the interface must be improved, ...).


Note: I also added in https://github.com/fosnola/cboe-distrib/tree/main/MacOsXUnstable a version compiled on OsX if some people want to look.

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I don't think any amount of working with a scripting system (templates or whatever) will give something as nice as vanilla BoE uses. I still think the only reasonable way to introduce scripting is for it to be compiled down into special nodes – the editor may understand the scripting language, but the main game engine has no need to know it even exists. Sure, you'll probably need more types of special nodes than what currently exists, but that's not an issue, just add them.

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On 10/2/2022 at 5:25 AM, handle with air said:

I agree with CM.  Having two separate interpretation engines is asking for trouble.  Compiling scripts down into nodes is going to be much more sustainable.

The changes in this branch are more important, the game no longer knows the old format of special nodes(*). So writing a complicated assembler to produce nodes that would then have to be converted back into scripts seems like an inefficient idea...


(*) there are two exceptions:


  • when a legacy scenario is loaded, all its special nodes are converted to scripts,
  • the code I just added in Scenario Editor to allow the user to use the old interface (slightly modified) to write code. But these intermediate nodes are converted back to script as soon as the user has modified them.


On 10/1/2022 at 10:08 PM, Celtic Minstrel said:

I don't think any amount of working with a scripting system (templates or whatever) will give something as nice as vanilla BoE uses. ...


I'm not really sure about this, i.e. with a little modification of my current code, it would even be possible to present the user with the old interface that allows users to enter their code as nodes and modify them (hiding the fact that the game runs as scripts behind it). But I find that not hiding it allows :


  • novice users to code almost as before and then decide whether or not they want to start writing code directly,
  • to the others to work as they want, including through their favorite code editor (probably using from time to time the syntax checking tools I added and the mini editor to correct typos).
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The whole _point_ of BoE, the whole thing that distinguished it from other 90's scenario creation engines, and the reason it drew such a large userbase compared to BoA, is the special nodes system.  Special nodes are what really stood out, because they offered a moderate level of power and flexibility at an extreme minimum of a learning curve.


I don't mean to be negative about your project.  It's certainly interesting!  But I do think it's a mistake to prioritize the new format over the old one.  All it takes is one edge case error in how you translate between special nodes and your scripting, and _every_ currently existing scenario breaks for you.  There's much, much less chance for edge case error if you translate from scripts to nodes, instead.


(Also, if somebody creates a scenario with your editor's new format, it won't be playable with any other version of BoE, which is a pretty big restriction.)

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On 10/3/2022 at 5:01 AM, osnola said:

I'm not really sure about this, i.e. with a little modification of my current code, it would even be possible to present the user with the old interface that allows users to enter their code as nodes and modify them (hiding the fact that the game runs as scripts behind it). But I find that not hiding it allows :


  • novice users to code almost as before and then decide whether or not they want to start writing code directly,
  • to the others to work as they want, including through their favorite code editor (probably using from time to time the syntax checking tools I added and the mini editor to correct typos).

Sure, you might be broadly correct in your analysis. However, building scripting directly on top of the special node system, by compiling scripts down to nodes:

  • Presents the user with the old interface by default, with no risk of something breaking.
  • Allows users to enter their code as nodes, with no risk of strange bugs caused by code parsing.
  • Allows users to code just like they used to and then decide whether or not they want to start writing scripts.
  • Allows users to work however they want, including through their favourite code editor.
  • Allows loading old-format scenarios without needing to translate their nodes into code.
  • Keeps the game engine itself simpler, as it only needs to run the special nodes. No parsing of code or syntax trees required.

In other words, it presents all the same advantages while cutting out several disadvantages that your version has. Modifying a block of text programmatically will always, always be more error-prone and complicated than manipulating structured data in code. You can test it and test it (and unit test it), but the fact still remains that you have to parse it just to present the old interface, then write back the user's original script with the required changes.


There is admittedly one disadvantage to doing it that way, which is that the scripts need to be compiled, adding an extra step. You can't just edit the script and have the change instantly show up in the game just by reloading a saved game. You need to change the script, get the scenario editor to recompile it, re-save the scenario, and then reload the saved game. But there's no reason that can't be automated. The scenario editor could be equipped with command-line paramaters that instruct it to compile a script without loading the UI, or the compilation could be handled by a separate external tool (which the scenario editor calls when it needs to compile scripts).


I appreciate all the work you've put into this project, and I really wish I had more time to review and merge many of your proposed changes. However, your scripting language that replaces nodes is not something I would consider merging. You can feel free to continue to work on it though – your fork is yours, after all – and you can even feel free to post about it here. Even if it's not merged in its current form, some of the ideas that went into it could inform a later scripting language project.


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