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Avernum runs slow

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I've got a nice shiny new Macbook with 1 GB of RAM. I also have a new Intel iMac. I used to have a 400 Mhz iBook with 192 MB RAM. I've played Avernum 3 on all three (separate downloads) and they pretty much run at the same speed: slooooow.


By slow I mean there's a slight delay when I click, and any graphic that is supposed to move fast (javelin, firebolt, other spells) moves with about the speed of dial-up internet download. I play it with no other apps running, I turn off background noises and special effects, I try different resolution configurations, I try running it out of full screen mode... nothing works.


Avernum works fine, Avernum 2 is slightly slower, and Avernum 4 is awesome. Why would Avernum 3 run slow on my Mac's, and can it be fixed?

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often colliding software components can cause problems like that.

try using diskwarrior or conflictcatcher to check your hd.

but then, thats quite improbable if its the same on all 3 macs.

what else... uh... having the game installed on an almost full hd or hd-section could be the cause.

ah, what do i know.

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An article from TidBits on Conflict Catcher:
Wanted: Conflict Catcher for Mac OS X

Here's the good news. Mac OS X doesn't suffer from the same sort of conflicts that Mac OS 9 did. You will seldom, if ever, find that installing a new piece of software causes some other program to act in an unnatural, demon-possessed fashion. Apple promised that level of reliability, and they delivered.
I've also noticed that playing Starcraft on my Mac's, the movie cut-scenes run slower than I would expect. It's not the CD either.

Am I the only one with this problem?
So is there anyone out there with the same problem?

EDIT: I'm gonna try running A3 in Parallels, Win XP Pro. Theories anyone?
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Okay, now that I'm on my MacBook, I created a quick party and ran to the bandit cave to test out the speed of the game in XP (which I can already see by walking around that it's much better). By far the slowest action in OS X was Bolt of Fire, so I tested it on a bandit. BAM! Flew across the screen like lightning and he crumpled to the ground.


Then I got semi-excited and I opened up A3 in OS X and try Bolt of Fire on a rat... Still slow. I don't understand it.


And I thought these games were made for Mac... :rolleyes:

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