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Avernum 3, v1.1.4 Crashes


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I should have mentioned this ages ago when I first encountered it, but I've only just recently gone back to play Av3 v1.1.4 now...


When in the Magician offices in Fort Emergence, I crash when trying to get into the Library area (with the Magician in there).


I crash when trying to go through either door and it's straight to desktop.


I'm on Mac OS X 10.3.9 (though it happened on earlier OS X builds too (10.1.2+).


I've never had this problem with the classic build, though I did also have this problem in Av3 v1.1.3.


The good thing about Mac OS X is that I get a crash reporter log, hopefully you'll know how to read it


Here is the log from Av3 v1.1.4


Thread 0 Crashed:

0 Avernum 3 v1.1.4 0x00415a4c 0x405000 + 0x10a4c

1 Avernum 3 v1.1.4 0x0043c6f4 0x405000 + 0x376f4

2 Avernum 3 v1.1.4 0x00446bac 0x405000 + 0x41bac

3 Avernum 3 v1.1.4 0x004444a4 0x405000 + 0x3f4a4

4 Avernum 3 v1.1.4 0x00442a00 0x405000 + 0x3da00

5 Avernum 3 v1.1.4 0x00488ecc 0x405000 + 0x83ecc

6 Avernum 3 v1.1.4 0x00481244 0x405000 + 0x7c244

7 Avernum 3 v1.1.4 0x00480814 0x405000 + 0x7b814

8 Avernum 3 v1.1.4 0x004769b4 0x405000 + 0x719b4

9 Avernum 3 v1.1.4 0x00475f10 0x405000 + 0x70f10

10 Avernum 3 v1.1.4 0x004757d0 0x405000 + 0x707d0


And the one from Av3 v1.1.3


Thread 0 Crashed:

0 Avernum 3 v1.1.3 0x004158a0 0x405000 + 0x108a0

1 Avernum 3 v1.1.3 0x0043c6c4 0x405000 + 0x376c4

2 Avernum 3 v1.1.3 0x00446b7c 0x405000 + 0x41b7c

3 Avernum 3 v1.1.3 0x00444474 0x405000 + 0x3f474

4 Avernum 3 v1.1.3 0x004429d0 0x405000 + 0x3d9d0

5 Avernum 3 v1.1.3 0x00488bac 0x405000 + 0x83bac

6 Avernum 3 v1.1.3 0x00480f4c 0x405000 + 0x7bf4c

7 Avernum 3 v1.1.3 0x0048051c 0x405000 + 0x7b51c

8 Avernum 3 v1.1.3 0x0047689c 0x405000 + 0x7189c

9 Avernum 3 v1.1.3 0x00475e08 0x405000 + 0x70e08

10 Avernum 3 v1.1.3 0x0047570c 0x405000 + 0x7070c


Hope to see a Av3 v1.1.5 that fixes this problem in the future.

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Another crash bug for Av3 1.1.4


In the Fort in Upper Avernum with the Teleporter that takes you to the Tower of Magi, there is the woman who left her necklace at the Tower of Magi.


Now when I first go into to see her, she's a corrupted graphic (squiggles and lines). Also once I speak to her and gain the necklace retrieval mission I can no longer get into her room (the game crashes just like the first bug on trying to open the door).


Here is the mac crashlog for that, I'm still on Mac PPC OS X 10.3.9 (a G3 iMac).


Thread 0 Crashed:

0 Avernum 3 v1.1.4 0x004158d0 0x405000 + 0x108d0

1 Avernum 3 v1.1.4 0x0043c6f4 0x405000 + 0x376f4

2 Avernum 3 v1.1.4 0x00446bac 0x405000 + 0x41bac

3 Avernum 3 v1.1.4 0x004444a4 0x405000 + 0x3f4a4

4 Avernum 3 v1.1.4 0x00442a00 0x405000 + 0x3da00

5 Avernum 3 v1.1.4 0x0041dac8 0x405000 + 0x18ac8

6 Avernum 3 v1.1.4 0x0041c134 0x405000 + 0x17134

7 Avernum 3 v1.1.4 0x00488c18 0x405000 + 0x83c18

8 Avernum 3 v1.1.4 0x00481244 0x405000 + 0x7c244

9 Avernum 3 v1.1.4 0x00480814 0x405000 + 0x7b814

10 Avernum 3 v1.1.4 0x004769b4 0x405000 + 0x719b4

11 Avernum 3 v1.1.4 0x00475f10 0x405000 + 0x70f10

12 Avernum 3 v1.1.4 0x004757d0 0x405000 + 0x707d0


I own the full version for this game (and Av1, Av2, Av4 and BoA), so I would appreciate and fixes that can be make (or does no-one care anymore?).

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That was the first thing I tried.


Now it seems to work properly in Classic mode (OS 9), but it crashes in OS X mode.


So I'm left thinking that it must be the Av3 OS X application itself that is causing these problems (as stated it happened in v1.1.3 and v1.1.4 - so it's not a simple corrupted installer problem).


Also switching between the older Avernum 3 Town file and the newer one also doesn't make any difference, so it must be the Application.

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Hah I found the problem!


Apparently between the OS 9 build and the OS X builds someone changed the that that registers which type of character graphic the Sorcerer Mage uses.


In OS 9 the mage only uses the 3 sequence graphic (Stand, Attack, Die), but in OS X it's set to use a 5 sequence graphic (Stand, Holding for attack, Attack, Sit, Die).


This means that the game crashes upon entering a room with the incorrect graphic (such as a Mage sitting in a chair). Which seems to be where the majority of crashes are coming from.


It doesn't matter though because I can fix it myself through Resedit.

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For easy reference the affected graphics are


1517 - The Blue Mage


1518 - The Purple Wizard


I'm not sure if there are any other affected graphics, though I wouldn't be suprised if the Triad Wizard (1565 ?), was also affected (I'll have to check that when my newest Warrior Band goes to the Tower of Magi).


Generally you can only tell they are broken, if they are trying to use the sitting down sequence (though the death, and attack ones are messed up too).

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This is an oversight on the patch. If you patch an old Avernum 3 to the newest version, the application file expects the new graphics, but the old graphics file remains.


For now, I'm going to remove the patch and just have people with ancient versions download the full version. It's been out long enough that a patch shouldn't be necessary.


- Jeff Vogel

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