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Triple Slartifer, Part 9


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"My names," Slartibus said to the Demon, "are like the child corporations of Kraft Foods. Please help me." The Demon replied:





It's time to banish some more PDNs! In the post below, you will find a list of 44 PDNs (chronological) and 44 crossword-style clues (alphabetical).


Your task is to correctly identify which PDN is described by each clue. You will receive 2 OR MORE points per reference correctly identified. The standard value is 2, but clever explanations will increase it. Points will accumulate going forward; and yes, there will be another prize at the end for the highest point totals.


I will update the list periodically to remove PDNs and clues that have been successfully guessed. You are welcome to use Google (or any other resource) to try and figure things out. Some will be easier than others. Good luck! And watch out for Great Justice and Great Vengeance points, which may make a return appearance.


Note: When making a guess, please make everyone's life easier by pasting the entire PDN (with number), as well as the clue. Please do not retype it from memory as this tends to introduce errors which confuse people. For example:


1. Dame Annals -- Murasaki nickname

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378. Characters not permitted

380. Public Display of Anomia

382. Panopticodpiece

387. Spilt Ilk

390. Septic Paladin

394. <><><><>

396. Beards

397. Rake Low Urn

398. Long Cons and Massive Clocks

402. Intelligence Toes


A reference to long-departed cartoonists

Amille Aglia looks for easy money in an RPG

BDSM implement, presumably

It's Cains all the way down

Make PDNs Great Again

Operator overload

Painful to remove

Showing off my plastic identity

TM cousin, perhaps from Silvar or Shayder

Your nostalgia for the sub rosa culture you were never a part of is showing, dear


367. Piety Nor Wit -- Moving finger immunities, according to Omar Khayyam

368. Castle in the Air - Location of the Princesses of Rhyme and Reason

369. Vindictive Raccoon - Minion of the Mad Hermit

370. Palimpcaestus of Finnegolfans Name - Recyclable elf consciousness streams from my hands

371. Finitude et recommencement -- What everything is, according to Stereolab

372. Phantom of the Thraxx - Hidden Coleoptera

373. Open Oaken Oblong Coffin - Yeah, but is it art?

374. Grammar Glamor Grimoire - Self-descriptive spelling repository

375. Left Unjustified - Neoliberal text formatting

376. Hoodwinked with a scarf - Cupid, or Justice, maybe

377. The Bubble bubble - In which Jane Horrocks briefly receives the appreciation she deserves

379. Solipsissimus -- The loneliest philosopher

381. Ethical Chain Mail - Magically grows or shrinks to fit the dilemma at hand

383. Lwar (Lizard Lord of Formello) - Nazgul cousin, or Black Shade or Dragon styling

384. Sylak's Ineluctable Geneforge - Spawns plot holes every 300 turns

385. Micropope - Research tool for theological questions

386. Clash of Crayons -- MMO aimed at an untouched demographic

388. Opiñata - A garish, shoddily constructed argument that conceals pearls of wisdom

389. Resistance is Septile - Sleep, StopSpell, and Surround will be assimilated

391. Ablaut Bloat - Too many vowel alternations spoil the base

392. Umlaut Boat - It sneaks up from the back of your mouth

393. Twisty little PDNs (all alike) - A colossal undertaking

395. Sign Out - Sign that becomes reduplicated when you become it

399. DLRO REDR WEHT AHSI -- Grave puzzle fit for a hardtype

400. Finger of Avadon -- Another attempt to live up to that first "psychosexual" proclamation, maybe

401. Conditional Daisy Chain of Ugliness


403. Technically I'm free and I can find the key - What Obi-Wan Kenobi explained in the lobby

404. Landlord of the Pit - Sacrifices those they contract with for short-term gain

405. H.W.F.M.C.O.T.I. - Not my sparky personality, but definitely the most memorably named

406. Tooth Fairy Faith Healer - Laying hands in latex

407. Hearse First! - How a meme fit for a queen enters the graveyard

408. Tempus Fruitbat - Incarnation of a timely adage

409. Recursive Bow {inscribed} -- Artifact from Godelescherband

410. Polymorphous - Protean epithet

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384. Sylak's Ineluctable Geneforge - Spawns plot holes every 300 turns

Reference to the silly Sylak items, most notably the one that over time could fill your inventory with bricks. Maybe combined with Geneforge because that's the series with some of Jeff's most famous plot holes (i.e. the lost continent)?

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384 - YES +3 - the plot holes also reference the inevitable consequences of this further extension of Vahnatai Creationism

404 - YES +3 - specifically, the landlord sacrifices their tenants; this definitely in no way refers to my current life situation :p

375 - YES +3

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370. Palimpcaestus of Finnegolfans Name - Recyclable elf consciousness streams from my hands

Okay, my first thought was that this might be some kind of reference to Fingolfin, high king of the Noldor - there's your elf. A palimpsest is, basically, a thing that gets recycled to use for a different purpose. And the book Finnegan's Wake, which seems to get a nod in the odd spelling of the name, is noted for its stream of consciousness writing. Did I get it?


368. Castle in the Air - Location of the Princesses of Rhyme and Reason

These princesses were at this castle in The Phantom Tollbooth.

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399. DLRO REDR WEHT AHSI -- Grave puzzle fit for a hardtype

okay so in popular 90s video game Final Fantasy VI there's a puzzle involving gravestones with inscriptions that spell out ERAU QSSI DLRO WEHT: "THE WORLD IS SQUARE" backwards. this is like that only it spells out THE WORLD IS HARDER and also the order is mixed up a little, making it harder to decipher, hence hardtype. "hardtype" itself is also a final fantasy reference: Final Fantasy IV had an "Easytype" version that simplified the game, leading the original release to be nicknamed "hardtype" by comparison, and some other unofficial difficulty hacks of games to be named "hardtype" by analogy. incidentally, the version of ff4 originally released outside of Japan is widely believed to be the same as the Japanese Easytype version, but that's a misconception: there are some similarities between the two, but also some ways in which the English-language release is closer to the original (notably, the final boss's sprite, which was changed for Easytype, is still the same as in the original version). i got off on a tangent there a little bit i think

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396. Beards -- Another attempt to live up to that first "psychosexual" proclamation, maybe

when avadon was still in the planning stages jeff made a blog post about it where he mentioned it was (loosely (very loosely)) inspired by seeing an opera about noted bad husband bluebeard, which was apparently described in a review he read as having psychosexual elements. a beard can mean one of two things: the thing you can grow on your face, or a spouse married for the purpose of concealing homosexuality. avadon character redbeard, in addition to having the first kind of beard, has three "wives" but doesn't appear to be in an actual romantic relationship with any of them. now i'm not saying redbeard's gay, but it would explain some things, wouldn't it

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386. Clash of Crayons -- MMO aimed at an untouched demographic

Clash of Clans is a massively multiplayer online game (an MMO) available for mobile platforms. the joke here, which i will proceed to ruin by explaining it, is the idea of an MMO marketed to toddlers, who draw with crayons. possibly this is a jab at the perceived deleterious effects of the rise of freemium mobile gaming on the games industry or possibly it's just an amusing mental image

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367. Piety Nor Wit -- Moving finger immunities, according to Omar Khayyam

ok so this one is a reference to poet Omar Khayyam's Rubaiyat, or more specifically, to Edward Fitzgerald's translation thereof: "The Moving Finger writes: and, having writ, / Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit / Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, / Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it."

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409. Recursive Bow {inscribed} -- Artifact from Godelescherband

inscribing is a game mechanic from popular roguelike angband that allows you to inscribe notes on an item in your inventory for various convenient purposes. many variants of angband have been made and most bear titles with the suffix "-band". Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid is a book that discusses, among other things, the role of recursion in logic, computer science, psychology and various other fields of human knowledge

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400. Finger of Avadon-BDSM implement, presumably

authority fetish?

371. Finitude et recommencement-Recyclable elf consciousness streams from my hands

End and i cant translate that better than rebegining probably an analogy to how tolkien explains that elves dont die(at least in sirmarilion) simply go to sleep when they are tired of life and come back when they rest enough. Feanor's mother being one apparent exception.

374. Grammar Glamor Grimoire-A garish, shoddily constructed argument that conceals pearls of wisdom

On how people might use bad gramar as a counter argument. And grimoire being associented with wisdom but i cant connect.


Side note i was not ready for this so soon.

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394. <><><><> -Hidden Coleoptera

Im sure there is a beetle somewhere here.

Now that i think about it this hint would go great with an altered piece of lyrics of any beatles song. Which might be here but im not knowleadgeable enough to know all their lyrics. Hell i dont even know yellow submarine

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388. Opiñata-A garish, shoddily constructed argument that conceals pearls of wisdom

Im voting for this over the above one.

Pinhatas are garish and shoddilly constructed things with usually candies inside. Opinions are likewise not very strong as opposed to facts but they dont lack wisdom some times

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377. The Bubble bubble - In which Jane Horrocks briefly receives the appreciation she deserves

One of British actress Jane Horrocks most famous roles was a character named Bubble. The second "bubble" connects to "briefly" in the clue - bubbles are known for existing temporarily and then - POP - being gone.

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406. Tooth Fairy Faith Healer-Amille Aglia looks for easy money in an RPG

Camille Paglia is a famous crictic of a crapload of sensible things and often manages to correlate the most absurd things and making them seem conspiratory and exploitant. Im not sure where rpg is in here, but i wholeheartedly believe she could make money over some critique of modern culture with those words at the head


Edit: fun fact she actually has some liberal views on a lot(i use it lightly i have no idea how many liberal views she has) of stuff. Such as sexual and reproductory freedom. As such she is a great example on how ad hominem is bad.

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Complaint: MultiQuote had no problem allowing me to quote 17 posts at once, but now it tells me I can't have that many quote blocks in one post. Sigh.


370. Palimpcaestus of Finnegolfans Name - Recyclable elf consciousness streams from my hands

Okay, my first thought was that this might be some kind of reference to Fingolfin, high king of the Noldor - there's your elf. A palimpsest is, basically, a thing that gets recycled to use for a different purpose. And the book Finnegan's Wake, which seems to get a nod in the odd spelling of the name, is noted for its stream of consciousness writing. Did I get it?


368. Castle in the Air - Location of the Princesses of Rhyme and Reason

These princesses were at this castle in The Phantom Tollbooth.

370 - YES +3 - nicely done, although you missed one element: the funny spelling of Palimpsest is due to its merger with caestus, as in "the Set of Caestus of Fingolfin." Which, incidentally, you can activate to shoot some kind of magic missile from your hands. Yes, it's another Angband reference. I was pretty proud of the amount I packed into this one PDN.

368 - YES +3


399. DLRO REDR WEHT AHSI -- Grave puzzle fit for a hardtype

okay so in popular 90s video game Final Fantasy VI there's a puzzle involving gravestones with inscriptions that spell out ERAU QSSI DLRO WEHT: "THE WORLD IS SQUARE" backwards. this is like that only it spells out THE WORLD IS HARDER and also the order is mixed up a little, making it harder to decipher, hence hardtype. "hardtype" itself is also a final fantasy reference: Final Fantasy IV had an "Easytype" version that simplified the game, leading the original release to be nicknamed "hardtype" by comparison, and some other unofficial difficulty hacks of games to be named "hardtype" by analogy. incidentally, the version of ff4 originally released outside of Japan is widely believed to be the same as the Japanese Easytype version, but that's a misconception: there are some similarities between the two, but also some ways in which the English-language release is closer to the original (notably, the final boss's sprite, which was changed for Easytype, is still the same as in the original version). i got off on a tangent there a little bit i think

YES +5


396. Beards -- Another attempt to live up to that first "psychosexual" proclamation, maybe

when avadon was still in the planning stages jeff made a blog post about it where he mentioned it was (loosely (very loosely)) inspired by seeing an opera about noted bad husband bluebeard, which was apparently described in a review he read as having psychosexual elements. a beard can mean one of two things: the thing you can grow on your face, or a spouse married for the purpose of concealing homosexuality. avadon character redbeard, in addition to having the first kind of beard, has three "wives" but doesn't appear to be in an actual romantic relationship with any of them. now i'm not saying redbeard's gay, but it would explain some things, wouldn't it

NO -- although it is an excellent connection that did not occur to me & I support the gay Redbeard theory. Expect Great Justice.


386. Clash of Crayons -- MMO aimed at an untouched demographic

Clash of Clans is a massively multiplayer online game (an MMO) available for mobile platforms. the joke here, which i will proceed to ruin by explaining it, is the idea of an MMO marketed to toddlers, who draw with crayons. possibly this is a jab at the perceived deleterious effects of the rise of freemium mobile gaming on the games industry or possibly it's just an amusing mental image

YES +4


379. Solipsissimus -- The loneliest philosopher

solipsism is the philosophical position that holds that only oneself exists or can be known to exist. the worst thing about being a solipsist is that if you're right, nobody will ever agree with you

YES +3 - also Ipsissimus, which is Latin for "the most himself" -- of the same etymology as solipsism. Notable largely as a highly ranked title in one of Aleister Crowley's secret magickal organizations, though I forgot to reference that in the hint this time.


367. Piety Nor Wit -- Moving finger immunities, according to Omar Khayyam

ok so this one is a reference to poet Omar Khayyam's Rubaiyat, or more specifically, to Edward Fitzgerald's translation thereof: "The Moving Finger writes: and, having writ, / Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit / Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, / Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it."

YES +3


409. Recursive Bow {inscribed} -- Artifact from Godelescherband

inscribing is a game mechanic from popular roguelike angband that allows you to inscribe notes on an item in your inventory for various convenient purposes. many variants of angband have been made and most bear titles with the suffix "-band". Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid is a book that discusses, among other things, the role of recursion in logic, computer science, psychology and various other fields of human knowledge

YES +3 - also a play on the recurve bow (which is not actually an item in Angband but is a type of bow)

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400. Finger of Avadon-BDSM implement, presumably

authority fetish?

371. Finitude et recommencement-Recyclable elf consciousness streams from my hands

End and i cant translate that better than rebegining probably an analogy to how tolkien explains that elves dont die(at least in sirmarilion) simply go to sleep when they are tired of life and come back when they rest enough. Feanor's mother being one apparent exception.

374. Grammar Glamor Grimoire-A garish, shoddily constructed argument that conceals pearls of wisdom

On how people might use bad gramar as a counter argument. And grimoire being associented with wisdom but i cant connect.

400 - NO

371 - NO - but very interesting - although they don't just "go to sleep", remember there is the whole thing with the Halls of Mandos and everything

374 - NO


394. <><><><> -Hidden Coleoptera

Im sure there is a beetle somewhere here.



385. Micropope-Research tool for theological questions

Pun on microscopes(a research tool in biology) and theology/religion (Popes lead one of the most popular religions so... )

YES +3


388. Opiñata-A garish, shoddily constructed argument that conceals pearls of wisdom

Im voting for this over the above one.

Pinhatas are garish and shoddilly constructed things with usually candies inside. Opinions are likewise not very strong as opposed to facts but they dont lack wisdom some times

After thinking this through I think I am going to have to ignore this response -- I know you said you prefer this to the other one but I think allowing one person to make multiple guesses at the same time, for the same PDN or clue, can't be an option. Now that the first one has been dealt with feel free to make this guess again and/or to make a different one.


381. Ethical Chain Mail-Magically grows or shrinks to fit the dilemma at hand

Reminds me of something my sister said on political double standarts on morality/ethics how media inflates some dilemas and makes little of others.

YES +2 - this was a reference to elven chain mail from AD&D -- itself modeled on Tolkien's mithril chain. Elven chain though had the special property (among others) of magically resizing itself, within reason, to fit its possessor. The ultimate reference here is to people who freely adjust their ethical judgment to the situation at hand, rather than sticking to principles.

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377. The Bubble bubble - In which Jane Horrocks briefly receives the appreciation she deserves

One of British actress Jane Horrocks most famous roles was a character named Bubble. The second "bubble" connects to "briefly" in the clue - bubbles are known for existing temporarily and then - POP - being gone.

YES +2 - you aren't getting any more points because you didn't display an appreciation of Bubble in this post :(


406. Tooth Fairy Faith Healer-Amille Aglia looks for easy money in an RPG

Camille Paglia is a famous crictic of a crapload of sensible things and often manages to correlate the most absurd things and making them seem conspiratory and exploitant. Im not sure where rpg is in here, but i wholeheartedly believe she could make money over some critique of modern culture with those words at the head


Edit: fun fact she actually has some liberal views on a lot(i use it lightly i have no idea how many liberal views she has) of stuff. Such as sexual and reproductory freedom. As such she is a great example on how ad hominem is bad.

406 - NO - also while I don't agree with Camille Paglia about everything, not least her use of ad hominem, I agree with her about a lot of things, including some of those conspiracies and exploitations.


373. Open Oaken Oblong Coffin - Yeah, but is it art?

Elements of dialogue exchange from a famous scene in the TV show Absolutely Fabulous (series in which the aforementioned Jane Horrocks played Bubble).

YES +2 - although I wouldn't in any way say "famous scene," I'm fond of it:




405. H.W.F.M.C.O.T.I. - Not my sparky personality, but definitely the most memorably named

The letters stand for "Helper who finds missing children over the internet," which apparently is a joke personality type that originated on a website called The Spark.

YES +3 - this was a thing circa 2000


372. Phantom of the Thraxx - Hidden Coleoptera

Thrax is bug-monster boss in the SNES game Secret of Evermore. Coleoptera is a palette-swap counterpart bug-monster boss fought in the same location later in the game.

YES +2 - although Thraxx has two x's and you missed the other reference, to the Phantom of the Opera, likewise hidden in a location people thought they knew

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Now you're grumbling about my answers? :p

YES +2 - you aren't getting any more points because you didn't display an appreciation of Bubble in this post :(

It's hard to appreciate something I had never heard of until doing google research to solve this puzzle. :rolleyes:


YES +2 - although I wouldn't in any way say "famous scene," I'm fond of it:

The quote showed up on enough different google hits for me to conclude that it must somewhat well known, even if, as mentioned, above, I'd never heard of the show before. Clearly your, ah, appreciation, for British pop culture is much greater than mine (although since I know next to nothing about British pop culture, that's a low bar ;) ).


Also, I totally got that Phantom of the Thraxx was a Phantom of the Opera reference...and then totally forgot to mention it.

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I guess it is British pop culture, but it's more a cult favourite that appealed to the right demographics to have a lot of screen time in the late 90's / early 00's internet. (My joke in 2002 was that you could find all the gay men on Friendster by searching for men who liked Absolutely Fabulous and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It was a joke but I'm pretty sure that would have been effective at the time.)

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391. Ablaut Bloat - Too many vowel alternations spoil the base

An ablaut is a change in the vowel between different forms of the same word (such as sing, sang, and sung). Ablaut Bloat would involve an excess of vowel changes - just as the clue indicates. The clue also riff off the saying "Too many cooks spoil the broth," but with base (as in the base of a word?) taking the place of broth.

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If my google-fu serves me well, these are commands (or something) using the programing of Atari games. The first involves loading, the second comparing, and the third branching. (Behold with what sophisticated language I talk about computer stuff I don't really understand!) The question is what PDN this clue matches. My best guess is

401. Conditional Daisy Chain of Ugliness

It's a chain. Check. And the these different commands set up and ask for conditions...so it's a "conditional" chain, right? And the fact that it's apparently repeatedly ad infinitum tells me something went wrong or wasn't done correctly, making it ugly. Check.


Or maybe I'm revealing incredibly colossal amounts of ignorance about computers.

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406. Tooth Fairy Faith Healer - Laying hands in latex

Laying on hands is often associated with miraculous healing (or with today's fraudulent shysters who purport to heal). Dental care professionals (dentists, hygienists, and I guess even tooth fairies?) wear gloves when working, and latex is common material for such gloves.

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If my google-fu serves me well, these are commands (or something) using the programing of Atari games. The first involves loading, the second comparing, and the third branching. (Behold with what sophisticated language I talk about computer stuff I don't really understand!) The question is what PDN this clue matches. My best guess is

401. Conditional Daisy Chain of Ugliness

It's a chain. Check. And the these different commands set up and ask for conditions...so it's a "conditional" chain, right? And the fact that it's apparently repeatedly ad infinitum tells me something went wrong or wasn't done correctly, making it ugly. Check.

YES +3


Close. This is 6502 assembly language, which was used by some Atari systems, though the actual inspiration here was an NES game -- Dragon Warrior II, again. It is, indeed, a daisy chain of (basically) IF x THEN GOTO y statements, where you then default to the next statement if you didn't GOTO. There are much better ways to handle that... it's just awful for a lot of reasons, some general and some particular to the way the game allocated its available space.

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408. Tempus Fruitbat - Incarnation of a timely adage

Tis a pun! "Tempus fugit"is a "timely" adage, commonly rendered as "time flies." Bats also fly. I think maybe you're also mixing "flies" the verb that time performs with "flies" the bug, for example, "fruit flies."

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406 - NO - also while I don't agree with Camille Paglia about everything, not least her use of ad hominem, I agree with her about a lot of things, including some of those conspiracies and exploitations.


I was actually talking about ad hominem used against her. As in people discard all she believes in because of some of what she says specially on what she speaks about feminism. Myself, i was raised by two women. Honestly believe in equal rights and oportunity(i guess thats the main focus of feminism but i realise a few feminists take it too far). Also i don't mean this in the acusatory at all, just pointing out why i cant see her in a good light. Oh the hypocrisy of it all xD


388. Opiñata-A garish, shoddily constructed argument that conceals pearls of wisdom


Pinhatas are garish and shoddilly constructed things with usually candies inside. Opinions are likewise not very strong as opposed to facts but they dont lack wisdom some times

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371. Finitude et recommencement What everything is, according to Stereolab

Stereolab - Hillbilly Motobike bam bam bam bam!


Tout est finitude

et recommencement

la nature a des cycles

éternel changement


Everything is end and rebeginings, the nature has cycles, eternal changes.

Thank you Thais (she the stereolab fan, and the person that actually gave this answer) And credits to google(for confirming the lyrics).

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387. Spilt Ilk - Self-descriptive spelling repository.

I suppose ilk means something like of the same kind. It deffinitelly is self descriptive in light of the saying about crying over spilt milk. Im oblivious on spelling repository but let me make a fool out of myself: milk and ilk have similar spellings and ilk in itself is a repository of many closelly associate things.

Please congratulate me on making my dumbest yet post xD

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407. Hearse First! - How a meme fit for a queen enters the graveyard

Hearses are how are lot of things enter graveyards.

YES +1

This is actually a reference to the "Purse First" meme, which is associated with Bob the Drag Queen. Like a bad pun, it has basically no rhyme or reason behind it and one can only hope it dies soon :p


408. Tempus Fruitbat - Incarnation of a timely adage

Tis a pun! "Tempus fugit"is a "timely" adage, commonly rendered as "time flies." Bats also fly. I think maybe you're also mixing "flies" the verb that time performs with "flies" the bug, for example, "fruit flies."

YES +2


388. Opiñata-A garish, shoddily constructed argument that conceals pearls of wisdom


Pinhatas are garish and shoddilly constructed things with usually candies inside. Opinions are likewise not very strong as opposed to facts but they dont lack wisdom some times

YES +3 - aaaand, sometimes it is necessary to ruthlessly beat an opinion with a bat of reasoning in order to find said pearls of wisdom.


371. Finitude et recommencement What everything is, according to Stereolab

Stereolab - Hillbilly Motobike bam bam bam bam!

YES +3


387. Spilt Ilk - Self-descriptive spelling repository.

I suppose ilk means something like of the same kind. It deffinitelly is self descriptive in light of the saying about crying over spilt milk. Im oblivious on spelling repository but let me make a fool out of myself: milk and ilk have similar spellings and ilk in itself is a repository of many closelly associate things.



396. Beards - Painful to remove

Ok i on ocasion(by this i mean thrice in my life) grow an afro. It is painfull to remove do to the amount of time and care you put into growing it. I suppose beards are the same but i am yet to unlock the ability.

NO - but interesting interpretation, hehehe


390. Septic Paladin - Nazgul cousin, or Black Shade or Dragon styling.

Corrupted paladins. Corrupted kings,

Add a little bit of punk references and dragon styling. Add a little bit of avernum and black shades.

NO - not a bad association, but both that PDN and that clue are more specific than that.

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380. Public Display of Anomia - TM cousin, perhaps from Silvar or Shayder

TM was well before my time, so I everything I know of him I barely-remembered secondhand comments, but I've had this vague nagging feeling that these are connected for some reason. Also, Shayder is the home of the Anama, which is a word similar to "anomia."

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