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boulder blocking path

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Actually, there is a Priest spell called Move Mountains, and the matching scroll called Stoneshatter, that can break cracked walls and certain boulders. NOT all boulders, though, so save before you spend a scroll. There will probably be some visual clue, that is, breakable boulders will look different than unbreakable ones, but I haven't come across any yet, so I can't tell you which are which.

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Can I follow up on this? The above has not solved the problems for me. Spoilers:


In the Serpent Cult lair, for instance, there are at least two of these boulders that are not removed by the Stoneshatter scroll, yet there is no alternate way around them. Seems clear to me that these boulders are meant to be removed. The graphic for them is distinctly different than normal cave rubble. One such is easily found by entering the Cult main floor. It is in the southeast, near the entrance and the reptile trap door.


Am I just missing something here? Are there different levels of the spell required, and the scroll is only "level 1?" Is it bugged?

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It's kind of a blink-and-you'll-miss-it thing, but if you try to break down an obstacle with a spell or scroll that's too low-level for it, you'll actually get a message in the transcript window to that effect.


Also, make sure the specific party member who's actually using the spell or scroll is very close to the obstacle. It's got a tiny range and that range is calculated based on the caster's location.

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