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Dhorl Stead and all the "carnage"-- did I miss something?


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So I just finished killing Lord what's his face and half his minions after he wouldn't come quietly. I have to say I'm confused with the descriptions of carnage in the village-- especially the implication of burning homes. Obviously I'm supposed to feel like I did something wrong, but i don't recall lighting fire to any homes or slaughtering women, children and puppies. In fact, i killed the same or maybe less hostiles as on any other mission. Is there a piece of narrative I missed here?

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Runner Kellen's dialogue is the clearest about all this. Hunter Salom also talks about it a bit. Carsta'Arl sent out word before you came, and most of the village has already fled. The remainder took up arms to stand and fight. They believe that without their lord, they'll be crushed by the rest of Khemeria very quickly.


And the ones you did have to fight... you're not just killing random spiders or something; these are the main warriors of a town, and what would otherwise be ordinary pest-elimination is, here, quite a lot of killing of regular people.


I can't find any reference to burning buildings in the scripts, but I admit that I haven't searched thoroughly.

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In any case, I am not sure that the objective is to make you feel that you did something wrong. Ultimately Castor Oil was a nasty dude who needed killing. Unfortunately, there was not a way to get it done without a lot of collateral damage that will end up including a bunch of innocent men, women and children when their neighbors who are only slightly less nasty dudes than Castor Oil get done with the situation. To me, the objective is to see that even doing what is right can cause a lot of suffering and that not every mission is going to end with happily ever after.


Avadon and the Pact just go in, kill the problem and then leave. The other option is to go in, kill the problem, occupy and defend the place, install a new leader and see what happens. This takes a lot more resources and the locals tend not to be any more grateful than if you had just let them all get slaughtered by their neighbors in the first place.

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