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Odil's MIA (spoilers)


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Hey guys, I've been happily slaughtering my way up to the third time I was called to the Contested Lands (well, technically I was happily slaughtering things there as well).


Here's the spoilery stuff, so an advanced warning.


Edit: I managed to find him, but if you are interested to see HOW I did that, you'll have to read the entire story :) SPOILERS are still there, and in case I didn't mention earlier SPOILERS.

Edit 2: The problem is worse than I thought, I am starting to deteriorate. In fact it's so bad that it seems like I forgot everything that happened after level 19, I'm at that level again, the problem isn't solved of course. BTW spoilers ahead.

Edit 3: At this point it's possible I have saved an old file over a new one, which explains edit #2, it doesn't explain where Odil went (it does make it unsolvable for me I'm afraid :(). Since I don't know how much help I can get at this point, I'll just give a word of warning:

When you get to handle Consina personally, go do it immediately, explore later! Also, spoilers incoming.



Early bird catches the loot and all, I started my happy hunting today being sent to meet a nice old man by the name of Commander Odil, hoping for a good day of slaughtering.


Odil was very polite about it and sent me to scout ahead.

As the protocol requires from a sneaky spy, I slaughtered every titan I could find (I was really sneaky about it), happily looting any piece of valuable (and less valuable) item they had. Very productive effort I might say.


Met the Scout that wouldn't stop speaking, sadly, I couldn't slaughter him. We parted with me threatening him, his rebellion, and every piece of loot he might have had with slaughtering (don't worry, I was only kidding, I didn't threaten the loot!). A lovely encounter by all means.


Back to Odil I went, as there didn't seem to be any more slaughtering or looting to immediately be had, this seemed to infuriate him (he really should watch his temper at his age, it's unhealthy!) and sent me to aid him in finding something to slaughter.


Off we went with his bunch of merry men (or women, I don't discriminate as long as their happy) and found some titans to slaughter and loot, all in good spirits, since we had so much fun at that time, we thought an after party is due and headed into the rebels fort.


A woman by the name of Constina didn't seem to happy with our sport (I guess she was mad we didn't invite her) and started yelling at poor old Odil about this, the old commander seemed to take it very seriously, which might explain later events, and decided that because she's not nice we'll have to just slaughter all her men (or women, not discriminating at all when it comes to this activity).


Happily counting my gold coins I went back to the commander, who seemed to be a bit uplifted by our last endeavor, and he asked me to go down and check if the woman decided to go downstairs due to all the noise.


Being the curious fellow that I am, I decided to first go around and scout a bit, after all commander Odil DID send me scouting earlier, and there might be more things to slaughter and loot, right?


Some wolves and pelts later, I found a southern exit from the zone and thought to myself that I might as well "tag" it while there, so I did.


Finally, after the map showed that there is no other spots for sneaky loot to hide from me, I went down to have a conversation with that rude lady. On the way there I passed by the fort, but not a soul was there, naturally thinking they all went for a short tea break while I was scouting around.


Down the rabbit hole, a few more NPCs slaughtered, a few more loot pieces looted, and I met the shouting lady Constina. She didn't seem happy to see me, which is understandable after her being so rude to my dear old friend Odil, and she expressed it by being rather uncivil. So we started to argue.

It seems I was more compelling and managed to win that argument, excited to tell Odil the good news I went to find my friend, maybe he saved some biscuits for me?


Searched for him in the rebel fort, but he wasn't there anymore.

Thought it's a good idea looking for him back in his fort, after all even with all the fun we had that day he was still the commander, and without him his soldiers wouldn't know what to slaughter and whom to loot (or the other way around, I'm always confused about such things). But he wasn't there either.


Well, maybe he decided to be playful and hide in the hideout where I met him earlier, but not there either I'm afraid.


After a few more rounds in The Titan Lands I still couldn't find my dear friend, nor anything to loot or slaughter, this had me worried so I went back to Avadon and speak with Heart Probus about this, a man Odil's age disappearing is some cause to be alarmed, he might have be going senile!

Probus, pretended not to know a thing about the incident, telling me to go find Odil and play with him a bit in The Titan Lands (the same thing he told me earlier in the day), I'm certain he was just faking it so to not hurt Odil losing his memory like this.



At this point though, I'm rather worried about the old man, I don't know where he might have gone and I am afraid he might be sitting somewhere cold and lonely, probably hungry to. Can you kids help me find my friend?



Edit: I found my friend!

It appears the Odil was hiding in his fort really really well since I couldn't find him the first time there. He must have gotten bored of the game, or forgot we were playing (the silly lad) as when I came back after dinner he was sitting there happy to see me.

(Quitting and restarting the game solved it).







If it matters, I have the Steam version.


Yours truly,


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I only just found out about this problem, and I would like to generate a workaround and a fix.


If you are in the zone and Odil is gone, please save the game in the top left save slot. Go into the saved games folder (its location can be found here: http://www.spiderwebsoftware.com/avadon2/techsupp.html), compress the folder Save0, and send it to support@spiderwebsoftware.com.


Once I have a fix, I'll post it on the support page and get a patch uploaded. Thank you!


- Jeff Vogel

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I have a workaround for this. It will be fixed in v1.0.1.


Commander Odil Disappears After Killing Konstina


In Avadon 2 v1.0, if Commander Odil tells you to kill Konstina and you leave the zone before hunting her down, when you return later, Odil will be gone. If you need to report the defeat of Konstina and can't find Odil, you can use a cheat code to get credit for the mission. Press Shift-D and enter this line exactly as written:


sdf 9 12 1


Then press return. Return to Avadon and report your victory to Heart Protus.


This will be fixed in v1.0.1 and later.

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