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No time for levelling, Dr. Jones...


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Really? Jeff's games have some of the most interesting combat situations ever created in tactical games.


Eh, I think I'd disagree with this. I only play on normal, so your experiences may vary, but combat in SW tends to be using a preferred build and spamming preferred spells. Certainly the complexity of combat has been improving over the years, but I wouldn't say it was "some of the most interesting [...] ever'.


But yeah. Each to their own. :p

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Eh, I think I'd disagree with this. I only play on normal, so your experiences may vary, but combat in SW tends to be using a preferred build and spamming preferred spells. Certainly the complexity of combat has been improving over the years, but I wouldn't say it was "some of the most interesting [...] ever'

That's partially because games rarely create interesting situations. Mainstream RPGs just throw some enemies at you and yell "Go!". Jeff creates plenty of crazy setups, with ambushes, reinforcements, spawners, teleporting your party members, etc.


But yeah, I play on tormentt, so its probably a bit more intense for me :p Though I also just make whatever build I like and roll with it. Don't like powergaming.

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I play his games on casual the first time around. Then the next game choose a completely different build and play on hard or torment depending on how I did the first game. I agree the combat is good in this game. Mind blowing? Maybe, depends on one's personal taste/preference. I have experienced better. Its a brave move devloping turn based RPGs in today's gaming era. Most mainstream games are leaning towards real time hack and slash style. I however still appreciate the old school turn based style of play.


As for cheating, I most certainly won't be cheating to eantree's extent. I didn't even know Avadon had an editor.



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No, what I meant by editor was a Avernum-like editor where you could max out all skills and spells and just plain out make you demigod. I am assuming it doesn't have an editor like that. Knowing the community here however, there will likely be a player made one but probably not soon. They can be fun in the beginning just to experiment. But it becomes stale pretty quickly. Using late-game spells to kill lvl 1 monsters on the tutorial map just doesn't appeal to me very well I like to play it the way its meant to be played, which is fun. But hey, if yiur way of fun is being higher level early go ahead and do that way. The point of playing a game is to have fun. :-).

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It's really a matter of not having huge amounts of time to spend playing A2 over the coming weeks. I will of course, but if I'm super-powered from the get-go, it makes the game a bit easier to put down at regular intervals.

Of course. We all have our priorities. Consume as you see fit and that's nobody's business.

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There isn't a need to cheat. There is however a need to not get sucked inside A2 like Jonah in the whale. Maxing out right off the bat makes me think, "oh yeah, it's just a game, maybe later" every half hour or so.


The first Avadon gave me an RPGing experience I hadn't had since high school -- got home around midnight one night, thought "I'll play Avadon for JUST a few minutes..." and the next time I looked up from the screen there was daylight outside. While I enjoyed that, I can't really afford it these days.

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Even with maxed power it still would probably take over 8 hours of gameplay. Note that 8 is a ROUGH estimate and in no way accurate. My point: Yes, maximum power shortens gametime significantly, but I don't believe significant enough to finish it in just a few short hours. You would still be playing overnight if you were attempting to play the game strait with no breaks.


But that's what is cool about Jeff's games. They are HUGE! That's the one thing that will bring my attention to a game. A game with good variety, lots of stuff to do and long hours is a positive. A big positive. His games are big. What's better, they are replayable. One of his games could entertain you for months before getting tired of it. And even then, its always fun to return to them when things get tense in life. Truly, his games are a great way to get away from the world for just a while. Besides music Jeff's games are my favorite coping skill. :-).



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I play his games on casual the first time around. Then the next game choose a completely different build and play on hard or torment depending on how I did the first game.

I believe this is exactly what Jeff intends that people should do, instead of starting out on Torment because they are Tough and then rage-quitting before buying. So you are, in some strange, morphic field-ish kind of way, contributing the Spiderweb Software's survival. Yay!

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I find even Normal can get too tedius for my tastes, but I've too much pride to turn it down any further.


Since Geneforge became a thing, trash has grown increasingly obnoxious to deal with - entire rounds to crush one rat out of half a dozen, charm/fear/daze happy mooks who take the game entirely away from me because apparently outnumbering me three to one isn't good enough for it, oh, and of course arming every piece of trash with abilities equal to my own. A boss or miniboss who can match my highest tier skills is one thing, but an entire platoon of mooks that can echo my Triumphant Roar? Glad to see the best I can do is worthy of trash.


I guess enough people are into that to motivate Jeff to continue down that path, but I prefer filler to be fast and engaging - a handful of bats should not merrit a chess tournament. It's okay to just let me step on the faceless mooks and get on with life. Never getting that option really, really wears on me. Honestly, as I play Avadon 2, I find myself skipping a lot of the "optional" fights. because I get so burnt out on having to grind through wave after wave of "Super Rats" or whatever other trivial fauna that gets in my way. The problem is, however, that the trash isn't "trivial" enough not to feel like it isn't arbitrarily padding out the game and needlessly drawing things out.


I just don't feel that every nameless, faceless hostile NPC should bilk more of my time than is necessary. Sure, this has it's ups and downs, but more and more often I feel Avadon drifts too far into giving too much leverage for things that really shouldn't be a challenge for a "elite" warrior of Lynaeus' KGB analog.

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I guess enough people are into that to motivate Jeff to continue down that path, but I prefer filler to be fast and engaging - a handful of bats should not merrit a chess tournament. It's okay to just let me step on the faceless mooks and get on with life. Never getting that option really, really wears on me. Honestly, as I play Avadon 2, I find myself skipping a lot of the "optional" fights. because I get so burnt out on having to grind through wave after wave of "Super Rats" or whatever other trivial fauna that gets in my way. The problem is, however, that the trash isn't "trivial" enough not to feel like it isn't arbitrarily padding out the game and needlessly drawing things out.


I just don't feel that every nameless, faceless hostile NPC should bilk more of my time than is necessary. Sure, this has it's ups and downs, but more and more often I feel Avadon drifts too far into giving too much leverage for things that really shouldn't be a challenge for a "elite" warrior of Lynaeus' KGB analog.


Totally agree. That's basically why I opted for 30 and out. Though once you hit mid-game on Normal, even at 30 you're still playing chess with every gang of super rats.

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The rats can squash a whole party in Avadon 2. Avadon 1, my party killed the rats, reanimated them and then killed them again. Redbeard was a joke with his attacks in the 1st game. Its just getting past his defenses that makes it pointless and not worth the ending. Without his defenses I would say my shaman could take him out alone. If there was a way to remove his defense assistance would that be possible. I want to see.

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