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Dawn of Worlds - IC


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OOC and rule changes.




Worlds are not easy things. Nor are they simple. It takes great power and great understanding to force vibrance from emptiness. It requires creatures of a caliber beyond that of the matter they shape, beyond the life they spawn. It requires gods.


And a new world, sparkling in the void, has caught they eyes of these gods. It is Tembra, and it is new. Untouched, pristine, and boring. The time to shape it into something more has come. The Age of the Painter has begun. This world will know the hands of the gods.



Nalyd: 5 + 1 = 6

Tridash: 4 + 4 = 8

Diki: 2 + 3 = 5

Sy: 1 + 3 = 4

Mosquito: 1 + 1 = 2

Ouroboros: 2 + 5 = 7


Turn Format

[size=36]Title [turn ##][/size]
[b]Power Available[/b]: [##]
[b]Actions taken[/b]:
[Action name] - [type, ##cost]
[Action name] - [type, ##cost]
[b]Power Remaining[/b]: [##]
[b]Running Bonus[/b]: [##]
[b][Action name][/b]
[Description of above action]
[Roleplaying/flavour notes, if required]
[b][Action name][/b]
[Description of above action]
[Roleplaying/flavour notes, if required]

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Tier [turn 1]


Power Available: 6

Actions taken:

  • Fire - [shape Climate, 2 cost]
    Ice - [shape Climate, 2 cost]

Power Remaining: 2

Running Bonus: +1




Tier arrives in this world on a chariot of fire, pulled by a great, burning meteor. It scorches the earth, leaving desert in his wake.



But Tier is no simple god of flame. His first steps from the chariot bring the empty, absent chill of the void. Surveying his world, walking to the north, Tier spreads this cold with him, tracking a bleak tundra into the north. Between the desert and the tundra, each tempering the savageness of the other, a savannah takes root and grows.



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Sssernk [turn 1]



Power Available: 5

Actions taken:

  • Pack ice - [shape climate, 2 cost]
    Current - [shape climate 2 cost]

Power Remaining: 1

Running Bonus: +1



Pack ice

Sssernk wiggles into the world, landing with a gigantic splash in the northern ocean, bringing some of the chill and ice of his previous habitation with him. Ice floes drift together until pack ice develops in a section of the northern ocean.



Sssernk dives deep and swims south, displacing huge amounts of warmer water and letting cooler water fill in his wake. He only stops swimming when he senses he is near land.







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Moayer [turn 1]



Power Available: 2

Actions taken:




Power Remaining: 2

Running Bonus: +1




Moayer takes a good look at the world from his high godly abode. He might be a god but he doesn't have enough power to do what he wishes at this moment, thus he decides to bide his time for now.

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Jundiel [turn 1]


Power Available: 4

Actions taken:

    Forest - [shape Climate, 2]
    Desert - [shape Climate, 2]

Power Remaining: 0

Running Bonus: +1




Jundiel, Goddess of the Lost, steps upon the land. Around her footsteps the barren soil springs to life, within seconds huge conifers tower over her, the ground now lush with pine needles. She extends her mind, spreading her senses over the entire expanse of the forest she has created.




She knows that eventually, there will be those who will come to this place, so she takes herself upward, shifting the currents of the great winds. To the east of this forest, the ground becomes even more barren, soil baking in the sun. Soon it is a desert wasteland. She focuses, joining minds with a hawk floating in the still atmosphere of the arid desert, waiting for the next painter to place their stoke upon the canvas of Tembra.



Edited by sylae
added legend to map
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Aurandir [turn 1]


Power Available: 7

Actions taken:

[shape Climate] - [Rainforest, 2]

[shape Land] - [Create Rivers, 3]


Power Remaining: 2

Running Bonus: +1



Aurandir touches the land and lush rainforest rises.



Aurandir cuts the land and water springs forth separating the newly created rainforest.



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Flourish [turn 1]



Power Available: 8

Actions taken:

Release - [shape Land x 2, 6 cost]


Power Remaining: 2

Running Bonus: +1




Deep beneath the seas of Tembra, Flourish stirs into consciousness, awoken by the world's pain. It feels the presence of others, and wonders how it came to be. Perhaps carried across the stars unbeknownst by one of the deities, perhaps simply unaware of itself until their arrival.


Flourish tears a rift in the surface of the world to release the terrible pressure building within. Magma rises forth to fill the gap and create a chain of volcanoes.



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Jundiel [turn 2]


Power Available: 11

Actions taken:

    Uplift - [shape Land, 3]
    Savannah - [shape Climate, 2]
    Forest - [shape Climate, 2]

Power Remaining: 4

Running Bonus: +2




Filled with power, Jundiel pulls mountains up out of the ground. A small chain works its way through her forest, terminating in a massive peak stabbing into the heavens. The forest thins out as it climbs the new obstacle, eventually stopping when the elevation becomes too high. Above this, the cold winds chill the bones of any who dare venture unprepared, dropping many feet of snow for most of the year.



After she is done, Jundiel moves northward, spreading even more forest around her. Soon it extends to the northern point of the lake that dominates this continent.



She then gazes southward, extending a lush grassland to the south of the arid wasteland she previously created.



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Moayer [turn 2]



Power Available: 10

Actions taken:


Lake - [shape Land x 3, 9]


Power Remaining: 1

Running Bonus: +2





Moayer flies towards Tembra, he stops at a height of about 1000 feet , charged with power he fires three powerful energy beams all of whom lead to enormous craters, pleased with the work he makes water gush out from the ground and fills the craters, it's a terrifying sight and yet one to behold.



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Sssernk [turn 2]


Power Available: 9

Actions taken:

  • Current - [shape climate x3, 6 cost]
    Precipitation - [shape climate, 2 cost]

Power Remaining: 1

Running Bonus: +2




Sssernk swims along the coast, continuing to create a current as he goes. Behind him, the ocean suddenly teems with life, from plankton and kelp through hundreds of fish, crustaeans, and shellfish through sea lions, sharks, and dolphins to baleen whales. He coaxes the current back out to sea and around until it meets up with itself. He dimly remembers people, and how some of them used to travel in great currents. All is good.



The current helps create clouds, rain, and fog that blow inland. The coniferous forest changes, creating massive redwoods, redcedars, and kauri hundreds of feet high and carpeting the ground in mosses, ferns, orchids, and rhododendrons.








Dikiyoba changed a few minor things on the map/legend. If you object to the changes, or see something Dikiyoba missed, let Dikiyoba know in the OOC thread.

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Flourish [turn 2]



Power Available: 10

Actions taken:

Rise - [shape Land, 3 cost]

Offset - [shape Climate x 2, 4 cost]


Power Remaining: 3

Running Bonus: +2




Solidified lava of countless eruptions gradually accumulates on the sea floor. Hundreds of years pass and, guided by Flourish, the buildup eventually breaks through to form a new stretch of land.


For now, the new land is little more than ash wasteland, but its tale, like that of Tembra, is just beginning.



The volcanic emissions slowly choke Tembra. Flourish looks out on the work of the other deities, vast forests. With luck, more may help purify the air. Flourish fills the land to the east with a new kind of tree, only active in the warmest months.






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Aurandir [turn 2]


Power Available: 10

Actions taken:

[shape Climate] - [Rainforest, 2]

Power Remaining: 8

Running Bonus: +2




Rainforest continue to rise under Aurandir's command slowly purifying the ash filled air.


Aurandir gaze upon the other deities's works and smiles this shall be an interesting world.



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Tier [turn 2]


Power Available: [6]

Actions taken:

  • Flay - [shape Climate, 2 cost]

Power Remaining: 4

Running Bonus: +2



Tier changes an area to barren exposed rock

Tier has left his mark on this world in fire and in ice. Now, he brings to bear the great lash of the winds, flaying the flesh of the earth from its bones, and leaving bare rock and stone behind.




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Jundiel [turn 3]


Power Available: 9

Actions taken:

    Tremor - [shape Land, 3]
    MOAR FOREST - [shape Climate, 2]

Power Remaining: 4

Running Bonus: +3




Jundiel focuses her powers, and land joining the inland sea to the rest of the ocean is shoved east, forming an island outside the mouth of the new opening.



The tendrils of her forest carry themselves eastward, entrenching themselves on the eastern shore and the new island.



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Moayer [turn 3]



Power Available: 11

Actions taken:


Plateau - [shape Land , 3]

Forest - [shape climate x 3, 6]



Power Remaining: 2

Running Bonus: +3





Moayer now lands on the area between the three lakes, he sits down, closes his eyes and concentrates, nothing happens at first, but then he opens his eyes and with a tremendous roar huge flat orange-red landmass starts rising.



Moayer again starts flying, he passes all three lakes he created earlier and covers the area around them with lush green forest.




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Sssernk [turn 3]



Power Available: 6

Actions taken:

  • Sandstorms - [shape climate, 2 cost]
    Coral reefs - [shape land, 3 cost]

Power Remaining: 1

Running Bonus: +3




Sssernk appears far to the east, in the sea near the sandy desert. He directs the wind to bring sand into the sea, to keep it shallow and nutrient-rich. The winds also generate periodic sandstorms that make the desert dangerous and impossible to map for any mortal.


Coral reef

With a suitable climate in place, Sssernk creates life. Corals grow, generations within a day, until coral reefs form. A few reefs even breach the ocean surface and form desert islands. Hundreds of colorful fish come into being, followed by seastars and anenomes and clams the size of coconuts. Sea birds form colonies along the desert coastline, creating mounds of guano.







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Tier [turn 3]


Power Available: 14

Actions taken:

  • Ire - [Corrupt Area, 3 cost]
    Temperance - [Purify Area, 4 cost]
    Isolation - [shape Climate, 2 cost]

Power Remaining: 5

Running Bonus: +3



Tier curses an area.


Gods cannot be left unchecked. None of this world belongs to any of them, Tier knows. Not yet. Their hands may be shaping it, but this art lives beyond the artist. There can be no borders yet, and to show this, Tier curses the work of another, scorching the rock of the plateau, leaving the forest twisted with virulent disease, and causing foul insect swarms to infest the area.


Tribe blesses an area.


But just as Tier is no god simple fire god, he is no god of hate and evil. He will not leave this world corrupted. With an even hand, Tier blesses the forest and mountains of another, dipping their boughs low with fruit, winding natural and easy paths through the forests and up the mountains, and making the beasts grow fat and plentiful. This will be an easy land in the years to come.


Tribe creates a vast glacier.


Tier has designs of his own, though. This sea will hold a special significance in the days to come. It must be protected, walled off, secured. To this end, Tier again reaches to absence, to cold and to torpor, and breathes forth a great, biting wind that causes the sea to freeze and swell.



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Flourish [turn 3]



Power Available: 15

Actions taken:


Spread - [shape Climate x 3, 6 cost]

Shroud - [shape Climate, 2 cost]

Spire - [shape Land, 3 cost]

Store - [Add points to general pool x 4, 4 cost]


Power Remaining: 0

Running Bonus: +3




Fumes continue to belch forth from the volcanoes. Compensating, the forests spread into the interior of the eastern continent. Seeds are carried across the waters by migrating birds, sprouting on an island to the south.



Flourish ponders the works of the others again. There is still much to be done, but what? Attempt to balance the deities' actions?



No; for it was the imbalance in Tembra that first awakened Flourish. Flourish wraps an island in strands of fog, that it might be hidden from the beasts of the world.



Lava pours from the rift beneath the sea, forcing the sea floor itself to move. The stresses within Tembra lift the island up, its peak reaching up through the fog towards the heavens.



Flourish places a fragment of its own power atop the mountain, for any worthy enough to know of the secret place.



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Sssernk [turn 4]


Power Available: 15

Actions taken:

  • Caves - [shape land, 3 cost]
    Pack ice - [shape climate x2, 4 cost]
    River - [shape land, 3 cost]
    Wetlands - [shape climate x2, 4 cost]

Power Remaining: 1

Running Bonus: +3




Sssernk finds a section of rainforest and noses at the soil and bedrock beneath the trees. He transforms the bedrock into the remains of long-dead sea creatures: limestone. The rainforest's streams and groundwater quickly erode several massive cave systems and inumerable smaller caves. The caves fill with bats, tiny blind fish, long-legged insects... and who knows what else might find a home in the eternal darkness?


Pack ice

Sssernk returns to the northern ocean and freezes the sea, spreading pack ice far and wide.



Then Sssernk heads south, burrowing and slithering inland. Fresh water erupts from the soil and air all around him, creating a mighty river.



The new river often overflows its banks, giving birth to every kind of wetland imaginable: marshes, mires, wet meadows, and shallow lakes, each one teeming with life.







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Aurandir [turn 3]


Power Available: 20

Actions taken:

Shape Land (River, 3)

Shape Land (Tree of Life,3)

Shape Climate (Rainforest,2)


Power Remaining: 12




Tree of Life

Aurandir picks a seed down the forest and infuse it with power then plants it back. It instantly grows until it branches touches the sky, the tree still blessed with Aurandir's power began to infuse the land with life. Animals starts to populate the rainforest and plants starts to grow more faster than usual, still shining with life the tree now stands motionless.

(Effects : Any city built nearby Tree of Life gets more food and heals from wounds more quickly)



With the tree done Aurandir began to create more rainforest to surround the tree.



Life cannot exist without water, so Aurandir cuts the land again to provide the it. The water gushes forth dividing the rainforest again.



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Moayer [turn 4]


Power Available: 9

Actions taken

River - [shape Land x 2, 6]


Power Remaining : 3

Running Bonus : +3





Moayer connects the three great lakes with each other, he then does the same with the northern forest of the continent and connects it to the eastern lake.





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Jundiel [turn 4]


Power Available: 18

Actions taken:

    Riverbed - [shape Land, 3]
    Wasteland - [shape Climate, 2*4]
    Isolation - [shape Land, 3]
    Presence - [Purify Area, 4]

Power Remaining: 0

Running Bonus: +3




Jundiel observes the land she has created, and compels water to flow from the heights, creating many rivers to nourish the land and its future inhabitants



Jundiel's desert wasteland spreads far eastward, covering the entire continent. The great river Sssernk has left remains, an oasis winding its way through the now-arid land.



A portion of the wasteland is pushed upward by magma, a cluster of mountains appearing. They form a ring around a small section of wasteland, leaving only a small, inhospitable pass.



Jundiel focuses herself on this small valley. Although it appears as inhospitable as before, she pulls water up from the depths, creating an artifically-high water table. She then infuses her energy in the reddish rocks of the valley. Whatever plant life that manages to make its way here will be much more likely to survive the climate.



Edited by sylae
thought the max bonus was five, not three. oops
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Tier [turn 4]


Power Available: 12

Actions taken:

  • Towers of Life - [shape Climate, 2 cost]
    Scour Land - [shape Climate, 2 cost]
    Roughen - [shape Land, 3 cost]

Power Remaining: 5

Running Bonus: +3


Towers of Life

Tier creates huge spires of algae.


Too often is the sea overlooked in favor of the land. It too can be home to great wonders. And so Tier creates some - enormous underwater towers of algae that stretch from the sea floor to the surface, creating large islands.


Scour Land

Tier turns the volcanic island into another barren field of solid rock.


Again, the lash of the winds is brought to bear, this time scouring anything but solid stone from a volcanic island.



Tier creates hills.


The wasteland to the south, flat and bleak, steals some of the purpose of his empty rock. So Tier changes that purpose, and makes the land into a rough and craggy set of hills.



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Flourish [turn 4]



Power Available: 5

Actions taken:




Power Remaining: 5

Running Bonus: +3




Centuries of rainfall turn ashen wasteland into rich and fertile soil. Flourish prepares to cover the volcanic island in scrubland.


But another deity rips the soil from the island. Flourish saves its power for now, its work for nothing.

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Sssernk [turn 5]


Power Available: 9

Actions taken:

  • Seafloor spreading - [shape land x2, 6 cost]

Power Remaining: 3

Running Bonus: +3



Seafloor spreading

Sssernk feels compelled toward land in this new world. He retreats into the deep ocean, not stopping until he reaches the ocean floor. He burrows deep into the mud and rock until he reaches magma, creating a line of volcanic ridges and hydrothermal vents through faults and weaknesses in the rock.







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Tier [turn 5]


Power Available: [13]

Actions taken:

  • Raise Mesas - [shape Landx2, 6 cost]
    Dry Land - [shape Climatex2, 4 cost]
    Carve Rivers - [shape Land, 3 cost]

Power Remaining: 0

Running Bonus: +3


Raise Mesas

Tier creates mesas.


This vast wasteland bores Tier. But there are already enough mountains. Something new is needed. Great mesas, to provide unmatched vantage over the endless flatness.

Dry Land

Tribe turns a wasteland into a desert.


Still not enough. A different sort of wasteland, a brighter and harder one, to blind and erode and starve.

Carve Rivers

Tribe creates rivers.


And, lastly, a network of rivers, to further feed the great one to the west and give some measure of respite and vibrance to the emptiness.





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Moayer [turn 5]


Power Available: 14

Actions taken:

Water source- [shape land, 3]

Water Blessing- [Purify Area x 2, 8]


Power Remaining: 3

Running Bonus: 3


Water Blessing

Moayer creates a remarkable water source, it may look small but it has enough to feed these rivers till the end of the world and more.

(Special effect : On the chanting of prayers, the source can increase or decrease the volume of water it is giving out.)





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Flourish [turn 5]



Power Available: 16

Actions taken:


Scrubland - [shape Climate x 4, 8 cost]

Capillary - [shape Land x 2, 6 cost]


Power Remaining: 2

Running Bonus: +3




Flourish considers laying further ash down surrounding the volcanoes. But...no, Tembra is not ready for such an eruption.


Trees struggle to grow in the land surrounding the forest. Flourish encourages shrubs and grasses to sprout. Life begins to come to the island east of the volcanic ridge.



In preparation for future eruptions, Flourish provides nourishment for the forest, laying down a network of rivers.




(I think advancement is already decided anyway)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sssernk [turn 6]


Power Available: 11

Actions taken:

  • Lift glacier - [shape Climate, 2 cost]
    Place ice - [shape Climate, 2 cost]
    Add ice - [shape Climate x2, 4 cost]
    Tundra - [shape Climate, 2 cost]

Power Remaining: 1

Running Bonus: +3



Lift glacier

Sssernk strains to remove the glacier blocking the ocean's access to the algal sea. He finally lifts it away, and the two bodies of water rush forward to meet.


Place ice

Then Sssernk places the remains of the glacier in the northern ocean with the rest of the pack ice.


Add ice

Sssernk continues adding pack ice in the northern ocean.



The frozen ocean sends bone-chilling winds across the nearby island, changing it into a tundra.




VOTE TO ADVANCE: Dikiyoba votes YES

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