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Film Posters


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Whenever I go to the theatre I like to look at posters for upcoming films, not because I want to know what's coming to the theatre (Rotten Tomatoes does that nicely), but because the posters themselves carry their own interesting aspects. Sometimes poorly made movies have awesome posters, and some great movies have mostly uninspired posters. What I've realized is that I'm mostly only familiar with the posters of films I like. What are some of your favorite film posters?

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The only one I'm really familiar with is the one hanging on my wall, "Yellow Submarine". It's got lots of empty dark grey or white space, quite unindicative of the brilliant psychedelic colors of the movie itself. It also features the tagline "Nothing Is Real" which I suspect may have led some people to be disappointed to find out "Strawberry Fields Forever" doesn't feature in the movie even for a second. I was told once that the tagline was there to remind those people viewing the film while dropping acid that it was all fake and not to do anything stupid based on what they saw. :p

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this, of course. Don't judge me, I haven't seen a recent "real" movie poster in quite awhile :p


(actually, would probably not make a very good movie as-as, i don't think.)

Edited by صيلي
my high school math teacher also owned the theater, so the school was covered in old movie posters.
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I've always had a bit of a soft spot for Jaws, even though I never thought the film was especially amazing (don't get me wrong, it's enjoyable and all that). Also Pulp Fiction (I should actually hang my Pulp Fiction poster at some point...), is pretty special too. I could probably spend about an hour on Google and find loads more, but as I'm supposed to be doing work, I'll just add that my all-time favourite is the poster for the French release of Kiki's Delivery Service, which I have hanging in my front room. It's just so beautiful I can't even

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I have the poster for Pulp Fiction, which I think is particularly great. And I must have a boring personality because my favorite film posters are ones that would commonly come up in such a discussion. A Clockwork Orange, Silence of the Lambs, Apocalypse Now etc. My favorite poster, though, is the one for American Beauty.

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