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Old school player

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I'm a really long-time player here. I've kicking it since Exile 0: Twinkle in your daddy's eye, and have rocked the series all the way through Avernum 5: still no outdoors. (I gave avernum 6 a miss because 5 was just so disappointing). I've replayed it all about ten billion times, and I not only killed Rentar-Ihrno on max difficulty and saved Erika (thus breaking the plot!), but I did it with a party of 1 - and I got the screen shots to prove it!


Do I re-invest in the new remake?


I love the game, but the first Avernum remake brought a ton of new content and engine advancement to the game - I could easily justify it, because everything was so new and shiny. But when I look at the second avernum remake, I feel the engine is incredibly dated. I'm not expecting Skyrim (which is an action game in RPG clothing), but it's starting to feel like 'indy' is becoming an excuse for 'cheap.' Even if the engine isn't dramatically updated, I could maybe justify it if there was as much or more new content than Avernum had over Exile. Is there? Or am I just going to rehash the same plot as before? How would you quanitfy the amount of new content? 10%? 5%? 0? If it's too low, I'll just fire up sheepshaver, and enjoy a trip down memory lane, in all its retro-glory. I'd love to give Jeff a few new meals of chinese takeout, but honestly, I don't want to be paying for the same bloody thing I've paid twice for already...


By the by? I read the FAQ. Fiddled with the demo. It hasn't really answered my question.

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Welcome to posting at Spiderweb Software. If you have played that long I doubt you have any sanity left.


New content is about 10 to 15% of the game. Every city and a few forts has a bit extra to explore. There is a completely new town, the Freehold of Kyass off by the Giant Lands. Lots of new quests with some requiring you to decide whether to help Avernum for improved reputation, the Empire for great rewards, or Kyass to help a new independent faction. Overall I'd say the new content boost is about the same as Avernum was over Exile.


The map goes back to the first trilogy style of towns and dungeons not being continuous with the world. Battle disciplines are now split with some melee, some range, and buffing types. A skill tree replaces the old style table so it's possible to get the secret skills earlier in the game where they might be useful instead of waiting until the endgame. Also if you don't like how weapons are biased to the Exile style dual wielding swords you can download Slarty's remix that rebalances the game to improve the other weapons and weaken spell casters.


You can still get through the game on torment difficulty as a party of one. Who needs all those other characters hogging experience.

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It depends on what you mean by content. If you want really big differences, you're really looking at the small intro area before Fort Avernum and the Freehold. That's a tiny percentage of the game. The major quests are the same, the plot is the same, even most of the characters and dialogue are the same.


But if you accept small new dialogues, a few new sidequests, and stuff around Kyass and a few other new secret bits hidden here and there, there's more. 10% sounds high to me, but it's plausible.


If you count different engine, it's substantial. Mechanics have been overhauled. The character building is entirely different. There are battle disciplines. Spells have been altered. Loot has changed. There are more varied enemies and more enemies with special abilities. The graphics are different too. Yes, indie is a synonym for cheap engine; that's just part of the genre. It had to be made by one guy in under a year and then iteratively improved from game to game, and this is the first or maybe second (counting Avadon) use of this particular engine. But it's a solid isometric engine nonetheless.


—Alorael, who thinks the demo probably can answer this question. You've seen how similar the game is, generally speaking. There are variations, but they aren't big ones. You decide whether you'd like to play it.

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