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Autumn Cleaning


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Earlier, I mentioned reformulating some of our more bloated threads. It would, I think, make it a bit easier for new members or lurkers to participate in long-running discussion. In addition, it would give us a chance to reformulate the opening post and better set the tone.


But if it's worth doing, it's worth doing right. Rather than having a free-for-all, we can use this thread to propose topics that need a reboot, whether they should be split or otherwise modified, and who is most qualified to be the OP.


What I had in mind for starters:


The political thread

The AIMhack metathread

The self-picture thread

The general picture thread

What are you reading lately (with potentially a sci-fi fantasy spin off; even a WoT thread might be an order)

Television? Movies? Several of these never got off the ground in the first place.

"What game should I play next" will, I'm sure, appear every few weeks without us needing to lift a finger.



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I think the idea was starting afresh with those particular threads because they had grown long and were near impossible for a newer member (or maybe an older member new to the threads) to get into. I guess the shift to a new forum architecture, or whatever it is we've done, seemed like a good time to do that.

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Rather than moderating threads to become reborn, if a thread needs a reboot I think you can do just that. Summarize the good in a new thread and take it from there.


—Alorael, who doesn't want to start distorting the historical record for convenience. It's liable to turn inconvenient at the most inconvenient times.

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