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Avadon 2

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If you're going to start rumors, fix the grammar so it makes sense?


Jeff is alternating between new Avadon games and Avernum remakes. After Avadon 2 will be a wait of probably around a year for Avadon 3, with Avernum 2: Crystal Souls coming in between.


—Alorael, who can think of more horrible things than a release next year. Jeff could become a maker of casual flash games. He could Kickstart a project and become so bogged down in dealing with the rewards and stretch goals that he never got around to a game. He could give up on making games entirely! A wait for a sequel isn't so bad

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Someone posted the following on Spiderweb's facebook wall on July 31:


Do you have a release date scheduled for your next game(Avadon 2 or the next Avernum?)

Like · · July 31 at 12:53pm

The Spiderweb facebook account reponded on August 2:


Spiderweb Software: We are at the beginning of both Avernum 2 rewrite and Avadon 2. So it will be a while and we have not set a release date. When we do have a rough date we'll post about it to facebook.

August 2 at 2:21pm · Like · 3

That would seem to indicate that Jeff may be working on both in parallel - although I suspect that the Avadon 2 work is probably the priority, since the Spiderweb web site front page mentions mentions that they are:


gearing up (painfully slowly) to announcing Avadon 2

... and doesn't say anything about Avernum: Crystal Souls

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Originally Posted By: The Rev

That would seem to indicate that Jeff may be working on both in parallel - although I suspect that the Avadon 2 work is probably the priority, since the Spiderweb web site front page mentions mentions that they are:

gearing up (painfully slowly) to announcing Avadon 2

... and doesn't say anything about Avernum: Crystal Souls

Hmm, as of today (with the release of A6 for iPad) he's updated the front page to say:

What Are We Working On Now? -We are also still slowly gearing up to announcing Avadon 2: The Corruption and Avernum 2: Crystal Souls.

I'm still theorizing that Avadon 2 will come first, based on recent patterns - but now it seems less clear than it did yesterday...
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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
If Jeff thinks that Avernum 2: Crystal Souls doesn't need a major change in the game engine, then he could release it sooner. After all he did it with Nethergate: Resurrection. Most of the work would be the new content.
There is a difference. At the end of the day, Nethergate, and N:R use the same engine. There are significant changes to the engine, but it is still the same engine. The maps didn't have to be remade from scratch.
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