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Whats your favorite Avernum Story?

Death Knight

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Ive been thinking about all the avernum and geneforge games ive played. I find that I like most of the geneforge games all the same, as i find that the story is usually great in all of them. However, the avernum series is very different for me.


I find that some of the avernum games have stories that really grab me, while others dont grab as much.


For me, Avernum 1 has the best story as you can seriously feel the dread and survival that surrounds the entire game both in the game and the title music. I feel that avernum 1 is my favorite, then with Avernum 4, 2, and 3. 5 and 6 are probably my least favorite as the story didnt grab me as much as the others mentioned.


2 and 3 were cool because they picked up right after 1 which is kind of cool. 4 is great in my opinion because it has a good story and at the same time, challenged me to the right amount.


Of course, other people must have different thoughts. What is everyone elses favorite game storywise?

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my favorite avernum story is err?.. well yes.. let me think about it.. i think it's?.. avernum 7?.. but i'm not entirely sure about it. when i was like.. 15?.. i played exile 3.. that's like avernum 3 now or something?.. and.. there was this big thing with the Anama crap. i had to give up my magic spells for priest crap. and in the end i betrayed and killed them all. i also liked to destroy whole cities that was pretty cool i think.. but err?.. right now?.. well.. i guess i was playing avadon some hours ago?.. like.. before i went to take a shower?.. but now i'm drunk again.. sooo?.. yeah.. i like to play games at the hardest difficulty. only thing is, i don't have enough blessing cristals and frenzy potions in avadon to keep it real.. i think i'll have to lower difficulty soon to keep playing avadon.. and also that.. shaman.. the Jennel thing? she left me.. there's this thing with the err?.. the err?... Kemendriel orsomething? yeah.. she went to kemendriel.. so now i got to pick anothr character to save her man.. what a craaaaap... whatever man i'm out



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oh yeah.. i forgot.. i finished avernum 1 once.. it was yeeeeaaars ago.. so there was this battle?.. with.. i mean the last battle.. with a mage in the end. and i killed him. yeah.. pretty cool.. i think.. i also finished exile 3?.. but it was really fcked up.. i didn't quite agree with the err?.. the golem factory you know? they made infinite golems and i didn't know where to go to shut down the factory.. and they kept respawning.. wtf.. and in the end?.. there was this huge battle with Evrika?.. or whatever she's called.. that sorceress who helped me. and in the end she died.. she was weak to light you know? and she died.. and i had like.. this big big room you know? and i had to fill it with dozens of stupid summon creatures? and there were so many that i couldn't even get to my enemies to hit them wtf.. but yeah.. i finished it. kinda fcked up but yeah hatever man... and geneforge?.. sht.. i didn't play a geneforge since like.. 2004 man?.... and.. there were this big maps you know?.. filled with traps?.. booooring... kinda.. stuuuupid you know?.. whatever

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Yeah, i found that while the later avernums (5, 6) were very different from the earlier, Geneforge 1, 2, and some extent 3 were very similar to avernum's first trilogy.


When avernum escape from the pit is launched with the new perk system, im hoping that there will be more builds available due to that talent/perk system. As i have beaten just geneforge 1, (and almost avadon), i find the other geneforge and avernum games to be very similar to one another. You can do melee, pole or bows.


What im really looking forward to is if there would be a difference from say core types. For example Strength based 1-Onehanded weapon/shield master 2-Dual Wield 3-Twohanded weapon master or Dex based versions of the mentioned. That'd be cool because in the avadon series, you can do that and not only that, you can do it well.

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Originally Posted By: Mistb0rn
Exile 1. No Avernum can come close.

just curious: because of actual in-game differences, or because it was your first exposure to the story?

I'm not scared off by older graphics/interface, so if it's something in the execution/atmosphere of Exile, I may play that first (easier to move to a new system than go back to the old)
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Exile 1 doesn't have roads. That actually makes a huge difference in how much the caves feel like wilderness. The addition of roads in E2 made it feel like the Exiles had really started settling in and claiming, not just occupying, their land.


—Alorael, who still finds A1 on the whole more polished and preferable to E1. Having topography also adds to the ambience.

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There's one major thing that im not sure of. Blades of Exile has dual wielding. Im not sure if exile 1 had it, but if it did, then exile wins handsdown. Only being restricted to using onehanded swords and polearms is not as good of a system as exile- Swords, Bluntweapons, Polearms and Dualwielding. Thats at least 6 more different possible builds to use. Much more interesting system if thats the case.

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Talking about things like dual-wielding is getting away from the point of the thread, which is to judge people's favourite story. Same thing with distinguishing between Exile and Avernum - in terms of story, they're basically the same...


Anyway, Avernum is probably my favourite. Avernum 3 is my favourite game (because Exile 3 was my first SW game), but Av1 just had a whole better feel and story to it in my opinion.


Edit: damned iOS keyboards

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