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Merchant Question


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Just started the game and am wondering how to deal with the merchants outside of Avadon. I get a dialogue choice to tell them that they'd damn well better give me good prices.


Sounds like an easy call, but is there a penalty for it? Does the town start to hate me after awhile, for example?


Or would I be a sap not to demand the cheaper prices?


Probably a dumb question, I know, but Jeff does like to make these little trade-offs.



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From a min-maxing point a view, it always makes sense to intimidate. From a roleplaying point a view, that depends on how you want to play the game.


EDIT: Beware, however, there are a few places where raiding a merchant's personal rooms will lead to them refusing to deal with you. While you may get some nice treasure, you might miss out on some items you might want later.

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I remember that merchant and no other one that you can intimidate with the aim to low down prices (and not that much by the way). Well, there's one in Vebeaux but you don't have to intimidate him to slow down prices, it is more a question of "esprit".

It is also possibile to intimidate a she merchant in Dhorla but the aim there will be to force her to trade with you when she won't.

Then you are allowed to loot a shaman but she will not give help to you when you will need it.

But surely you can steal a lot of valuable goods from merchants and some other professionals, when you got the necessary patience whistle

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