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Triple Slartifer, Part 4

Mea Tulpa

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Originally Posted By: Triumph
197. The Impossible and I - Contact. This might be a facepalm-worthy absurd idea...but Contact is a movie, and The King and I was a movie. Did they share a star actor or something?

The did share an actress, didn't they? I was thinking Contact as the movie, but missed the impossible - king connection.
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164. Ambignomoi - Petty-dwarves and good dwarrow. Not sure, but Ambignomoi is odd enough that it could be some kind of Tolkien allusion.


161. Monograph Mask - Needed for a 32x32 set of words. Words make a monograph? I keep wanting this to be an allusion to Majora's Mask, but I don't think that's it.

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197 - NO



172 - NO

182 - YES (+2) - and yes

160 - NO - but that made me laugh



161 - YES (+1) - but if crosswords are 32x32 I didn't know it. Old school Mac icons were 32x32 and included a mask image. A monograph, of course, is a (very long) set of words.



164 - YES (+1) - if I point out that ambi is a prefix and gnomoi is a Greek plural with an almost identical looking English derivative, is that clearer?

161 - YES (+1) - see above

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187 - YES (+2):


If to the moment I should say

Abide, you are so fair--

Put me in fetters on that day

I wish to perish then, I swear.

Then let the death bell ever toll

Your service done, you will be free,

The clock may stop, the hand may fall,

As time comes to an end for me.

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173 - YES (+1):


Patsy (talking about redecorating the kitchen): Do you want modern?

Edina: Well, I want modern. But not what modern was, post-modern. But what it is. Just new. I just want what it will be. You know, when you're at the dentist and there's like that chair and cling-clang, the big light comes down and you just spit and spit. The thing you spit in, that bowl, that's the sort of look I want.

Patsy: A sort of ultra-modern spittoon.


177 - YES (+2):


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1) Chronology is relevant to one PDN. Not critical, but it might help you find the correct clue.


2) Tomb of


3) CTW


4) Mea culpa again: I just realized that "Eno", while technically correct, is probably less recognizable in this instance than the other famous name involved with it.


5) As for the other two, I've already given major clues about them in this thread.


Also, at this point, it's time to institute "you only get credit if you supply a reasonably correct explanation"

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163 - YES (+1) - the other half was the old Mac RPG TaskMaker - the recent clue pertained to its sequel, Tomb of TaskMaker - the pearl is from the second and by far the best Oz book with the most spoilertastic ending ever

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Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
4) Mea culpa again: I just realized that "Eno", while technically correct, is probably less recognizable in this instance than the other famous name involved with it.

I immediately went to Brian Eno, but couldn't get anywhere from that. I'll apply google-fu now, and see if something clicks.
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I hate getting here with 80 responses already posted... Blind try on the rest.


160. Frown and Wrinkled Lip - Sober departing meditation

That's what my face would look like if I were departing in sober meditation.

163. TruthMaker - Contact

The truthmaker was an alien?

172. Key Will Let You Out - Freedom from BDSM?

Cause handcuffs may be involved...

179. The secret/moment/answer/reason - Eno: A change of _____

Fill in the blank with any of the following.

188. What do you get when you fall in - PBS detail

The kiddies want to know.

197. The Impossible and I - Storm Impact RPG with Glinda's pearl as title character?

RPG's are notorious for having impossible characters.

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160. Frown and Wrinkled Lip - Sober departing meditation

That's what my face would look like if I were departing in sober meditation.

179. The secret/moment/answer/reason - Contact

Something to do with 321 Contact? They did a lot of cool stuff on that show with secrets moments answers and reasons.

188. What do you get when you fall in - Freedom from BDSM?

When you fall in love, you get freedom from pain? Or when you fall in the toilet, you get an unwilling partner?

197. The Impossible and I - PBS detail

Sounds like a nice kiddie show full of imagination and creativity.



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Jewels: because clearly, the other 15 times I have crossreferenced answers and updated the list are not enough. I'm only updating it every so often now.


JEWELS (ignoring your first post)

160 - NO

179 - YES! (+2) -

188 - YES (+1) - As I stated earlier in the thread, Bacharach. "What do you get when you fall in love? ... Out of those chains, those chains that bind you"

197 - NO



160 - NO


EDIT: Jewels... when you fall in the toilet? *raises eyebrows*

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Oh, now I see it, without even Googling it. I used a book to look it up, and "Frown and Wrinkled Lip" is PBS detail- with PBS referring not to Public Broadcasting Station, but to Percy Bysse Shelly- the writer of the poem Ozymandias from which the line originates.


So 160. Frown and Wrinkled Lip is PBS detail.

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197. The Impossible and I could be paired with Storm Impact RPG with Glinda's pearl as title character?


The Wizard and I was the name of a song sun by IIRC Elphaba (AKA the Wicked Witch of the West) in the musical Wicked, whih is like the prequel to the Wizard of Oz- starring Elphaba and Glinda the Good as the main characters.

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Okay, I'm a bit fuzzy beyond this point, and I don't actually own Sagan's Contact (yes, yes, minus a billion nerd cred, I know, but I own a complete set of the Feynman lectures, so that's got to count for something), but doesn't Ellie make contact after their organic ship-thing fall through a wormhole in spacetime? So wouldn't 188. What do you get when you fall in be paired with Contact?


I have to use Google for the rest.

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160 - YES (+2) - and congratulations on having gotten it off of your own clue, rather than somebody else doing so!



197 - CORRECT PAIRING, but as explained above, at this point points only go to connections. So the points for 197 can go to whoever can explain how it relates to the clue. If you are stumped, I will redirect you to the five hints I gave, point out that #2 and #4 were used on other PDNs, that CTW stands for Children's Television Workship and is hence 3-2-1 Contact related (and PBS related, but the wrong PBS), and that there were previous hints on Bacharach and Shelly.

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Also, if it makes you guys feel any better, I really do feel your pain. I'm doing the next set of clues now and there's one PDN where I can't figure out what I meant by it originally. It's particularly prone to interpretations and I have gone through literally more than 20 possibilities without hitting on anything that feels right.


EDIT: As some additional help, I will refer you anew to the first two posts in this thread.

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