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Triple Slartifer, Part 4

Mea Tulpa

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"slartifer! slartifer! slartifer!"


We shall continue in our attempt to banish the 331, now 332, soon to be 333 names of slartifer.


Below, you will find a list of 40 PDNs (chronological) and 40 crossword-style clues (alphabetical). These are the next 40 PDN changes. This covers about 2 months between the previous set of PDNs, and my departure for the summer, in 2009.


Your task is to correctly identify which PDN is described by each clue. You will receive 1 OR MORE points per reference correctly identified. Points will accumulate until all 333 names have been banished; and yes, there will be a prize at the end for the highest point totals.


When I see ACTIVITY, I feel my anger rising.

This was not a friendly ACTIVITY.

This was not a forum ACTIVITY.

It was ACTIVITY *on the web*.

This is all I am permitted to say.

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Top Posters In This Topic

Top Posters In This Topic

158. Boughs and Accords — Mystic covenants

159. Philosopher's Pwn — Holy grail of put-downs?

160. Frown and Wrinkled Lip — PBS detail

161. Monograph Mask — Needed for a 32x32 set of words

162. Iconoplasm — Deliberate molding of symbols

163. TruthMaker — Storm Impact RPG with Glinda's pearl as title character?

164. Ambignomoi — Petty-dwarves and good dwarrow

165. Quite the Yahoo — Just a human being after all

166. Checkmatte — A fatal pile-on

167. Opaque Obake — Visible invisible

168. Solimpsest — Flimsy backformation of a reused document

169. Divine Quantifier — DINGIR, to the Akkadians

170. Killjoy to the World — Stormcrow symphony?

171. Compensation Junction, … — What's your dysfunction?

172. Key Will Let You Out — Eno: A change of _____

173. Ultramodern Spittoon — Look Edina wants

174. Mon Oh Ir Ra — Let there be LIGHT!

175. Aaah the strict Slarty — PDN later copied by the originator of the phrase

176. Locution of Cyborg — The Best of Both Speech Acts?

177. Closer to Spice — If you wanna / I want to

178. Endonopticon — Central room with mirrors instead of windows

179. The secret/moment/answer/reason — Contact

180. Pillar of Sauce, Apparently — Don't cook behind you!

181. Silicone and Gematria — Artifical inflation of word values

182. Squee and Beautiful Dumb Smile — Much like the Goblin Nabob card

183. Paraprofessional Paramour — Leporello, e.g.

184. Envie de Copier — Excessive admiration

185. Parastygia — Fetishes that produce sorrow rather than pleasure

186. Starry-Eyed Lover — Shakespeare title character, before the cross

187. If to the moment I should say — Faustian compact

188. What do you get when you fall in — Freedom from BDSM?

189. Lend me a whole new world — Goldfrapp provided the theme to my romance

190. S Toi? C Moi! M Moi? T Toi! — Txtparle

191. Upstar Firmament — Celestial sphere

192. Rainblow — Divine road collapses into droplets

193. Invisible Cait Sith — Giant remote controlled lolmeme

194. Of Love — Completes another PDN

195. Happiness of Two Worlds — Dream of the unification of compartments

196. Unhappy Origin of Asteroids — Unhappy follow-up to the previous PDN

197. The Impossible and I — Sober departing meditation

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176 - YES (+1) - the other reference was to linguistic speech acts (perlocutionary, illocutionary, etc)

193 - YES (+1) - and more specifically, the "invisible cat" meme, with some extra irony from the fact that "cait sith" is actually a bad transliteration of "cat sidhe," which will mean something if you played Nethergate.

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Yes Triumph, tais-toi and let me steal all your points, though I really should be working right now.


171. Compensation Junction, … is What's your Dysfunction. It's play on the Schoolhouse Rock song "Conjuction Junction".


186. Starry-Eyed Lover is Shakespeare Lover, before the cross- a reference to Romeo and Juliet, the worst Shakespeare play ever?


179. The secret/moment/answer/reason is Faustian compact, referencing Goethe's Faust, in which whenever Faustus experiences a moment he wishes to last forever, he loses his soul.


183. Paraprofessional Paramour is Leporello, e.g., in reference to the character Leporello, who's the titular character's wingman in Mozart's Don Giovanni. Let it never be said that a season pass to the Lyric doesn't come in handy.


174. Mon Oh Ir Ra is Let there be LIGHT, based off the mnemonic for "Strong Light" in Dungeon Master II (I used Google for this one because the clue was so bizarre)


160. Frown and Wrinkled Lip is Sober departing meditation, in reference to the meditation of the speaker on the fallen statue's visage in the poem Ozymandias by (IIRC) Shelly, which is also an awesome poem.


I think that's it for now.





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171 - TOO LATE

186 - YES (+1) - and it's not the worst one, but it certainly has the worst adaptations

179 - NO

183 - YES (+2)

174 - YES (+1) - it's not a mnemonic, it's the spell formula, and specifically, it's the strongest version of the strongest light spell

160 - NO - although that is clearly the poem being quoted

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169. Divine Quantifier is paired with DINGIR, to the Akkadians, because DINGIR was the cuneiform (symbol? letter?) for deity.


181. Silicone and Gematria is Needed for a 32x32 set of words? Gematria is just the numerology practice of assigning numbers to letter/words, silicone is used in erasers and aren't crosswords 32x32?


196. Unhappy Origin of Asteroids is PBS detail? Maybe there was a NOVA episode on asteroids?


173. Ultramodern Spittoon is Look Edina wants, since a spittoon is the only physical object on the list?

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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Wait, we can Google on these?

Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
I'd prefer that you didn't google all of them the minute they are put up, so that other people get a chance to use their memories first. But at this point when no one seems to know them immediately, I don't see why not. Anyway, it's not like I can stop you.

Like I said, I can't stop you, but a bit of discretion would be nice, especially when most of the people playing haven't even seen the thread yet.
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Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
Originally Posted By: Dantius
Wait, we can Google on these?

Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
I'd prefer that you didn't google all of them the minute they are put up, so that other people get a chance to use their memories first. But at this point when no one seems to know them immediately, I don't see why not. Anyway, it's not like I can stop you.

Like I said, I can't stop you, but a bit of discretion would be nice, especially when most of the people playing haven't even seen the thread yet.

My apologies. I used Google on 174, 169, 173, and for the definition of Gematria on 181, though I knew he silicon bit, so it you'd like to remove those point, that's OK with me.
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Like I said, I can't stop you, and I'm certainly not going to take away points in response to your being honest about your use of it. Points will stand as I have stated.


You may notice I didn't rule on 173. That's because googling is one thing, but googling it and then posting an explanation that (1) tries to make it look like you didn't google it, and (2) doesn't make any sense whatsoever -- that's something else entirely. Somebody else can explain 173 and get points for it.

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175. Aaah the strict Slarty - Goldfrapp provided the theme to my romance


Thanks for the excuse to break out my huge collection of Goldfrapp songs. Play on the words from the song Strict Machine. Just a thought that I have is that I never viewed Goldfrapp as a romantic song writer, rather lustful song writer.

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184. Envie de Copier - Flimsy backformation of a reused document. Copy and reused go together and when you copy something it makes a rather poor original.


166. Checkmatte - A fatal pile-on. Check is a killing move in chess and matte is kind of finish, most widely used (I think) in still pictures.

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194 - NO - although good thought: there is another Bacharach song called "The Look of Love" and that may have been one of the inspirations behind that PDN, it was not the primary one and that is not the correct pairing



160 - NO - and you should read Dantius's comments on that one as he was closer than you

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Oh, hey, new thread.


172. Key Will Let You Out -- Freedom from BDSM?

(That or a safeword.)


182. Squee and Beautiful Dumb Smile -- Much like the Goblin Nabob card

(Must be the Tenth Edition printing.)


EDIT: After seeing the connection with Ozzy:


160. Frown and Wrinkled Lip -- Completes another PDN

(Look upon my works, ye Vogel, and despair!)

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