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Is Redbeard Chuck Norris?


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Really, i start thinking about it on the second half hour of fighting, when he hasted himself, activate reflection, spine shield, do a pair of ring of fire and acid, tried to charm 2 of my fellows, done a spot on tv against racism, danced lambada and prepared a good coffee, all when Sevilin tried with his 35 on strength and 23 on dexterity to do some damage (and he doomed all enemies on game on max 4 turns), and Nathalie with speed elixir killing Soul Jar, that got bladeshield (yo ninja Soul Jar) i think it's depressing, so my question is:

Is Redbeard Chuck Norris?


Please tell me, the fact that Jenell can't hit Soul Jar make me think that the power sustaining Redbeard is the power of Cherokee shaman, ERGO Redbeard is Chuck Norris.

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I remembered Chuck Norris being slimmer.


You really need at least two characters (preferably ranged attackers) on full-time soul-jar-killing duty, one in each soul jar room, to make the Redbeard fight reasonable. This is the only battle in the game where you can have all 5 characters in your party at once, and it's balanced around the assumption that you have them all. If you can get a couple of good turns of attacks in when most of his soul jars are dead, it's surprising how fast his health depletes.


Also, if you have any speed potions or speed burst scrolls, now's the time to use them. Twice as many actions per turn means the fight goes twice as fast.

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Redbeard can do something Chuck Norris could not, that is to die and return to life (but only if he wishes so, 'cause downstair he feels very confortable, it's the demons which urge him to go back to Avadon).


Sure you have found the secret switches and related beasts... ?


One important thing is to open those cells as soon as you can, engage the beasts with the best you've got and keep Redbeard busy until he becomes easier to weaken, distract him, slow him down with every trick you have, including Jenell beasts, Wand of Calling Shadowalker doubles or fingers in the eye, anything.


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Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
Redbeard can see the hidden switches on south walls.


So, i beat him, it was cool, clue move was the 2 calling wands equipped on my character (shadowwalker)and on Nathalie, we make a party for him, 7 (Shima not followed me), in an half hour of bat dying, heartshatters (i love that scarab, that drammatically was a Redbeard's gift) no matter who was, he died. Last interrogative: which items he drops when he dies? Texas Ranger hat? smile
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