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Need help with Southbridge

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I went to northbridge and there is mines beyond imagining (im not a trapper)


I went to southbridge and there are sentries beyond imagining.


Is there something i am doing wrong, you cant win the battle with the sentries there are like 8 of them and you cant even get in sight of them without dying. Northbridge is warped too. Is there a way around all this?

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Thats the problem though, im an agent and dont have almost any creations. I use blessings to make me and my few melee creations into tanks, I then flank them with melee, a high skill of anatomy and hit and run tactics. It usually works great but the turrets hit for like 30 damage a pop with poison too.


As for north bridge, im not a trapper-it said in the game manual that you dont need those skills to get through the game, just makes it a bit easier with more treasure and exp. I went to the servile in the north bridge and he told me about a device but unfortunately i couldnt use it, so getting through either bridges is impossible.


There has to be another way around it, i didnt explore crag valley, maybe that will lead north and go around.

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The following are direct quotes from the hint book.


For Northbridge:

Click to reveal..
At the northwest corner of the area, there is a shop run by a servile named Lahnee. If you use the case in Lahnee's back room and your Mechanics skill is high enough, you can get a spore baton. Use it near the mines to detonate them.


For Southbridge:

Click to reveal..
The bridge is guarded by multiple turrets. If you approach the bridge from the north along the river shore, you can kill two of the turrets without getting in range of the others. This makes the battle a little easier.
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Originally Posted By: The Mystic
The following are direct quotes from the hint book.

For Northbridge:
Click to reveal..
At the northwest corner of the area, there is a shop run by a servile named Lahnee. If you use the case in Lahnee's back room and your Mechanics skill is high enough, you can get a spore baton. Use it near the mines to detonate them.

For Southbridge:
Click to reveal..
The bridge is guarded by multiple turrets. If you approach the bridge from the north along the river shore, you can kill two of the turrets without getting in range of the others. This makes the battle a little easier.

Appreciate the advice but the problem is that i am almost lvl 9 and i have no points in mechanics, and am getting close to running out of monsters to get experience from. Does anyone know what the required level is for using the spore gun. It wont even let me repair it.
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Spoilers ahead


Ok, just found out what i needed to put points into for next level up. After that i used the spore thing to get across the bridge. Just ran into a shaper. This game just got even better as i was waiting for the eventual surprise of them coming out.


In case anyone else neglects mechanics skill-to get past the north bridge, you need a skill of 4 mechanics.

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Ok Ive been killing off a numerous amount of Takers population. I wiped out the guards to the east and got into the refugee camp. The problem is, the monsters there are way too hard. I am a lvl 11 agent and i am forced to using melee and attack spells to combat the battle alphas. The problem is im not sure where or what i am supposed to be doing. Ive already slaughtered a lot of the takers, is there something ive missed cause i have pretty decent equipment and i am getting torn to shreds by these things. What is the goal up to that point, the bottom half of the map is seen.

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Thanks man. Im going to keep exploring, dont want to ruin the story, ya know. The cool thing about this game is that the classes you can choose from really have a big amount of effect on how the game is. Shaper is good for any summoning fans, but is weak in terms of getting hit. Agent is elusive and can do a variety of things, but fails when it comes to summoning. And guardian probably is where its at when it comes to first starters as he may fail at magic, but is great in fighting and summoning.


I probably should have played a guardian as i like fighting and summoning, still an agent is a cool character nonetheless.

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