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Under Jhereth Deeps


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If you are having too much trouble than consider using speed items to get extra attacks or combine wands and regular attacks. Summoned pets help too as a way to divert attacks from your party.


Since you have Jenell, than summoning pets and then spine shielding the party works well since the ogres will take damage when they hit the pets.

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Also, windows 7 might be why you're always loosing. Try getting a mac and see if it solves the problem.


/sarcasm smile


To answer the question about pet, their damage doesn't scale really well (hint: it doesn't. At all.) but their survivability does. On my first playthrough I used the wolf (skill level = 7 +that other skills that boost her up) as a meatshield.


One thing I hate about the pet system is that any PC in your party can have only one pet active at a time. No (wolf + salamander + rat + arachnid)x4

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Yes, I've noticed that even a level 1 salamandar has quite a lot of health compared to a wolf or hellhound.


Playing with Shadowwalker + Nathalie + Jenell on Hard, just completed Titan Keep, and the salamander stood up well to the titan attacks.


Thus far the game has not been difficult - I have used very few consumables (except maybe 10-20 health potions and 10 speed potions) and almost none of the better ones. Silly, I know, I have barely brought myself to sell off even lightning scrolls!


Used a resurrection scroll for the first time here and it almost seemed a cheat - full health restore, apparently full ability restore! It would still be a good scroll if it did a lot less...

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