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(G3 torment) I can not believe but...

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Guardian is such a sleeping beauty smile


Ok, after finishing G4(servile), G3(agent), G2(guardian) i started G1(agent), but it is to monotone for me. After 10lvl my stuff is boring(standart), maps are to much the same. So i decided to give a try and play G3 again but with guardian. Also topic about most powerfull classes was good inspiration for me to pick a guardian. My idea is: can i finish G3 with pure guardian. i define pure - no points invested in any magic skill, no canisters, summoning is ok. Thats all:)

So after leaving Greenwood isle all bad guys were slaughtered and all speed, shielding, armor pods were bought. I mean that when i played agent i do not remember hunting exp so much to become more powerfull because i was decent all the time. Guardian needed all the exp and potions to defeat creator. Greta did pretty good job as spawn decoy in this battle. So to Harmony i arrived not so optimistic. When i killed everybody here but civilians and went to the Madness Mire i could not believe i will defeat spawners and i will go to Dhonal-no way! My problem was total crowd control absence. I felt desperate... so i red walkthrough smile There was hope but i needed to betray true shaper ideals and help rebels. And there was Twin Mind tunnel. Man! I forget or did not know about chance to beat Twin Minds which were tough but after couple reloads they lost. And again i left Harmony empty, without pods and exp smile By the way i needed thald as the meat shield in Twin Mind tunnels to defeat pilons.

So finaly i arrived to Dhonal and after getting Guardians Claymore and Puresteel armor i kick ass. I mean that my Guardian woke up and now he is Conan the destroyer tongue So i hope what he will carry on that way till the final battle.


My conclusion is that i believe guardians full potential is in investing points in strength, melee, parry, QA and absolutely no investing in magic, shaping and... getting bestest armor and sword. The best tactics for crowd killing is fake retreat. Best spell is augmentation. Thats all smile


p.s. sorry for writing errors

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I've never actually played as a Guardian in any game other than G2, so I can't comment on that side of things, but I think it's established that the easiest way to beat G3 is to run a shaper with a horde of vlish.


Good to know that you've found an alternative that works for you though. smile

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Yes, it works and its was fun to chop golem in Darkstone core smile Now working my way to Khyryk's tower. I like that my character usually kicks butt in one round (dmg>200), because even my would-be agility points are in str, melee, qa, parry.

Only time i could not kill my way through was submission turrets alley at Tower's Gate so i went through Cultist Freehold.


p.s. Maybe someday i will try shaper run through G3. Its interesting to find out is it easiest way to play. By far can not bring my self to play summoner class, because i am to lazy to manage an army of creations tongue

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Just one note after finishing guardian run. I red somewhere that guardian is easy at start and difficult in the end game. I found it quite opposite. Only difficulties were first two boss fights smile Later game became not to easy and not to challenging. Love how could i chop gazers, dragons and other high level monsters. I do not remember doing it with agent so easy.


p.s. now can not decide which is my favourite: G2 or G3 smile

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Originally Posted By: Fflewddur Fflam: Johnny B. Goode
Originally Posted By: Mod.
In most of RPGs I prefer single characters. I play shaper for the magic. I would always play agent if it had a male graphic, but it doesn't, so I never do.

What's wrong with a female graphic?

I'm not female, and neither are 60% of all gamers. I really don't understand why Jeff can have dozens of graphics sheets and animations for enemies and creations, but can't be bothered to add in an additional 3 PC graphics sheets and a few animations.
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Where are you getting this 60% number? If I had to guess, I'd say that the proportion of male gamers is much higher.


Huh, I just found this page:



which touts the 40% figure, and is also the citation behind Wikipedia's use of that figure. I'm still very, very skeptical. The page seems to have an agenda pushing the ubiquitousness of gaming on behalf of the industry, to make it sound more attractive for investors and companies.


I can't think of a single gaming environment I've ever seen in that has had anywhere near 40% women -- that goes for gaming conventions, hobby shops, comic book stores, CCG groups & competitions, RPG groups, LARPs, computer game forums, manga and anime communities, MMORPGs, MUDs, other online gaming communities...


Actually, I can think of a single exception: german-style board games. But those attract a very different demographic from most of the above groupings in other ways, too.

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I think the key undefined term here is "gaming" or "gamer." When I've heard numbers given for high numbers of female "gamers," it turns out it's counting all the women who play Solitaire and Mah Jong on the computer, or internet poker or stuff of that sort. Those are games, played on electronic media...but they are far different from the kinds of games that are produced by the bulk of the video game industry, or played / seen at conventions / hobby shops / CCG tournaments / whatever.


So, before you can count gender percentages for gamers, define what a "gamer" is.

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Originally Posted By: Triumph
I think the key undefined term here is "gaming" or "gamer." When I've heard numbers given for high numbers of female "gamers," it turns out it's counting all the women who play Solitaire and Mah Jong on the computer, or internet poker or stuff of that sort. Those are games, played on electronic media...but they are far different from the kinds of games that are produced by the bulk of the video game industry, or played / seen at conventions / hobby shops / CCG tournaments / whatever.

So, before you can count gender percentages for gamers, define what a "gamer" is.

A person who purchases and plays games for either the PC or a dedicated console gaming system. That way, internet games and preloaded games don't count. I suppose you could also count them if they stole the games instead of purchasing them, but it's difficult enough to assess piracy as is without throwing in the gender factor as well.
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One of the guidance counselors at my school is an old woman who was recently introduced to a stand-alone Bejeweled clone, bought it, and now plays it on her school computer during lunch. That makes her a gamer?


Technical definitions won't work here because it isn't a technical term, it's a culturally loaded term. Being a gamer isn't like being a homeowner, or a driver, or a public sector worker. It's more like being a serious jazz fan, or an athlete, or a goth. The qualifications for those descriptions are hard to explain clearly, but easy to judge. Going to a jazz club, playing a game of basketball, or wearing dark clothes are not enough to make you one of those things, and there are bona fide members of each category who never do those things. But, they are still things we associate with those types of people.

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Oh, great. So now we're discussing the "degrees of gamerhood" too? Fine. My vote: I am a small-time but well-versed old-style adept, who spends most of his computer time laughing over things like this:


Originally Posted By: The Compendium
Top Ten Signs You Are In Bard's Tale Withdrawal:


10. When the first snow begins to fall each year, you think to yourself, "Mangar must be back!"

9. You have been arrested for defacing statues in public places. "I'm telling you, they were trying to kill me!"

8. You lie awake at night trying to figure out just what the heck "IRKM DESMET DAEM" means.

7. You have used the term "death and drek" more than once in the past week.

6. When you have a headache, you are tempted to stop in at a local church and ask a priest for healing.

5. You snicker softly to yourself when you see someone drinking Ginger Ale in a public place.

4. Whenever you take a trip, you find yourself humming or whistling "The Traveller's Tune."

3. You got thrown out of a bar on the weekend because you insisted on seeing the wine cellar.

2. You wander around in Ultima Online trying to convince people the name "Skara Brae" was stolen.

1. You went through a whole pad of graph paper playing Diablo II before you realized the maps are random.

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Originally Posted By: The Compendium
2. You wander around in Ultima Online trying to convince people the name "Skara Brae" was stolen.
It was stolen. From the same place The Bard's Tale stole it from!: (take that, interrobang!)

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Originally Posted By: Fflewddur Fflam: Phariton's Eye
Top Ten Signs You Are In Bard's Tale Withdrawal:

5. You snicker softly to yourself when you see someone drinking Ginger Ale in a public place.
I've done that a few times, usually because someone just took a sip of Vernors and severely underestimated the stuff.

I've never played Bard's Tale, though.
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