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Hello there, small geneforge 1 question

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I'm new on theses forums (oops spelling _ I sound like gollum), just started playing Geneforge 1 and really enjoying it. Like the story with its grey areas, like the turn-based combat and the 'shaping' powers and magic.


One question, I know it's really 'noob-ish' but I can't find the answer in the help pages;

When in combat, your 'create creature' button in the bottom left panel disappears and gets replaced by the melee/ spell buttons. So does that mean when you're in combat mode you can still create creatures? I'm sure I've missed something painfully obvious but if anyone can humour an old man and provide the answer I"d be grateful!


Many thanks in advance! Hotmitts.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally Posted By: *Logan*
Originally Posted By: Randomizer
Everyone else has more experience with Shaping than you so they can do it during combat.

Does that change later when you get stronger, or is that just a story thing?

Tvtropes has something to say about that. Basically, since your character always runs around with 7 creations all the time, even the highest level shaper could be easily crushed by sheer numbers, since they don't run around with that many creations.

Incidentally, is there a limit to the number of creations that NPC's can have?
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Ok, for the question on wether you can make creations during battle. The answer is just nom it kind of sucks, but you can't. Also, there is no limit that your ENEMIES can have, but you can have a total of a party of 8. This includes you and anyone else who may join you in your travels.

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