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A6 - Better late than never.


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Hello folks, posted this over at RPGWatch about Avernum 6:


Even though I've read about the Spiderweb games for years I never tried one, the graphics just looked too dated for me.

After finally giving in to a friend who has been after me forever to try one I downloaded the demo of Avernum 6 and man I haven't stopped playing it.


After about 45 minutes playing I forgot all about the graphics and was having a blast. Really good story and characters so far and also enjoying the turnbased combat, brings back a lot of old RPG memories.


So I've got this Quad core, 6G ram, 512 video card system and this is the game I'm enjoying the most right now, go figure lol.


BTW this demo is huge, I keep waiting for it to end forcing me to order up the rest of the game but it just keeps on going.


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It's all about the story. Glad to hear you are enjoying it. Paying for the game is worth it. I have no idea how many hours I've spent on it so far (almost done) but it might be 50+.

Tip: when you get to the last quest (from King Starrus) save your game as you finish up each of the last few quests of major characters before you do the last quest. Then you will be able to find out the different endings.

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