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A6 - Queston on weapone value


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I just got the heartstriker bow. It does not appear to have any special abilities and damage is 8-32 yet it's worth 4000 gold! Are sum objects just really overpriced or do these objects have unlisted abilities, for example I'd assume a bow named heartstriker has a high probability of getting a critical hit. Thanks for any info.

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Originally Posted By: Attalkable Count
The Heartstriker has a damage die of 1-4, other bows have 1-2 or 1-3. So with very high Dexterity, Bows and Sharpshooter skills, the Heartstriker can do a bunch more damage.

Just to clarify why this matters:

For a normal bow, every extra point of Dexterity, Bows or Sharpshooter adds 1-2 points of damage. (Actually, it's a little less, but it's close enough.) For a normal longbow, every point adds 1-3 damage. For the Heartstriker, every point adds 1-4 damage. So the Heartstriker grows in damage with your skills faster than any other bow. This is the same reason why halberds always do more damage than spears, and why longswords do more damage than short swords.

If you have a character with high archery skills, try out the Heartstriker and you'll notice a difference pretty quickly. For characters with low to moderate skills, it's probably better to just use one of the longbows that gives a stat boost.
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