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A6 - Hit Chance & Damage Formulas

Mea Tulpa

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Hit Chance = (Base Hit Chance) + (5% * Weapon/Spell Power) + (5% * Attack Bonus) + (2% * Luck) - (Defender's Evasion)


Base Hit Chance is 50% for most physical attacks and 100% for most magical attacks.


Average Damage for Spells = Base Damage + (Spell Multiplier * Spell Power) + (Spell Multiplier * Attack Bonus * 0.75)

Average Damage for Weapons = Base Damage + (Weapon Multiplier * Attack Bonus * 0.75)


Melee Attack Bonus = Strength + Melee Weapons + Blademaster

Poles Attack Bonus = Strength + Pole Weapons + Blademaster

Bows Attack Bonus = Dexterity + Bows + Sharpshooter

Throws Attack Bonus = Dexterity + Thrown Weapons + Sharpshooter

Mage Attack Bonus = Mage Spells + Spellcraft

Priest Attack Bonus = Priest Spells + Spellcraft

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See the number listed as damage? Let's use 6-30.


1. Divide both by the smaller, so we would then get 1-5. This is the Base Damage- it represents a random die that the computer rolls, generating a number for the damage.


2. The first number is the multiplier- it represents how much strenght the weapon adds. In this case, it is the first number, so 6.


3. Many members here write in DND notation, so 6-30 would be written a (multiplier)d(base), so a 6d5 sword. It's like measuring in degrees or radian- the same thing said different ways.

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For weapons, Base Damage is listed in the weapon descriptions in-game. For spells, it is listed in the spell descriptions in the PDF manual only.


The multipliers -- well, here's a list for weapons:


1.5 -- Short swords, regular bows

2.0 -- Broad swords, longbows, spears, a few unique halberds

2.5 -- Slith spears, halberds, javelins, the Heartstriker bow

3.0 -- Razordisks


For spells, it is listed in the spell descriptions in the same place. From memory,


1.5 -- Bolt of Fire, Icy Rain

2.0 -- Lightning Spray, Divine Retribution

2.5 -- Smite, Divine Fire, Fireblast

3.0 -- Arcane Blow


Edit: Dantius -- you are not using the word "multiplier" to mean the same thing I was above. Since my formula is for averages, "multiplier" just refers to the die size, where for XdY multiplier = (Y+1)/2.

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Hmmm, I am having a little trouble here ( I have no D&D experience ).


Suppose you have a Dexterity of 3, Thrown Weapons of 8 and Sharpshooter of 7. You equip Steel Javelins rated at 6-24


So the Base Damage is 6 from the rating of 6-24,

the Weapon multiplier is 2.5 from (4+1)/2 where the 4 comes from 24/6

and the Attack bonus is 3+8+7 = 18 from Dex + TW + Sharp


but what is the Weapon Power?


Also, where did the .75 come from? Is that a fudge factor of some kind, obtained from averaging lots of trials or is there some more obvious reason for the number?

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Originally Posted By: Roboflip-flopolis
Didn't think it was all of them for some reason. Fixed!

Turns out I'm slightly wrong and it's all of them except for the regular slith spear. Fine Slith Spears and all of the unique slith spears have a multiplier of 4, but the regular ones have a multiplier of 3.
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The obvious reason comes from the history & descent of Jeff's game engines. At some point he began to assign different weights to damage levels from stats and damage levels from the weapon/spell itself. The value of .75 is obtained from empirical tests, all of which adhere to it very strongly.

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  • 2 months later...

It is a odd you give a link which leads me return to this thread.

And make no mistake.It is in the Stategy Central i find this thread.


For example, my warrior has a steal spear with a base damage of 11-33.And according to Slarty,Spear has a multiplier of 2.And my warrior has a STR 4,Pole Weapon 8,Blade Master 4.

So the damage should look like this:


Average Damage = Base Damage + (Weapon/Spell Multiplier * Weapon/Spell Power) + (Weapon/Spell Multiplier * Attack Bonus * 0.75)

Average Damage = 11~33(or 22)+ (2 * Weapon/Spell Power) + (2*(4+8+4)* 0.75)


Am i right?

So how do i determine the Weapon Power?



PS:Althought i am certain there is something i miss.

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  • 1 month later...

For spells, it is listed in the spell descriptions in the same place. From memory,

1.5 -- Bolt of Fire, Icy Rain
2.0 -- Lightning Spray, Divine Retribution
2.5 -- Smite, Divine Fire, Fireblast
3.0 -- Arcane Blow

Smite in the manual is listed as 3+Xd5. Doesn't this make it a multiplier of 3?

Also, as everyone else wants to know, what is power? Die size?
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  • 5 months later...

Originally Posted By: 64566788
For example, my warrior has a steal spear with a base damage of 11-33.And according to Slarty, Spear has a multiplier of 2. And my warrior has a STR 4, Pole Weapon 8, Blade Master 4.


So the damage should look like this:


Average Damage = Base Damage + (Weapon/Spell Multiplier * Weapon/Spell Power) + (Weapon/Spell Multiplier * Attack Bonus * 0.75)

Average Damage = 11~33(or 22)+ (2 * Weapon/Spell Power) + (2*(4+8+4)* 0.75)


Am i right?

So how do i determine the Weapon Power?


I think this question went unanswered, and I'm wondering about it too. What is weapon power?

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Whoops! There was a slight error in my original post, which I've now fixed. Basically, the weapon multiplier times the weapon power IS the base damage for weapons -- I had it listed twice for weapons, once in each form. For spells, however, there is a totally separate base damage amount, which is why both had to be listed. Now it is fixed.

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