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A6 - Chaos Wight

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Keep outside the area effect range of the Chaos Wight by sending creations in to keep it away. Although I was about 5 levels higher before I reached that area.


Waste an invulnerable potion on a high health fighter and send him in to pin the Wight is another option.

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I actually had more problems with the ghosts preceding it than with the wight itself. Do you have any Spellward scrolls in your inventory? They reduce elemental damage significantly.


By the way, be sure not to confuse the Chaos Wight with the Crypt Wight. The Chaos Wight is the one in the Undead Spiral; the Crypt Wight is an equally annoying enemy under the Memorial Grounds.

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I mistyped Chaos as "Crypt." I meant the Chaos Wight. For the Crypt Wight, I simply unequipped my fighters' weapons and relied on magic to damage the wight while using my fairly weak bows to hit the spirit out of the possessed character.


For the ghosts preceding the Chaos Wight, I finally thought of running past the first set of skeletons (bony, warrior, emerald, etc.) and into a small room, where I could easily pick off monsters at the doorway. Everything else was gravy.


I guess I'll have to use a spellward scroll. Unfortunately, I also fled the wight in order to report back to gladwell and move on, so now I'll have to sneak by it again in order to return to that enchanted water.

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