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G1 shaper

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It's less crucial to have Int in G1, since you can just drop points into it whenever you feel the need. I had about 12 at the end of my last playthrough, with items. Investing in shaping skills has a much better return in G1, since they gain a +1 to all primary stat for every point you put into Shaping stats, unlike in the later games, where you only get the +1 every other level. I would recommend also dropping some points into missile weapons- they provide great support in G1.

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Depends what Shaper you play. My shapers are always encumbers with the amount of living tools and armour. My Shaper is a pack rat with tonns of Pods and spores. Even if I don't need them, I clear out every shop since I have the money to do so.


For Shaping magic, I say fire is best. Drayks are the only third teir ranged creations and are the most versatile. if not fire, go for magic. Battle creations are not too great in G1

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You're probably going to want enough intelligence and fire shaping to have a bunch of cryodrayks eventually. Decent leadership and mechanics is always nice for any character, and a few points in luck opens up some minor rewards.


Edit: Some endurance is probably a very good thing. There are lots of zones later on that'll do quite a bit of environmental damage to you.


Dikiyoba generally invests in strength in the earlier games because Dikiyoba likes looting everything in sight and dislikes being encumbered.

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The Cryodrayks will probably deal more damage, but you can get a few more terror vlish, and the terror will make fights easier. Without going and testing, it's a toss up as far as I can see. When you get to the point where you can, make a group of one type, kill stuff, make the others, kill stuff, and try a mix and kill stuff. Stick with whichever one you like more.

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