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Originally Posted By: Spddin Ignis
Show and tell:

Teacher: Ok Acky Jr. its your turn

Acky Jr: Look what i can do!!
*casts aura of flames*

Teacher; Holy Sh *is incinerated*

Acky jr.: oops

Another show and tell:

student: I can make friends real easy! Watch this!
*creates some wingbolts and a drakon*

*entire class screams and flees in terror*
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Originally Posted By: The Mystic

Student: I can make friends real easy! Watch this!
*creates some wingbolts and a drakon*

*entire class screams and flees in terror*

Not if one of the students has a gun. Take lead for lunch!

Anyway, I was wandering if the essence inside the canisters was there to participate in the total reconstruction of the body; this would determine weather or not the whole body would be changed or not and therefore, if it is, would be a genetic characteristic; so surely a transmittable phenotype.

And one thing:

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
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Originally Posted By: Propitiate your mods with offerings!
But biology is a subset of chemistry, which is a subset of physics.

—Alorael, who challenges you to derive neuroscience from first principles. Go!

Ahh, physics. I can't wait to study you.

Manipulating energies to bring together particles and give them the inertia we call life is surely physics.
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-suspend your logic here-


i can think of only a couple of things of how shaping works, when a shaper makes a creation he pushes certain energys into it to manipulate its genetic code and therefore produce a different creature.


perhaps it works by forcing energy into the atoms and forcing them to go to a higher level, thereby influencing creation.


-remember to pick up your logic before you leave, shaper tristan is not responsible for lost and/or damaged logics.-

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As I understand it the shapers release essence which is the basic building blocks (tiny quarks or something like that) and provides them with the right energies to combine and lock together with each other to create the protines that cells are made of. From here they combine cells to build organs and organs to create a body. From this point they jump start the body so that it supports itself and there I believe it would develop like a normal baby's conciousness in a more adult body. To counter this I presume the shapers also infuse certain inteligences and expiriences and share them with the creation in order to speed up brain development and instill the basic subservance that creations display in the solidity that it is like they have known nothing else other than serving. At that point the shapers order the creation to do their bidding.

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