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Beta Call: Turn That Frown Upside-Down 2

Duck in a Top Hat

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If anyone is interested in beta-testing my new scenario, Turn That Frown Upside-Down 2, please post the name you'd like to be credited with, and your email address. Here are the details:


Towns: 5

Outdoor Sections: 2

Suggested Level: 5-10

You should probably play Turn That Frown Upside-Down before you apply to test, but I'm not going to make it required.


Also, to clear up any questions about my last scenario: I decided it wasn't worth releasing because of a large amount of suckishness. I intend to remake it completely in the future.

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That is the idea, to prevent bots that troll the internet from reading your e-mail address and putting you in a spam database. This may have been a good idea 5-10 years ago, and probably still is, but today I'm skeptical that doing it will really foil bots. It's not too much more difficult to look for various strings and to stitch an e-mail address together. That said, you will save yourself from the primitive ones, so probably still a practice to be encouraged. The real line of defense these days comes from spam filters.

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It is a simple measure which theoretically protects against the dumber address harvesters. It's far from perfect, as any programmer worth his salt could capture addresses from the more common methods of obscuration, but the theory is, in part, that people writing address harvesters for spam operations may well not be worth any salt.

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Ok, I tested the Empire ending and the Smiley ending and both worked. Things I noticed were-


Water- you have no walls for "the vale" so all you see is water at worlds end


Your top hat tells the history of the keep, just to let you know I'm not sure if this was the intended function.



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