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Shock trooper = Drakon (kindof)...[G5]

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Ok so I went into the Gf5itemschars script and changed the shock troopers


cr_graphic_template = 150;




cr_graphic_template = 85;


This worked in game to change the shock tooper graphic to the drakon graphic... Untill you equip a sword and then you miraculously transform into an eyebeast.


Is there a way to set it so that when you equip a weapon the graphic does not change? Like for a presise example, haveing the shaper graphic remain unarmed when realy you have equipped him with a sword?


Or any other way around this without me haveing to create my own spin template.


Edit: I have changed the default punch attack to be the default close quarter attack of the drakon but I'm unsure of the factors that will make that attack do more damege and it does seem to be a tad unbalanceing compared to normal shapers punches, but then again it is to replace the sword so im unsure of whether it will get stonger with leveling and such... hopeing to use the default punch as a replacement of swords.


Note: Just found out that you can use javelins without shapeshifting.

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Originally Posted By: Sssharxx
Is there a way to set it so that when you equip a weapon the graphic does not change? Like for a presise example, haveing the shaper graphic remain unarmed when realy you have equipped him with a sword?

I'm pretty sure that's coded into the game itself instead of the scripts, so no.

What you can do is change the templates themselves. For example, change the three shock trooper templates so that they have the stats from the drakon template instead. There isn't any other character in the game who uses the shock trooper graphics, so you won't cause oddities elsewhere. Then replace the shock trooper graphics with copies of the drakon graphics.

Dikiyoba did something similar once, but Dikiyoba doesn't remember the specifics now. You'll probably have to fiddle around with things a bit to get them to work properly. Oh, and make backups. Always have backups of the original scripts/graphics somewhere in case something goes completely haywire.
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I have done, Changeing the cr_graphic_template = ??; seems to do half the job and realy im happy with the result if i can find out the things that increase the strength of the Drakon's close quarter attack.


If anyone wants the scrip it is below, just open the Gf5itemschars crips and replace the shock trooper script with the below script.

Click to reveal..

begindefinecreature 48;

cr_name = "Shock Trooper";

cr_graphic_template = 85;

cr_max_health = 28;

cr_max_energy = 20;

cr_sound_when_slain = 106;


cr_abil_num 0 = 1;

cr_abil_step_of_launch 0 = 3;

cr_abil_anim_in_reverse 0 = 1;

cr_abil_level 0 = 13;

cr_abil_casting_sound 0 = 18;


That also changes the default attack to the Drakons so you shouldn't need to equip a sword. Except in the begining where it is requied for Mekahn (however its spelt) to open the door.

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Yeah I tried what you tried one time Sssh and once I transformed into an eyebeast I freaked out tongue I might fiddle with the scripts and troubleshoot a little later, but I'm more of a text scripter (and I'm tired), however if I find the time to troubleshoot I may. Last thing the healing spells probably made it crash because Drakons aren't supposed to be able to heal (so Jeff probably didn't put in a healing graphic). You may have to change some sort of ability to make a different animation in the healing script (i.e. the shocking rain graphic), that's all I can offer without looking closely at the script.

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