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How exactly do I apply Capitalization to names and save files?

I have noticed on some screenshots of various players having capitalized names, so I was wondering how it was possible.


(I'm asking about G1-G5, so if there is anything different in the process to doing this, please include it.)

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Caps lock has never, as far as I can recall, worked with Spiderweb's in-game text input. It's not a major issue and may, for all we know, be intended.


—Alorael, who could easily see Jeff fixing the problem. It also seems quite likely that it's not issue enough to spend more than a couple of minutes working on it.

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Maybe it should all go under the heading of accepting standard input and not reinventing the wheel.


—Alorael, who still prefers the games that allow you to make save files and put them wherever you want on your computer. Is it just a coincidence that those saves were also smaller and faster?

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When Thuryl's posts are all in lowercase letters he is making a point. In this case I suspect it has less to do with feeling offended than with doubting your grounds for condescension while neither capitalizing nor spelling correctly.


—Alorael, who believes there may have also been a dash of humor at the combination of your disdain towards poor capitalization and Thuryl's tendency to show disdain by not capitalizing.

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It wasn't poor capitalisation I was annoyed at peoples ineffiency at capitaliseing. The extra effort people use by useing caps lock when shift can be used seems silly to me.


I did not realise that Thuryl's post was uncaptialised or containing incorrect spelling. I stuggle to capitalise and spell correctly normally. Nevermind detect someone elses mistakes, whether on purpose or accidental.

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You capitalize the first letter of every sentence, the pronoun "I", and proper nouns like the names of people, places, corporations, etc. If you can't spell, use a spellchecker, such as the one built into Mozilla Firefox. Firefox's will underline misspelled words with a red zig-zag, and right-clicking the word will bring up a list of suggestions. It's not quite as good as actually learning how to spell correctly (it's a very useful skill to have in life), but it's better than nothing.

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If that's the case,then why did you misspell "improving" and "constantly" and fail to capitalize "I'm" twice? Your punctuation needs work too.


I'm assuming English is your first language, since you're from England. Thus there's really no excuse for it except possibly dyslexia.


It's worth remembering that although English may be your first language, we do have people here who have trouble with properly written English, let alone misspelled English. It's common courtesy to put in your best effort to make your writing legible. I've seen far worse writing than yours, but it could still be much better.

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