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Shapers? Rebels? SHEBELS?[G5]

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Hey everyone.


Everyone thinks that there are 2 general classes of opinions: shapers or rebels. but what about people like me who share some opionons of shapers and some of rebles? what do we call them?


well, i think i have a solution.


i dont feel like making a poll right now, so just tell me, do you think that we should call my kind shebels?


correction: Velzan and I have decided that Shabels fits my point better. Hands?

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I think you should call yourselves something less silly, like "Progressive Shapers" (you'll note that some Shapers did embrace equality with creations, and less strict control of their powers, for instance). "Shables" just begs to be turned into "Shambles".



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well, what if somebody's moving more towards the rebel side? then they would be a "progressive rebel," now wouldnt they? the whole point is that we're in the middle.


i think that you're the only one that would add an "m":)

but i'll try to think of something more official between editing danettes library, for nikki's sake. XD

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You called her a nutcase. That implies more than "just not a shabel".


Anyway, you're going to have to define what a shabel actually is if you want to go anywhere with it. There are lots of ways to be between the Shapers and the rebels. What views do you hold to put yourself in the exact middle of the two?



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You disapprove. All right, let me try to justify myself. Your goal here is to find a word that describes someone with both Rebel and Shaper sympathies. Shabels doesn't mean anything. You're trying create a word by combining syllables from existing ones, but English doesn't work that way. Shapers implies something. Rebels implies something else. What does Shabels imply? It's impossible to tell because you don't know what aspects are being taken from the original two concepts.

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You get a few exiled shapers in the game showing Khyrite sympathys. I guess if you mixed sympathetic shapers and ex shaper rebels you would get somewhere close. That way your still takeing a sample from both shapers and rebels but they are more closely related allowing for you to gain a better, more precise, middle ground.


When you take a strict shaper and a fanatical rebel the range of the middle ground available pretty much lies between sypathetic shapers and ex shaper rebels.


Hmm statistic lessons did end up handy eventually.

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you actually PAY ATTENTION in that class? I take a nap. smile


anyhoo, everyone hates Khyrites. Rebels think they have too many shaper ideals for their taste: Shapers shun all who question them.


It's kinda like the trajkovites, except we like shaping, we ALSO hate the Trajkovites [like everyone else], except everyone hates us, too.

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Statistics is a lesson that was the one i hated most, the scurge to the maths subject. i had the occasional lesson that for some reason i paid attention, it came to my exam at the end of the year and i knew nothing. I had two weeks to learn what i was suppost to learn in a year. Out came the maths book and for two weeks solid i self taught myself the whole of the Stats silibus. I wouldent have botherd if i dident need it to pass my maths and get into next year.


Anyhow i suppose your right about the khyrites being shunned, like i said they were mostly exiled shapers that became hermits and practiced their shapeing in secret still.

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