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Geneforge...a memory[G5]

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As we all know, geneforge 5 is supposed to be the last in the series. I thought that their should be a thread dedicated to favorite creations, characters, areas, moments, and ending of the various games from 1-5. Post what you liked and if you want what you didnt(in a curteous manner). A quote from the endgames to kick it off


"A journey from a small forgotten island to the farthest extent of the known landsThe characters in this history are all gone now. But the results of their struggles, of the risks they took, the fears they overcame, and the decisions they tried to make wisely, the product of their labors continues to this day. For us to understand, to endure, and, if needed, to change."

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It is interesting to look back and see how very many memorable NPCs there were. Only a few of these were seen in more than one game, fewer still played any significant role in any plot, and only a handful — perhaps only Alwan, Greta, Litalia, and Ghaldring — were really developed in much detail. But an amazing number of people had telling little vignettes at some point. Even the long-dead originators of the Geneforge, not to mention the host of overconfident writers of pages found in the wreckage of sealed labs, seem like real people whom one never got to know. There have been charismatic leaders, crazed cultists, foolish governors, and enough mad geniuses to sell cheap by the bundle. Heck, one could make an intriguing little rogue's gallery of characters just from the five games' named Gazers.

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There are certain moments in the game when your feelings kind of become intuned with it. Like in G2 when your agent guide (whose name i forget) finaly starts giving you respect and treating you kindly and she says WE will explore the tunnel and find out what going on WE not I bbut WE. And I was really looking forward to continue the rest of the game with her by my side as an NPC. But after you get out from the tunnel you find out that she's been kidnapped and dragged away. You go through a large portion of the game looking for her but you cant find her.



You know your going to find her some where alive. In a prison cell maybe tortured and degraded but ALIVE. You go to the town of gheth hoping to get information from them, the same information you've tried to get from countless other settlements in the area. They act suspicious but still no clues. Then you go to a field and see her tied up placed in serville robes and shackles before she is stabbed to death.



Even though its just a game your eyes start to get misty and you go and confront brahzals right hand man about it. He says that she accidently ran into his sword when he was trying to stop her from running. But you know thats a lie so you and your creations challenge him. He says your creations wont be able to help you but he doesnt know you've sabotaged the equipment and he dies the brutal death he deserves. But it doesnt bring Shanti back, you've already dug her a decent grave. But it doesnt change the cruel way in which she died at the hands of a luenitic who just didnt like her. She died for no reason and after that i couldn't help but hate the brahzites.

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Originally Posted By: Shaper Spddin
There are certain moments in the game when your feelings kind of become intuned with it. Like in G2 when your agent guide (whose name i forget) finaly starts giving you respect and treating you kindly and she says WE will explore the tunnel and find out what going on WE not I bbut WE. And I was really looking forward to continue the rest of the game with her by my side as an NPC. But after you get out from the tunnel you find out that she's been kidnapped and dragged away. You go through a large portion of the game looking for her but you cant find her. You know your going to find her some where alive. In a prison cell maybe tortured and degraded but ALIVE. You go to the town of gheth hoping to get information from them, the same information you've tried to get from countless other settlements in the area. They act suspicious but still no clues. Then you go to a field and see her tied up placed in serville robes and shackles before she is stabbed to death. Even though its just a game your eyes start to get misty and you go and confront brahzals right hand man about it. He says that she accidently ran into his sword when he was trying to stop her from running. But you know thats a lie so you and your creations challenge him. He says your creations wont be able to help you but he doesnt know you've sabotaged the equipment and he dies the brutal death he deserves. But it doesnt bring Shanti back, you've already dug her a decent grave. But it doesnt change the cruel way in which she died at the hands of a luenitic who just didnt like her. She died for no reason and after that i couldn't help but hate the brahzites.

how old are you
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