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Looking for Playable character Graphics


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I have attempted many time and failed miserably at trying to creat and good character graphic for a God party member, I'm looking for something angelic like and one Jedi like graphic to play as? where can i find these. thanks


P.S. I've already wondered the louvre and didn't find what i was looking for in Playable character format

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There aren't that many community made PC graphics, your best bet is to find an NPC graphic and turn it into a PC graphic. Try to find one that's a large sheet so you have the sitting and attack-ready poses, then either repeat the attack pose for each weapon type or edit the image to put different weapons in the character's hands. You'll lose the un-armored poses (but who seriously wears no armor?) and potentially the different weapon poses, but its better than nothing.


I think Nemesis posted an angel graphic at the Blades Forge, that would be a good start. Not sure about the jedi though, I'm inclined to say it doesn't exist.

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You could certainly try Shadow Vale, but I'd advise you not to get your hopes up. It's a hard thing to convince someone to spend their time making a graphic for a random stranger on the internet. An artist may be inclined to grant such a request for a Blades designer, because it is understood that the designer will be "repaying" by investing time making a scenario (the artist is presumably a Blades fan, so completing a good scenario would be payment in itself.) But PC graphics are usually for personal use only.


That said, I hardly speak for the artists of the community. Request away, and perhaps a kind soul will take a liking to your proposed graphic and decide to make it.

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If you're looking to get better at BoA graphics design, I would suggest taking parts of already existing graphics and blending them together. I mostly use Photoshop for that sort of thing, as it allows for easy color changes. It's expensive, but I'm sure there is some open source stuff out there that's comparable.


For the Jedi thing, I'd take a PC graphic with a sword, then just add some color to the sword, and maybe an aura if the color alone doesn't do the trick.


For the angelic PC, try taking the wings from the griffin monster graphic in Diplomacy with the Dead and applying them to a human. As Lazarus said, I've done this already and posted it here (although I do hope to do some editing soon). Unfortunately, that's just a small template NPC graphic, not a PC graphic. It'll take some time to make it yourself, but it shouldn't be too difficult.


What I've found is that no one knows what you need quite like you do anyway. It'll just take a bit of practice, like anything.

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