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Anemona the drake


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But how would she now who we were? She is locked forever down in a dark tunnel, and only a few people ever come to see her, only because the mayor is using her as a tourist attraction. Maybe you seemed different, or just better than the other people, so she asked for help. Would you ask for help after you have been locked in a tunnel for many many years, and you see a chance that might mean escape?

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You assume to much. I may/may not be human. I know that I have certainly not told anyone the answer.


Why not soldiers from the empire? She has never been there, and probably was only hunted by the Avernites, so if there is any reason to hate anyone, she would hate them. She may hate all humans, but I would suspect she hates the Avernites more, so she could bend a little for an Empire soldier.

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My apoligivess, Servile. I will be sure not to make the misstake again.


Drake's were once apart of the surface fauna. They were seen as too dangerous to leave be, and for existance, they were casst down into the caves. Any Drake'ss there are decendeds from the original crop of Drake's. And ssince those cavess are sso horrible and crude, they have much to grudge about.


Memories last long in the deep.

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