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A-3 Special weapon in the Bunker

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Talking to Ostoth in New Cotra's Bunker and I'm supposed to tell him it's the Vahnatai who are resposible for the plagues but I'm only given two other choices.....Erica or the Dragons??


No matter how many times I go back to the conversation or which lines I click on, I can't come up with the right answer...


I don't want to waste any more time on this, so do I need this special weapon or can I go on to Blackcrag without it? Thanks.....

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You can even avoid the fight that the anti-vahnatai weapon saves you from without the weapon. It takes more planning, Haste, and some derring-do, but it's not all that hard.


—Alorael, who thinks the major disadvantage is that if you haven't played the game and don't have the weapon you might just go through the fight and never learn that you've missed a conversation.

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Look, I appreciate your efforts, but, please go back and reread my third post in this thread and tell me what has changed? My converatioal options still haven't changed...I can tell him it's either Erica or the Dragons...that's it! That's what he will be "busy with" not on a weapon for the Vahnatai...I'm gone to Blackcrest.

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Originally Posted By: Geezer
I ended 3 plagues- slimes, roaches & golems & talked to an awful lot of people.....

You did say that you Had only beat 3 plauges and the giant/trogo barrier wasnt one of them. Between this post and mine you never said otherwise, so how was I suppost to know that you had taken the barreir down?
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I don't think the Ghikra events are linked to any evidence. That happens as soon as you defeat the golems. Showing either set of shards as evidence to Berra and then talking to Anaximander should give you the conversation option in the Bunker, though. If it still doesn't work, you may have found a bug or we're missing something in that excessively complicated dialogue tree.


—Alorael, who wouldn't worry too much. The game isn't even that much harder without the Bunker weapon.

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Originally Posted By: Geezer
Yes, I showed the shards to Berra,....And, yes, I took down the barrier.

You showed the shards to him from the golem crystal, but did you show him the crystal evidence from taking down the barrier?

We're just making sure that you did all four quests and brought all four pieces of evidence to Berra.
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I went back to Berra and from the conversation, he seems to be looking for more evidence, which I don't have, so, mia culpa, I'd say I didn't pick up those shards at that time! Must have overlooked them in the rush to get away from the barrier....Thanks for all your help.


Went back to the barrier, found the shards, gave them to Berra, back to Cotra, and now Ostoth is making the anti-vahnatai weapon as per the plan!

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