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A4 - Athame


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Originally written by Sahdrani:
I can make the Athame, if you like.
The Blessed Athame was a special item, not being able to be used except in the Tower of Magi before it was destroyed in Exile/Avernum III when you sliced Linda then teleported home. There might have been some other references but that's the only one I remember. :rolleyes:
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Originally written by Garrison:

It should be small dagger with a bluish tint because that is how it is described in the games, though the blusih tint is my conjecture. It should have a very high base damage and the regular bonus damage per level of weapons skill as a dagger because I figure that a knife whose edge is blessed enough to cut through virtually anything does not give its user much of a bonus for having big muscles. It should of course deal damage to undead and demons because I think most people like to see anything holy or related to religions being discriminatory.
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If it must be used, it should pop your tool use to like a bajillion, and have an infinte number of charges of unlock doors at level a million. Canon, hell, D&D, standard mythology, and Harry Potter, tells us that the holy anthame can break through any lock. Here's the problem, though. As it is, with my tool use and level three unlock doors, I can get to any door or chest in the game including the ones I need a key for or need to complete a quest to unlock. Not exactly plot helping, especially since I don't always know what is a plot related door or chest that I'm breaking though. For example, I broke into the royal suite and talked with Starrus before the advisor was dead...


Incidentally, I really wish we had both the Anthame and the Orb. It would make the game a lot more interesting in several ways. I mean, we have all the supposedly dead NPC's, why not the lewt?

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