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Everything posted by Sahdrani

  1. I can make the Athame, if you like.
  2. Jesus, do I have to do EVERYTHING FOR YOU?! Gods be damned, here. begindefinecreature 224;// Pylon cr_name = "Rentar-Ihrno"; cr_base_level = 35; cr_creature_type = 7; cr_max_health = 30000; cr_resistances 3 = 70; Just put that in you av4itemschars(.doc) file and erase the old one.
  3. Well, I would suggest an Avernum 4 engine for a crossover (story-wise) of the Geneforge-Avernum universes. I would really like that. Oh, and make it so that you have 2 campaigns. and bring Erika back. (like, mabye a Geneforge-aiugmented person could Shape her again?)
  4. Oh, fine! I will just make a wand for each of those six spells! Heres Fireblast: begindefineitem 494; import = 0; it_name = "Apocalypse Wand"; it_graphic_sheet = 8; it_which_icon_ground = 12; it_which_icon_inven = 13; it_weight = 1; it_ability = 191; it_value = 999; it_level = 999; it_charges = 999; it_extra_description = -1; Divine Retribution: begindefineitem 495; import = 0; it_name = "Apocalypse Wand"; it_graphic_sheet = 8; it_which_icon_ground = 12; it_which_icon_inven = 13; it_weight = 1; it_ability = 164; it_value = 999; it_level = 999; it_charges = 999; it_extra_description = -1; Divine Fire: begindefineitem 496; import = 0; it_name = "Apocalypse Wand"; it_graphic_sheet = 8; it_which_icon_ground = 12; it_which_icon_inven = 13; it_weight = 1; it_ability = 193; it_value = 999; it_level = 999; it_charges = 999; it_extra_description = -1; Arcane Blow begindefineitem 497; import = 0; it_name = "Apocalypse Wand"; it_graphic_sheet = 8; it_which_icon_ground = 12; it_which_icon_inven = 13; it_weight = 1; it_ability = 192; it_value = 999; it_level = 999; it_charges = 999; it_extra_description = -1; Lightning Spray begindefineitem 498; import = 0; it_name = "Apocalypse Wand"; it_graphic_sheet = 8; it_which_icon_ground = 12; it_which_icon_inven = 13; it_weight = 1; it_ability = 5; it_value = 999; it_level = 999; it_charges = 999; it_extra_description = -1; Spray Acid begindefineitem 499; import = 0; it_name = "Apocalypse Wand"; it_graphic_sheet = 8; it_which_icon_ground = 12; it_which_icon_inven = 13; it_weight = 1; it_ability = 160; it_value = 999; it_level = 999; it_charges = 999; it_extra_description = -1; Be sure that all begindefineitem strings have different values. Otherwise, they will overlap with the present items and if you delete the wands, you will have a different item if a slot where it's not supposed to be. I remember when I made my supersword, and it overlapped with a necklace. I had a NECKLACE as a weapon! Can you imagine? Don't answer that question.
  6. True. But I wanted the most damage-dealing spells to be asked.
  7. Please select the best spell so I can make a wand for everyone to use.
  8. I don't want to know what he meant by, "Check your ego at the door."
  9. No, it increases skill points by 1000. it_ability refers to its useable ability. whereas 223 in my earlier threads mean increasing health. I don't know if you read my other "Here are my work results!" thread, but it specifically states that the things I posted earlier are item Properties!
  10. Here is a book of knowledge. begindefineitem 499; import = 0; it_name = "Apocalypse Knowledge"; it_ability = 223; it_graphic_template = 50; it_graphic_sheet = 4; it_which_icon_ground = 10; it_which_icon_inven = 11; it_value = 999; it_level = 20; it_charges = 999; it_extra_description = -1; If you require a dispenser, then just ask me.
  11. True. But when I was testing out the stat numbers, it kept going to there. I thought that I should include it, just in case (henceforth reffered to as JIC).
  12. If someone requires a super sword, made to order, let me know. I have several properties to add, although you may have only 3 properties apiece. EDIT: I can also do bows.
  13. If someone requires a super sword, made to order, let me know. I have several properties to add, although you may have only 3 properties apiece. EDIT: I can also do bows.
  14. Oh. I'm the Arcana Maxima. It means, "All Magic". And I meant orc as in your race. Umgook is an orc name, you know.
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