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Posts posted by RaustBlackDragon

  1. Originally Posted By: The Rev
    Nicely done! It's good to hear that torment is beatable without a completely min-maxed party.

    That was the key reason why I stuck with that party and never caved in to the annoying parts; It can be a bit annoying, but it's totally possible, and without relying entirely on cowardly hit-and-run tactics smile

    Originally Posted By: The Rev
    That gives me hope for my current "Anama" playthrough.

    I'd love to hear how that's going, are you writing about your progress somewhere?

    Originally Posted By: The Rev
    The escape quest is certainly the most "annoying" of the three endgame quests, IMHO, due to the forced darkness in the final room before the exit.

    Oh yeah, I HATE those FoW segments, I totally agree with you there smile
  2. Finally, at long last, I have *technically* completed Avernum: Escape From The Pit for the first time! I reached the glorious surface, but my work is not yet done! My party of unlikely heroes, each with the uncanny ability to make a min-maxer cry, will not abandon their new-found companions to the wrath of Grah-Hoth, nor will I allow the cruel Emperor Hawthorne to continue his reign of terror!


    It wasn't a singleton run, and I'm not yet done, but it WAS on torment, and I DID use a rather ill-advised party, so I'm feeling quite happy at the moment smile


    *EDIT: And now I've managed to vanquish Emperor Hawthorne! It was a bit anticlimactic, but not unexpected, he died in one hit from my paladin's divine retribution spell. I managed to raid Hawthorne's Room on the way over and got that archer cloak (not much use for it, but the invulnerability potion was quite a lifesaver).


    I have to say, the rewards were rather disappointing: neither of the items he dropped were better than stuff I already had, and Arcane Blow level 3 is a bit of a let-down: Daze and damage do not go well together, and daze gets resisted rather often at this point I was hoping for weakness curse, really.


    So now I just have to deal with Grah-Hoth, and my party can enter the hall of heroes (Meaning I'll post their stats)!

  3. Hey, I'm highly considering making an Avernum Mod, and one of the things I want to do is overhaul the MP system to work on a per-battle basis, rather than per-outing. I want to make spells more expensive, but make all belts grant, among other things that would vary depending on the belt, a ton of first aid to the wearer, enough that they'd restore all spell energy after every battle. I'm guessing this would require a massive amount of cumulative first aid points. So I was wondering if anybody knew how how the formula worked for first aid, so I could get a better idea of how much first aid would be required to accomplish this. Can anybody enlighten me?

  4. Okay, basically, once I've beaten the game on torment (I have access to the three ending quests, so I'm getting closer), I intend on making an entirely new party, and one of my intended characters is a Buff Mage, a mage built entirely around buffing and debuffing. A character who would be in charge of casting all buffs, from both priest and mage spell categories, and then using physical attacks otherwise.


    This character would have 5 blessing focus, and would carry all equipment that increases the durability of blessings/curses, and this would leave my priest and mage free to cast spells without worry.


    I don't want anybody to try and talk me out of doing this, I'm doing it for fun, I think it would be an interesting character.


    I just want some advice about HOW to go about such a character, what two stats (That's how I play, I split between two stats) he should use, and what skills he should have.


    Any advice?

  5. 1: Humble Indie Bundle, got Avadon, fell in love with the small-scale tactical rpg feel. I hate turn-based RPGs that don't involve movement, but most that do feature movement are large-scale strategy games that are hard to get into, so I was hooked instantly.


    2: Yep, I've told a few of my friends about it, they've tried the demos, I don't think they've bought the games though. Actually, I told this guy I met at college orientation about spiderweb software, and he had heard of and loved Geneforge, but didn't know they had made other games, so I may have convinced him.

  6. So I finally reached the spellbook for dispel barrier, and discovered, to my horror, that in order to max out dispel barrier, you have to not know it at all before then!


    Okay, I can understand that from a gameplay perspective, but the problem is that there's absolutely no way you could possibly have known that at the time. Spellbooks don't work that way anywhere else in the game, and when games take as long as this game does, unexpectedly hitting them with something not even the character editor can restore, something that can only be fixed by restarting the game, which I've probably invested several dozen hours in, I just...


    Okay. Done raging.


    Am I wrong? Was there indeed some warning that this would happen if I bought those spell levels early? If not, then just this once I'm going to use this one shot I can think of to fix it:


    The only solution I can think of is to whip out the character editor, note my two mages' stats, skills and traits and completely turn them into eachother, so my paladin becomes my spellslinger and my spellslinger becomes my paladin, so that I'll be able to add back in those two dispel barrier levels to total 3.


    So was there a warning? Was there something I missed that would clue me in to the fact that this would happen?

  7. So that Nephilimess I freed from the giant's lair who lives in that nephilim fort with the demonslayer pommel, does she go back there? Is there a way I can talk to her or get the nephilim to not attack me? When I first played through the game, I had already completely slaughtered the entire place before talking to her, and I felt a LITTLE bad about that, so the next time I played, I chose to avoid routing that place, just taking the demonslayer pommel. So... does she go back? Does she reunite with her mate? What?

  8. Hey I was wondering, I want to join the Scimitar, but I also sympathize with Kyass's aspirations (the sight of all the different races cooperating like that impressed me, and while Kyass is a bit arrogant, the principles he aims to rule by are quite admirable). The reaction to the message I gave to the mayor of Bargha, however, suggests that helping out the freehold too much will cause Bargha to turn on me, and since that SEEMS to be the headquarters of the scimitar, I'm wondering if the Scimitar would reject me as well at that point. Is this the case?

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