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Posts posted by RaustBlackDragon

  1. Honestly, I hope by then he'll have a better handle on remaking series. Avernum: Escape From The Pit was great, but looking back at the old system, I like that one more, because it was better at discouraging people from putting everything into one stat. I hope the next one will have a better system that similarly discourages such game mechanic abuses. However, I do agree with his reasoning for changing the system to begin with: he WAS indeed putting a ton of high-impact decisions in the hands of a newbie, which is quite stressful, I do agree. I just hope he doesn't go and run with the existing remake system, as it still needs quite a bit of work, particularly in the area of hit rate.

  2. It happened reasonably often actually. According to the handy online binomial probability calculator ( here ya go!), it was a little over 1/3 of the time. The odds of her getting at least 1, however, was about 72%. I feel it was well worth it, because +AP gear is hard to come by, and half of them require you to be an absolute jerkass to get them, not to mention that one of the remaining ones is utterly worthless well before the end of the game.

  3. I'm not sure how much Adrenaline Rush was nerfed in the remix, but at least in the original game it's totally worth it to give your mages some weapon skills to bring them closer to being able to use Adrenaline Rush, better known as "Triplecast" smile


    But really though, just go with what you find the most fun. I mainly posted this to demonstrate that it is totally possible to beat the game on torment without resorting to min/maxing. As such, I'm not too keen on giving you suggestions on how to play the game.

  4. Just wondering if there's a place where I can get my hands on the icons that SWS tends to use for its games. I'm working on a mod for Avernum: EftP, and I want to make it look as natural as possible, so I want to use authentic SWS icons for the new abilities I'm gonna add.

  5. Orpheus the ShadowWalker, Avernum's Guardian Angel of Death








    Very little is known about Orpheus. Nobody is sure who he really was, but he was truly a martial genius. Even when clad in heavy armor, he still possessed the subtlety, grace, and agility of the wind itself. His sheer speed with his twin blades and his knowledge of the various combat disciplines are the stuff of legend, and when his already immense agility was magically augmented, the result was truly a terror to behold. By far the most feared and mysterious of the four, he nevertheless was clearly a man of virtue and honor, a man who devoted his life to the aid of Avernum and asked for nothing in return.




    Lucille the SpellSlinger, Arcane Artemis of Avernum








    A shy, bookish girl who fled home to escape an arranged marriage, Lucille was caught by the Imperial soldiers and tossed into Avernum, where she soon met her three companions. She always carried a bow, though it was rare that anybody ever saw her use it to fire actual arrows. Rather, she used it as a focusing point for her truly formidable magic. Her speed at casting deadly spells is close to mythical, to the point where historians and esteemed mages doubt that her alleged prowess is even physically possible. The claim that she could fire off five spells in the time it took most archers to fire a single arrow would almost certainly have been dismissed as an exaggeration, had Incantatrix Erika not witnessed the feat with her own eyes. "Impressive," she called it. A rare compliment, and one that was well-earned indeed.

  6. I did it. I finally beat Avernum: Escape from the Pit, for the first time.


    On Torment.


    And following these rules:


    1: Never put more than half of your stat points into a single stat


    2: Every skill in the entire game must be used, and raised to at least level 10, or at least could theoretically be, by the time you reach level 61.


    Here are my heroes:


    Albus the Paladin, Crusader of the Caves








    A true hero of humble beginnings as a surface farmer, and the unofficial leader of the legendary band of four, Albus was a pious and chivalrous holy knight, one who refused to give in while there was an ounce of strength remaining within him. Villains grew to fear him as stories spread of ambushes on the group that managed to slaughter the other three, only for Albus to survive, resurrect his companions in an instant, and lead the charge. He was a man of faith who prayed regularly, but he never shared with anybody exactly what god he prayed to. Not even his companions ever learned, though they asked many times. "My god wishes to remain anonymous," he would say. "It's his principles that he wishes for me to spread, and I hope I have achieved that." It's hard to imagine how he could possibly not have.




    Diana the Amazon, Indefatigable Will








    When Diana's tribe was subjugated by the armies of the empire, she was banished to Avernum for "resisting authority" (a fancy way of saying that she decimated the entire band of soldiers that was initially sent out). Far from the light, this proud tribeswoman was not to be discouraged. She learned quickly, and soon became an unparalleled expert in the ways of the subterranean wilds, just as she had been on the plains and in the jungles. Rumor has it that this beautiful warrior's skin, so smooth and seemingly delicate, was invulnerable to stabbing. With her spear in hand, her intimate knowledge of the caves, and her iron resolve, when she declared that you would not pass, it meant that you would not pass.


    (Continued in the next post)

  7. Thing is, armor will be far heavier than it is in the existing game, and without wards, armor will be more important than before, so pure-dex characters will still be susceptible to poison and acid, as well as cold.


    Speaking of which, I'm not sure if I can increase the base damage that poison and acid and lightning inflict, but I will make an effort to increase the amount of time spells and abilities inflict them for.

  8. Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
    Originally Posted By: RaustBlackDragon
    *Bonus boss battle will be added, accessible after completing the three victory quests, which will be an ultimate test of your party's skills, and which will explain why your heroes are nowhere to be found in avernum 2.
    Your heroes are nowhere to be found in Avernum 2 because they escaped to the surface.

    That's confirmed? I thought the only confirmed accomplishment of the first heroes was assassination of the emperor.
  9. Yeah, I saw his work, it looks awesome, and it definitely inspired me, but I think I'm going to go about this task rather differently.


    First off, I'm balancing it with reference to one difficulty level, as many aspects of the game are inherently overpowered on low difficulties and underpowered on higher ones, namely evasion and summoning.


    I also intend to discourage the practice of loading everything into one stat, in that I hope to balance the game such that there would be genuine consequences.

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