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Everything posted by JamesMighty

  1. I enjoy non linear games because it feels more like your actually on the game and you can go where you wish
  2. Oh sorry I was confused on the question. Thanks for clearing that up
  3. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S Answer tuples will not be published. You will have to deal with me (and only me) having access to your string of answers. The reality is that I am only interested in looking at the aggregate and at cross-referencing trends, not picking out individual users, which is not very interesting. I thought about printing a disclaimer explaining this, but decided that the survey doesn't really ask anything sensitive enough for people to care.
  4. This has been a...i should probably go with interesting... discussion. I must say that the cis/trans issue bothers way too many people, and I think the only way it could bother you is if you ARE trans/cis, so i think there are many a transgender on spiderweb software, so i take this moment to exit before people unleash there Avernum/Geneforge characters on me and run back to Avadon to hide. Running...now! cya!
  5. Something tells me Actaeon might be a little evil
  6. Originally Posted By: Triumph It took Sylak just a few words to help bring down a vast empire. Imagine what he'd be capable of if he actually wanted to fight. Well he would have to get past Avadon and Redbeard
  7. Thanks you, my good sir
  8. Oh ok that makes things easier
  9. there must be multiple random elements for you, your skills, your other characters, your other characters skill, enemies and enemy skills as well
  10. Before i answer this question, whats a denomination?
  11. I added a spoiler box via acetrons instructions. thanks for pointing it out!
  12. Trenton, i'm up for the 4vs4 as well. sometime after 12:00pm Central Time in US is fine. I'd say around 2pm/3pm. sound good?
  13. I might if I'm owning, but if not no way
  14. Aww snap dont be messsin with my polls now
  15. Oh. Why didn't I think of that?
  16. yes, the cheatcode is 'retrain' and it will retrain your main character (Unless in combat, then it will retrain whoevers turn it is) and reset all stats and give back all specializations/skill points.
  17. Never mind. Found out I was downloading the Source Code instead of the MS Windows one, will be ready in 19-no it changed-20-no stop changing-22 minutes-no now its 25 minutes. Y U NO HOLD STILL?
  18. What quest would that be? the *Spoiler* Hunting The Lord *Spoiler* Quest?
  19. This isn't to find out how much Experience you have at the game, it's about how many people will be in our group so we cam determine if we have 3vs3, 4vs4 or 5vs5 etc.
  20. Can somebody post the link where you can download the current version of Wesnoth and the reader it needs to run it? I can't find either anywhere.
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