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Posts posted by txmimi

  1. I think it's a wonderful ending to the series!  I am amazed at the detail, the humor, the cleverness of the quests, the puzzle aspects. . . everything about it.  I did like being able to teleport between more places, but quickly learned some short cuts to get to places.  I also love the replayability of all the games in the series. . . lets me see other endings and other outcomes.  Thank you so much!

  2. I have gone through the lower level of Rentar's keep, flipping the switches according to the user guide and checking to see that the beams aim at the center.  I go through the battle part upstairs, eventually reach the control panel, push the correct buttons (at least according to the user guide) and. . . . nothing.  Nothing at all.  Can anyone tell me what I might be doing wrong?  I've gone through the entire process 3 times with no success.  Thanks!

  3. I think I've been able to get the mirror from the far south wall into position to receive a beam and send it to the portal.  But no matter how many times and ways I push that mirror that's in the front the beam never goes anywhere near the mirror I just moved into position.


    UPDATE:  I take back what I said about getting a mirror into position to receive a beam.  Doesn't seem to be possible. . . the walls just get in the way


  4. I have picked up several of the courier quests that need to be completed in a certain time frame.  I have gone directly to the person with the required object, and don't get a response or reaction from them.  So I go back to where I got it, pick it up once more, go directly to the person, and still nothing.  Is anyone else having this problem?  It's happened several times to me.

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