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Posts posted by Kinsume

  1. Well of course minor changes could be added to the various weapons. For example...


    Polearms, as mentioned in another thread they could be given the option to pierce behind a target and damage both of them. On top of that they need a damage buff to actually put them back in the runnings for a dps route. You could even break it down into 2 different types of polearms, a piercing one like explained above or even a bardiche style one that would cleave the 3 blocks in front of it each attack.


    Swords, since this game only uses one handed swords typically they are the quicker attacking weapons with lower damage. So maybe make them cost 1 less AP to use or something for a regular attack and tone down the damage a bit.


    Maces, would essentially be what swords are now.


    Bows, currently nothing wrong with them minus the lack of good higher leveled ones. Perhaps giving them a passive chance to ensnare their target when hit, which would be reflected by someone getting shot in the leg or something.


    Throwing weapons, would need higher quantities of the top ones available to make this viable.


    But yeah, implementing new weapon types is just the eye candy aspect of it all. Obviously it wouldn't be essential, just something nice to have a variety of. Since most of these remakes are redoing anesthetic parts of the games, figured there wouldn't be an issue with suggesting a larger variety of items for Pc's to use.

  2. I fail to see where you get your information from, thus far you're the only one I've seen even mention a respec option on here.


    As for my ME3 comment, I simply misinterpreted what you were saying in your previous post. As you just write walls of text I tend to just skim over them. So my mistake.


    As for the respec option itself, why would I care if it was put into the game? My argument was that there is already a character editor available, why would Jeff take the time to implement a whole respec system when there is already a feature that allows you to? If new content were to get added into the games it'd make more sense for it to be something not currently assessable.

  3. Not all polearms have to automatically be spears. A bardiche for example is considered a polearm, yet it is infact an axe that you would swing. That is another thing, I'm quite disappointed with the lack of other weapon types. You get swords, spears, bows or throwing weapons. That's it. Seems a bit bland to me smirk I'm not sure if that is just how Exile was (frankly I played it so long ago it is hard to remember), however some variety would be nice.

  4. Originally Posted By: razhin
    sry i didnt search so long ; so if there is a threat to it im sry but im pissed and confused. (english isnt my nativ language so sry if not perfect). i just bought this game over steam played on normal did the i guess toutorial thing and im walking up thee stairs /fort avernum it says/ to get slaughted!!!!! 4 times . what did i do wrong? i helped the people and fight against the thugs was that wrong? or did i miss somethin?= plz help cuz this game looks nice but i cant go on! probly a noob filter and im failing it

    Why don't I get cool bugs like this. It's you versus the world!
  5. It just further increases the potential damage over time by that much more. I guess when you look at it the gains are pretty much flat whether they be hasted or not, but when looked at in terms of damage per turn a dual wielder has the potential to do double the damage. You know pole is too nerfed though when a sword+shield user can outshine them in dps.


    As for the numbers, I was just tossing those out there. Balance would obviously require tweaking of them to find a nice setup, but some changes need to be done for sure. Also dual wielders should not be capable of using broadswords.

  6. Originally Posted By: Illegal Furniture
    @Kinsume: That's why I think there should be a cost associated with it. Take Mass Effect 3 as an example: the player can reset their characters' skills for free the first time (so if you really screw up on your build you have an easy out), but after that it starts to cost money, and increase in cost each time you respec. Some players I've talked to swear by respecing for each major block of missions so as to always have the optimal abilities for a given set of enemies and environmnets. Others, like me, would rather spend those credits on equipment and upgrades, which gives a more lasting benefit. Both are viable strategies, and they increase the strategic diversity and fun of the game without creating one clearly dominant strategy or removing much in the way of challenge. Plus they create a safety net for those who don't know how to optimize their skills and would rather not just restart or play through the rest of the game with a crappy build, which let's face it are most players their first time around.

    You can't use ME3 as an example, even that game's hardest difficulty was a complete joke. Nothing at all like ME1's highest. I understand what you're saying, but that again plays into making things easier for the players and essentially removing yet another unforgiving part of the game. As it stands people can just use the editor provided with the game to respec that way, so I don't really see a point in implementing it directly into the game.

    If new content were going to be added, honestly I'd like to see parties of 6 again like the original Exile. 4 just seems so standard now and days with RPGs. Essentially no matter how you look at it you will have a tank, a damage dealer (albeit melee or ranged), a mage and a priest. On the lower difficulty settings you probably could get away with different lineups.
  7. Originally Posted By: Illegal Furniture
    The fact of the matter is dual wielding is meant to outshine a 2h weapon in terms of damage per second.

    Why? From the standpoint of game balance they ought to be roughly equal, since they have basically the same advantages and disadvantages (higher damage, but lower defense). Ideally they should be equally good but in different ways. I think Jeff tried to do this with the cleave mechanic on pole weapons, but the cleave chances just aren't high enough to make a real difference.

    Normally yes when you put their damages side to side they would be similar. However when you implement the speed buffs that allow for multiple attacks in a single round, that is where the dual wielder will always pull ahead in terms of dps. For example say they get 4 attacks per round, the pole is only hitting 4 times at best while the dual wielder is hitting 8 times at best. Granted the swords are supposed to have lower damage output then poles, which is the problem here.

    I believe cleave would do quite well on a Pole weapon coupled with maybe a 20% change (since broadswords get 10%). On top of a minor boost in damage and I believe you'll see poles start to be viable once more.

    As for archers, they need some love as well but their issue isn't their damage it is the lack of good bows in the mid-late game.
  8. I started the Geneforce series with number 4 and went to 5. Couldn't get into the first 3 too far, which is why I'm interested in seeing a remake of them. I liked the whole creature creation system, eventhough there weren't too many viable options it is still a fun feature to mess with.


    And I don't know, when it comes to RPGs I don't believe simpler is better. If I wanted to play a fun/casual RPG I would go load up Skyrim or Fallout 3 or any of those newer ones. I come to indie games because these games were made back before all the pretty graphics and cinematic spell effects were ever conceived. Indie games generally focus solely on gameplay and storyline, something I feel alot of the new age RPGs slack off on.

  9. I'm about to have another go at it, the ghoul's damage isn't really the problem. My buffed tank can take a few blows from the. The issue are the 2 Naphar archers backing them up along with that mage. If I try to sit in the doorway with my tank he just gets pounded on, or the mage poisons everything and it all dies.


    Currently my plan is going to be to try to toss a daze in there and hope I can get the archers/mage out of the fight for a bit, then work down the ghouls. Since both my mage and priest have improved daze and fairly high Int for their level, it should work after a couple tries.

  10. The fact of the matter is dual wielding is meant to outshine a 2h weapon in terms of damage per second. Granted the pole weapons should really get some kind of damage boost to them as they have pretty much the same damage range as swords right now, but other than that things are as they should be. I do agree that both swords should be rolled separated, while it would make them even stronger in a sense it would fix bugs like using a Flame weapon in your main hand and getting the bonus with your offhand.

  11. I don't think people think about it in terms of realism, as per say in terms of gameplay. With things like backpack encumbrance, the not being able to spell cast in armor, ect. These things do seem annoying to some players because it means they won't be able to play the way they want. What it does it forces people to think carefully about what they pick up and compare the value of said items with their weight to see if its worth it.


    It forces people be very specific with the stats/traits they take because its no longer just the options of "Do I want to invest in Int on my mage of End this level?". With encumbrance included a player legitimately has to consider working Str points into their mages build for more carrying capacity at the cost of damage/survivability/utility. Sure it does seem annoying to be forced to get more Str on a make, but the point is that it adds more depth to the game. It immerses the player into the game more rather than just putting them along for the ride in most cases.


    At the same time, imagine the depth that would be added for fighters if you say took melee's hit modifier off of Str and placed it on Dex. Now a fighter can't gain more damage as well as accuracy by boosting the same stat. Now they are forces to decide "Do I want more damage/carrying capacity with Str this level, more accuracy/dodge with Dex this level, or more survivability/health with End this level?"


    There are literally hundreds of little things like those that further increase the depth of a roleplaying game.


    The game that comes to mind is Neverwinter Nights 2, probably my favorite game of all time. Storyline aside, graphics aside, ect; the depth of the character creation and the sheer amount of paths available for you to take in your build in that game was truly amazing. I can't think of another game I've played where I sat at the character creation screen for hours just working out numbers with various builds to find the best one for the way I wanted to play.


    That is the kind of depth I feel like games these days are straying away from, and it's disappointing. Playing a good RPG is like reading a good book, once you get to the end you're sad its over and it leaves you wanting more. While you can always read a book again or do another playthough, it'll never be the same as the first one.

  12. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
    If you're on Torment, you need to take the time to do lots of exploring. You can easily get above level 6 before dealing with those sets of enemies.

    Tank (Sword+Shield)
    Level : 9
    Str : 12(+2)
    Dex : 4 (+1)
    Int : 4
    End : 7 (+1)

    Melee Weapons 10
    Hardiness 5
    Parry 3
    Tool use 3

    Fighter (Dual wield)
    Level : 8 (I built her pretty glass cannony for a frontliner, but regret nothing lol)
    Str : 12 (+1)
    Dex : 4
    Int : 4
    End : 5 (+1)

    Melee Weapons 9
    Blademaster 8
    Tool use 2

    Mage (Bow)
    Level : 9
    Str : 4
    Dex : 4
    Int : 14 (+2)
    End : 5

    Mage Spells 11
    Priest Spells 1
    Tool use 2
    Arcane Lore 7

    Priest (Bow)
    Level : 9
    Str : 4 (+1)
    Dex : 4
    Int : 14 (+2)
    End : 5

    Mage Spells 2
    Priest Spells 11
    Tool use 2
    Arcane Lore 6

    (Yes I realized a bit too late I over invested in Arcane Lore. It happens -.-)
  13. Originally Posted By: Illegal Furniture
    @Kinsume: Regarding the aforementioned two statements, no they're not. I'm sorry if you don't grasp this, but many, probably most people would see these statements as substantively different.

    Until you can show me statistics that say otherwise, this is merely a debate about your opinion versus my own. I'm sure you could find people to back your opinion, as I could find people to back mine. As such, there is no right or wrong so really the topic is becoming increasingly pointless.

    Originally Posted By: Illegal Furniture
    I'm not sure if this is because of your poor or idiosyncratic grasp of English idioms, or if you're just very stuck on a certain perspective.

    It's just my perspective, there is no purpose in beating around the bush with stuff. The simplest way to express ones thoughts on a subject is to state them as you're thinking them. Too many people act fake and try to sugar coat things. And again, I'm not saying this is the perspective everyone should have, it's just the one I have.

    Originally Posted By: Illegal Furniture
    The word "easy" isn't particularly weighted. It can connote either a pleasant mellowness, or a lazy good for nothing character.

    Use the word "easy" when describing a woman and see the reaction you get from her. The context of just about any word can be changed to be positive or negative. My use of the word "babying" was indeed not meant to be positive. The word reflected my perspective on the changes that were made, you may or may not agree with them however that doesn't change the fact that it's my perspective.

    If you're truly offended by something that miniscule then that's just funny to me, honestly. However I get the feeling you really don't care and are just arguing for the sake of arguing.

    Originally Posted By: Illegal Furniture
    You're suggesting that anyone who doesn't want to face the same obstacles you do in this game (which, as various have pointed out, is supposed to be fun) are weak and unworthy.

    Not even close. You know what they say about assumptions...
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