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Cairo Jim

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Posts posted by Cairo Jim

  1. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity

    I once led a college seminar about colonizing Mars, and when I asked what the most important things were that humans would need to bring to live on Mars, I got all kinds of suggestions about water and energy, but nobody even realized that the Martian atmosphere is far too thin to breathe. A Conestoga wagon is not going to cut it when there's no air.

    Not only can't you breathe it, water boils ferociously from the lack of atmospheric pressure. Which makes it particularly hostile to people without proper protection.
  2. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
    I've got zero graphic design experience, and I think that might be the case for others here as well. You might want to get a second opinion on a site dedicated to stuff like this.

    I can see doing something like that would end up getting a lot of negative feedback. Besides, a cool card game counts more than flashy cards.
  3. I saw a crossword sort of thing on Facebook the other day, and the first 3 words you see are apparently the things you want most in life. I don't believe in those sort of things, but I looked out of boredom, and I got youth, power and freedom. The more I thought about it over the next couple days, I thought it would make an awesome slogan.

  4. Sorry to resurrect a dead thread, but I thought of a question that wasn't asked in the polls. I know there'd be few, if not, I'd be the only one, but are there any other blue collars here?


    Also, I would like be as serious about my faith as would thing, but in practice, I've been quite lax lately. I would be looking to be getting more serious into if I can do so.

  5. I knew that they can occasionally be a small problem. I've just never heard them being an invasion problem. Or anything more than an allergy problem.

  6. Originally Posted By: Admiral Alex
    Bees? Humans?

    I was thinking bees myself, but then I thought bees don't seem that invasive do they? Also, the humans thing made me laugh.
  7. Originally Posted By: Juan Carlo
    Avatar is one of few movies that actually looks good in 3D. In fact, I think that movie kind of sucks so there's no real reason to see it in 2D at all.

    I thought the story line, action and effects were quite good.

    Originally Posted By: Juan Carlo

    Not necessarily because the 3D was bad, but more because it was hardly used at all. The film had a very minimal depth of field, so for most of it there was no difference between 3D and 2D.

    This is exactly what I thought of Avatar in 3D, and every other 3D movie for that matter.
  8. I was going to bring up crocodiles and the like, but since I can't remember how they fit in to the whole dinosaur picture, I haven't a leg to stand on.

  9. Random fact. I've never been to Cairo. tongue I did have a slight interest in ancient Egypt for a while when I was younger though. I also found out that there were "Cairo Jim" books a while after I started using the name here.

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