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Cairo Jim

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Posts posted by Cairo Jim

  1. Why thank you, Trenton. Although it'll be over in about 6 hours, its very much apreciated. Also, I'm not that active. Being registered on these boards for about 10 years and having less than 1000 posts I'd call that semi active.

  2. Originally Posted By: Harehunter
    So, Cairo Jim, the transmission is a system of several components. Not many people see that.

    That's what autos are for. Most of the people that I know that drive manuals have some sort of understanding of how, at least partially, of how their transmission, mostly gearbox work.
  3. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
    The Rime of the Ancient Mariner...are also Coleridge poems I enjoyed.


    That came from this Coleridge fellow? You learn something new everyday.

  4. Originally Posted By: Harehunter
    Someone at some time coined the word and applied that definition to it. Why not just call it the gearbox? That word also adequately describes the object.

    Because the gear box is only part of the transmission. There's also driveshafts, universal joints, in some cars transfer cases as well. The transmission as whole is referring everything from the flywheel to how it connects to your wheels.
  5. Originally Posted By: Goldenking

    I can only imagine how media altered dream perception before the TV. Were dreams once revealed as scenes on canvas, in hieroglyphs, or through mosaics?

    Interesting idea, but I have something that may argue otherwise, well with the hieroglyphics anyways. Genesis 40-41

    (Sorry if that link offends anyone, it was just for reference)
  6. One thing I hate wearing on my feet is thongs. Sandals aren't bad, but they aren't that good either. Most of the time, if I want to go anywhere in town I would have to keep my feet covered, as there is usually broken glass and who knows what else floating around. So I just end up wearing my work boots.

  7. Having been here for 10 years, I'm not that excited about hitting the thousand mark, which isn't to far off post wise. Knowing myself as I do, it'd would probably take another 6 to 9 months to do so.

  8. Those dreams that I've had where I was falling was quite a strange feeling indeed. It actually feels like you're falling that much it wakes you up while you do a funny little spasm.


    As with the reading thing, I've only had one or 2 dreams where I've had to read something, but what i had to read was as if it was in another language. Which strains my brain while asleep trying to figure out what it says, even after waking.

  9. Originally Posted By: Harehunter
    But even so, the internet community is still just a small sampling of individuals, and much of the vernacular used here has no application to the world outside the net. The survivability of those words may well be in question.

    I'm no master of linguistics in any form, but there's enough people floating around on the internet, that also have a larger network of people outside the internet. if something happens to a small group of people, on say, Facebook, I'd imagine that it could easily spread to larger circles in real life. Sort of like "Pay it Forward".

    Just an idea. No more, no less.
  10. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
    Just in case DragonPrince was being serious on the alternate forum, I was Billy Bob the first round.

    Dikiyoba thought the avatar change here would be enough. Is it not showing up or something?

    I thought Billy Bob was some sort of semi ressurected TM
  11. Although it hasn't happened to me for a while, I have had some pretty lucid dreams. 9 times out of 10 it was something to do with me being in the military. I've never been in the military, nor do I know many people that were in it. Some of them were detailed enough it seemed I was actually there. There was also one dream that repeated itself a few times, but every time with a different ending.

  12. Magic has different meanings and conotations according to culture and what not. Magic, in the modern, western description would just describe an illusionist. Travel around it it could change meanings drastically.

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