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Wise Man

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Everything posted by Wise Man

  1. nice troll, now shut your mouth. it's a wishlist... just because Vogel doesn't read it, it doesn't mean they can't post.
  2. buy a new mouse... you can get a generic optical one for like 10 CAD.
  3. i run Windows 2000 and everything's fine... i just don't like 98 and XP so i had to say that.
  4. how do you get 319 MB RAM? o_O
  5. the best preventative measure is to memorize the shortcuts, like ctrl+s for Save and ctrl+o for load.
  6. don't use Ad-Aware, use Spybot!
  7. i ended up formating the HD partition with Win2k hahaha... everything is fine now
  8. hmm... i'm stumped. apparently though, the services.exe thing only happens when i'm connected to the Net. we use cable at home, on a LAN, so this means it only happens when the server computer is on. when the server is off, my computer is perfectly fine.
  9. yeah, thanx for the help... but i can't find kill.exe... o_O
  10. i think it was because of an earlier ICQ hacking incident, but my computer got f***ed up. once in a while, every 2-5 mins the services.exe process suddenly eats up all of my CPU power bringing my comp to its knees... i've already experienced plenty of this annoying bs while doing almost ANYTHING with my comp... help?
  11. the last line is Chinese, not Jap.
  12. Quote: Originally written by Zephyr Tempest, the Wielder of Ice: Well, I heard my dad say it'd be a good idea to wipe off everything on my computer and start over... Hopefully if that happens, my computer won't be so horrible... that's what i meant - 'format' means to remove all data from your hard drive. your parents should do this for you though, cuz you'll make your computer useless if you don't know exactly what you're doing.
  13. Plus!.exe is an important file. NEVER delete exe's unless they're installers or self-extractors. do NOT delete uninstall exe's under ANY circumstance. themes are a waste to hard drive space and will only make your computer worse. your only viable solution now is to tell your parents to format your hard drive.
  14. we are not allowed to talk about non-Spid game and/or game making utilities.
  15. another possible factor could be that you're running too much at once. i wouldn't know, though, unless you tell me what icons are on the taskbar and what active programs you constantly have on.
  16. how many things are you running on your desktop? name all the active programs AND taskbar icons (you know, the ones on the bottom right).
  17. you can just leave and forget about the account if you don't want to be here anymore.
  18. games really don't take up much space on the computer, especially if you know how to maintain it. i'll talk about my computer and give a little advice: - i have 2 partitions: a larger main one, running on Win2k English, and a smaller backup partition running on WinXP Chinese. trust me, dual-OS helps, i remember half a year ago when i deleted some dll's on Win2k by accident and couldn't boot at all. luckily for me, having a second OS allowed me to back up my stuff on CDs before formatting the computer. - i've used up about 8 GB out of 25 GB on my main partition so far. even for a big-time gamer like me, my games only take up 3.5 GB. (my entire HD is 40 GB) - if you have limited RAM like me, maximize its efficiency! i have 256 MB RAM (trust me, this isn't a lot for a gamer). disable all the task bar icons (the ones on the bottom right) you don't need. - download Ad-Aware from download.com and scan your HD and RAM with it. trust me, this helps. the first time you run it, you'll never expect how much spyware and crap is clogging up your HD and memory. - run a virus scan on your computer once in a while (i do it once a week), or better yet, set scheduled scans. make sure the scan pattern is constantly updated tho. - clean up the HD! depending on how large your HD is, if you have so little space left, chances are you don't need two thirds of the crap on it! decide what you don't need, and delete the stuff (don't just delete to Recycle Bin, delete the stuff altogether!) - if nothing works, i'm afraid formatting is necessary. hope that helps.
  19. Quote: Originally posted by Sadomasochism Triumphant: Excuse me, but I am not Alec. your styles are close enough on 11-year-old-boys-called-FB/Zephyr/Steven/etc-bashing posts, jeez. or was i suffering from late-night braindeath again? *goes to edit anyway*
  20. yep, it's definitely time to format your computer. and i agree with TM. extreme frustration does not merit excessive exclamation which occupies more horizontal area than that of 1024x768 resolution. EDIT: oh, and how can i forget about the inability of 11-year-old boys to keep their computers 'clean' and 'efficient'? i'm referring to the software BTW.
  21. the requirements for WinXP are greater than those for A3.
  22. ever tried restarting you computer, or better yet, click the links instead of poking the monitor?
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