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Posts posted by Kennedy

  1. 18 hours ago, Amira The Hot Potato said:

    well yeah? I thought thats what you were talking about. Are you saying you want to be able to control creations not in the party?

    No, if they are not in the party then controlling wouldn't make that much sense and may be harder to code. Hopefully the Kickstarter will be able to reach the 80K goal.

  2. On 3/4/2023 at 12:48 PM, Amira The Hot Potato said:

    I'll replay gf2 for the 1000th time soon but I do remember controlling the rat and roamer(wasn't interested in the vlish and others) but I think you needed to add a point of intelligence to therm

    If they take up a spot in the party roster then it would make sense that you would be able to control them.

  3. 13 hours ago, Amira The Hot Potato said:

    In the original GF2 there were actually a lot of traveling companions you could get(2 of them leave after you reach a certain area). IMO, I think it could maybe work middle-end of the game


    Were you able to control them? Other than Mutagen the only other Geneforge I've completed was part 5, and I don't think the few creations that would follow me in Mutagen were able to be controlled .

  4. Something that would be a nice addition would possibly having events or NPC conversations based on the various nationalities of the members of your party. In the previous game your party consisted of Havenites, Ahriel, Ukatash, and Vol. Perhaps in the new game the certain factions may have various alliances and enemies, if you fill your party with people belonging to that faction then you likely will have an easier time in their territory than you would if your party were made of enemies of that faction.

  5. Yogi would be a better president than Donald Trump and probably Caligula as well. Under Yogi everybody would get a picnic basket!

    Wonder where 'the Child' (AKA baby Yoda) would rank on that list if you ever do any more updates?

  6. Bernie would have made a better president than Donald Trump, though I don't know if he would have beaten Trump if he had won the primary back in 2016. He still would have probably fared better than Hillary did. Economically speaking I  would say I lean left and am a registered Democrat.  Medicare for all would be fine with me, though I think that a public option would probably be more popular with the rest of the people.

  7. Yeah, If I had a Mac of my own with system 10 I would definitely get it, but I'm running  system 9 and I don't think my mom would appreciate  it if I was hogging up her Mac to play it.

  8. Solitaire games can be useful to pass time on your computer while your waiting for something, though I don't play with a physical deck. Windows 7 had some nice card games, but the ones on  Windows 10 aren't as good. Does anybody make a free version of  Klondike where all the cards are revealed in the beginning so you can plan your moves accordingly?

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