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Everything posted by Handyman

  1. EDIT: I guess there might be an extension after all, so I might actually get this done!! Awesome! Alright, keep the faith, guys. ;-)
  2. Hey! I'm almost done with my randomized scenario... It's got a fair deal of outdoor sections, but they aren't used very intensely... I need people who are willing to test it, like, tomorrow. I've procrastinated, but I'm almost done, so I'm gonna have faith. It shouldn't take more than a few hours, and I'd really appreciate it!! So, if you're interested, leave your email, and I'll get it to you sometime tomorrow.
  3. Good idea! Thank you. :-) Hopefully, I can work it in time!!
  4. Yah!! So close to the deadline! I can get most things to work on my own, but how could I get an NPC to follow the party without being a "member" of the party? (I have 3-4 people I want following the party at any time, so I can't just add them all.) Thanks!!
  5. It was nice! I liked being able to explore an environment not familiar in Avernum... hopefully, the rest of the scenarios has as creative of settings. The combat was nice. More difficult than fare from the initial three scenarios, but not overwhelmingly. Still, I agree about the Snakes on a Plane reference... if you want me to feel like I'm playing a game, don't toy with me. ;-) I also hope that other scenarios aren't as short, though. If a scenario of this quality were as large as the initial scenarios, it would be very good indeed. Though because it doesn't share its length, it gets the same score: [rating]Average[/rating].
  6. I've been ill with S. pneumoniae, so I may not pull through, or I may have to go without a beta... hardly optimal! :-( Wish me luck, and good luck to those more productive than I. ;-)
  7. ...well, I'm going over the limit in two ways: 11 outdoor sections, and 12 towns! I hope it doesn't end up mattering in the end... oh well; not like I can turn back now. ;-)
  8. 1. Handyman 2. homotechniens@gmail.com 3. Mac OS X
  9. Oops! I'm in the same position as lampshade, except my scenario is slated to have *11* outdoor sections. (Don't worry, I am polite enough to minimize the number of outdoor combats. ;-) )
  10. Will there be some criteria judging how strictly the scenarios meet their criteria? For instance, I know I'm de-emphasizing some of the random aspects that were provided to me. Will this de-emphasis result in a penalty? (I'm not sure how much I care--I'm not really driven by the prospect of supreme victory and a $30 game, but I'm at least curious.)
  11. Hey all again, Mighty helpful bunch you've got here! Another question: Which text editors do you guys use for balancing brackets, remembering semicolons, etc? Thanks!
  12. Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for.
  13. Hello, Is there any way to change a whole rectangle of terrain? I want to change it during the scenario and not in the editor, if that helps. Thanks!
  14. Hello, Has anyone attempted to make combat between those swimming? It seems like a neat idea, especially since my contest scenario involves slith bandits, and bodies of water... but how would I go about doing such a thing well? I could theoretically just make water floors things can walk on, but that doesn't seem right. Also, is there any way I could make the combat be unusual? Then again, maybe I should be thinking of these things myself, and surprise you all! Thanks!
  15. Hello all, I'm new to designing scenarios. I was wondering what parts of a scenario should be planned out first. Is there a set priority? Like, will I have to code things before I paint things in the editor, or is BoA relatively unrestricted like that? Thanks!
  16. Make a scenario where the party has to solve a mystery. The scenario will take place in a river or lake system. The party will spend most of the time fighting slithzerikai bandits. Three things will be important to the plot: the tremendous riches at stake, unrealistic expectations, and good news.
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